Does zone alarm suck

Discussion in 'polls' started by Mr.Blaze, Aug 12, 2002.

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  1. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    after reading this thread i posted at wilders do you think zone alarm sucks if no put the resons why you would still stay with this program.

    if yes post what fire wall is better and why its better then zone alarm and whats the major difrence in your choice and zone alarm
  2. Detox

    Detox Retired Moderator

    Feb 9, 2002
    Texas, USA
    I prefer Sygate, Zonealarm does its job but the big difference for me is that ZA usually males online games crash and so you have to drop the firewall to play online, while Syagte is very good at "holding" programs while asking permission for that proggy to access. Also, the different logs Sygate has are excellent for looking at any possible attacks without browsing allll the internet noise. The fact that Sygate is rules AND Application based also makes it much more versatile, in IMHO.
  3. snapdragin

    snapdragin Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2002
    Southern Ont., Canada
    hummm....i think you need another choice up there Blaze, like "never tried it"?

    since i have never tried any version of ZA, i couldn't vote either way, but my son does have the free version on his pc and as far as i can tell it hasn't caused him any problems (trust me, i'd hear about it!) LOL

    i do know other's that have ZA and won't use anything else, and they are newbies and just use the default settings. i haven't had them yet ask me for help (and they would, so i haven't had to go learn about ZA yet) ~whewww~

    the only other software firewall i have ever used was BlackICE ....and i miss it terribly! i would still use it today since i still have another year's update for it, but i stopped using it the beginning of this year when i learned it didn't stop applications from calling out----don't know if it does now or not----but it was constantly conflicting and crashing my Win98se so i had no choice but to uninstall it.

    guess with ZA it's a personal choice since everyone's system and preferences are different.

    *forgot to add i use Sygate LOL along with D-Link router/firewall
  4. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    will i know they improve black ice a bit i do miss it to but when i compare the two za pro was better but only the za pro verstion not the za free verstion.

    hmmmmm i wish some one compare the new za pro with the new black ice and tell me what the ups and dowens for each where=)
  5. Checkout

    Checkout Security Rhinoceros

    Feb 11, 2002
    Blaze, your one-man tirade against Zone Alarm has now spread to three or four threads over two or three topics, and is - frankly - growing very tiresome. Why not simply follow the instructions that Marti and tied tried our best to get you, and see if it solves your problems?

    We don't want or need another stupid flameware like the one DCS had to endure a few months ago.
  6. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands
    Be assured: we will not allow such a thing.

    Although I do agree the thread header is not that well choosen, we do allow this poll.

    As for other "rants" posted: we'll keep a keen eye on them, and will close thread(s) if necessary.


  7. I will join you in a quest to get any Software House to have an uninstall.exe or utilization of the existing add/remove feature for their product once it is out of beta and stated it is the final release, (that will completely remove every trace of their product..including logs) once the user has done a few simple steps to make sure the Application is not currently running.

    If the final step requires that their product finish off the task in DOS and a reboot..that can also be automated for the user or done with prompts.

    Big hugs to those Houses who have even given that final message " Thank you for using our is now completely uninstalled from your System."

    Hang in there Blaze..Yup I know the rest of your story...understand the tirade..but know you well enough from this can help to make this experience you had... constructive :doubt:..when you put your mind to it ;) and channel it in the right direction.

    Be Well,


    PS..thanks for the speeling lessons...I am trying :oops:
  8. controler

    controler Guest

    ZoneAlarm has had some real serious uninstall issues and reminds me more of McAfee everyday. I therefore have been using Outpost
    with ad-ons.
  9. Checkout

    Checkout Security Rhinoceros

    Feb 11, 2002
    Let's get real here, folks. Blaze has now polluted the TDS forum with his "why not buy out Zone Labs" rubbish. Five minutes' ago, it was a tirade about "When will TDS-4 come out." Before it was Internet Sweeper.

    He's been given every assistance possible, including a direct line to a ZL developer, help from me, Marti, and quite a number of other well-intentioned people here at Wilder's.

    Frankly I'm getting well pissed off about your attitude, Blaze. Broderdund's spamming has got nothing to do with ZL, and they've told you what to do about it. Uninstalling ZAP has been so clearly described to you. What's the problem? Just do it. Okay, so ZAP isn't the most popular choice amongst the professionals here - those who are experienced seem to prefer rules-based firewalls - but nobody here has said that ZAP isn't extremely good at what it does - me included.

    How much more help do you want? Somebody from ZL to come around and reinstall it for you? Get real. Just do it and stop bellyaching about it.
  10. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    frankly i think this poll has merit cause im asking an opnoione on both sides of the fence if you for zone alarm say why you still choose this software over other fire walls.

    if you not for zone alarm what fire wall you useing and why you think it better then zone alarm there for asking for both sides.

    this is not one sided topc poll its open to all opniones even you wineing and crying me a river about my freadom of exprestion,

    i think thats why this poll still open like paul said the header could had been nicer but i think since its open to all opniones as well as for not just algaints it has some merit.

    thank you for your tiresome opnione check out you should be a advocate for zone alarm wink eye he he he

    any how thx for not closeing this thread paul and thx for telling me why you closed the other one it is nice to have a explination most guys dont take the time to explaine which usealy end up in hurt fellings thx for spareing mine=)
  11. YODA

    YODA Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2002
    I think ZA is probably a good firewall for noobies, very simple and effective. It may have some minor problems at the moment, and i think it takes up lot of system resources but i don't think they sux.

    btw if ur looking for a better firewall mrblaze try a rule base outpost, there are many firewalls out there no need to dwell on one.

  12. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    oh i wonder who oh who could had gave me the bad karmah hmmmmmmm bad karmah war! =) lol he he he take no prisioners i smite theee sir check out mawhaaaaaaaaaaaa.

    blaze draws his mighty sword take that lol lol lol lol lol lol
  13. octogen

    octogen Registered Member

    Feb 11, 2002
    I don't think ZA sucks, but I prefer Kerio. More control and lighter on system resources, but most of all it is the one I am most confortable with.
  14. TAG97

    TAG97 Registered Member

    Feb 10, 2002
    Connecticut USA
    I voted no but wish there was another option. When I used Zone Alarm Pro I had two problems with it. One it was heavy footed. Two It was impossible to try other firewalls unless you got rid of every shread of Zone Alarm from your OS.
    Today I use Sygate Pro but have fool around with Outpost, Look&Stop,Kerio,Tiny and Visnetic. I like them all. They all install and uninstall flawlessy. I keep going back to Sygate Pro because it has the best Logs, and I feel very Comfortable with it. But I'm waiting for the new Outpost Pro release. :doubt: :doubt: :doubt: :D
  15. Checkout

    Checkout Security Rhinoceros

    Feb 11, 2002
    Thank you, Blaze. For your information, I did not give you a bad karma point - but you just go ahead, jumping to conclusions. I hope it makes you feel better.
  16. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    he he he i knew you say that but every time you reply to this thread my bad karmah go up mawhaaaaaaaaaaaa.

    i also knew it go up on next reply hmmmm maybe you didnt the first time but im perty sure you hit me with the nerf ball this time lol.

    could it be there some one out there that hate blaze sneaks around shooting nerf balls misdirecting who they are

    is it cause im bald short and where diapers?

    will i got news for them one day they will be bald and wearing diapers and when that day comes im going to take your jello from you blaze stick out toungh
  17. notageek

    notageek Registered Member

    Jun 3, 2002
    Well I would have to vote no. It just takes up a lot of system resources. Blaze don't take my jello it's all i have lol ;)
  18. Checkout

    Checkout Security Rhinoceros

    Feb 11, 2002
    • I have never given anyone a bad karma point
    • Whatever - just pile 'em on me, Blaze
    • Over 17 million people have downloaded ZAF and ZAP
    • Zone Alarm passed tests other firewalls failed, long ago
    • Wilder's members and Team Z have tried hard to help you, only to get a kick in the face
    • Zone Labs provided you with a direct contact but all you could do was slag off the advice
    • Zone Lab's customer relations have improved dramatically
    • Zone Lab's development team are highly active and innovative
    • ZAF and ZAP are highly respected as applications-based firewalls
    • Ease of use for newbies has never been equalled - try getting used to rules-based firewalls
    • You paid money for it, Blaze - throw it away if you want to
    • You have really pissed me off, Blaze
  19. TonyKlein

    TonyKlein Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    The Netherlands

    Don't blame Checkout.

    The bad Karma point came from me.

    I thought you deserved one.

    Now if my bad karma score goes up, I might have an idea where it could come from... :D

    Cheers, Tony
  20. I am not into that karma thing..when a guy is constipated :p you never know what is going to come out.
  21. TonyKlein

    TonyKlein Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    The Netherlands
  22. Checkout

    Checkout Security Rhinoceros

    Feb 11, 2002
    It was all going wonderfully fine;
    Until intervened friend Tony Klein;
    Blaze, in a flame out;
    Blamed ol' member Checkout;
    The decrease in his Karma's the sign

    The activity's here's been unHoly;
    Less poll, more rolly-polly;
    While ZA's a winner;
    Blaze grows somewhat thinner;
    He's managed to scored an own-goalie
  23. octogen

    octogen Registered Member

    Feb 11, 2002
    Doubly LOL. :D :D
  24. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    Letsssssssssssss get readdddddyyyyyyyyy toooooooooo rummmmmmmmmmmmmmmbleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    In this corner whighting in at 7 pounds 3 oz bald and wears diapers who's past times and hobbies include drinking milk straight from the tap wink eye and using natures pillows to rest his bald head lol MR.Blazeee!!!!!

    his opponents Check out the scary guy with a big skull head lol the big bad purple head weight unknown past times include covering up his tracks and intimidation part of the za tactics team lol

    his partner and most likely a retail seller of zone alarm the donkey mr.TonyKlein goes ehhhhh haaaaaaaaa ehhhhhh haaaaaaa lol

    backing up check out and mr.TonyKlein is za team and
    Broderdund's spamming team

    blaze rolls up on these mofos lol

    "Checkout"I have never given anyone a bad karma point

    "Mr.Blaze" will maybe you have maybe you haven't not like we would actually know i have to take your word for it oh wait isn't za associated with Broderdund's a 3rd party who's notorious for spy ware and spam hmmmmmm

    "Checkout"Whatever - just pile 'em on me

    "Mr.Blaze"lol my diaper aint full yet plus IM not a machine you know i cant put out that much ummmm inventory he he he

    "Checkout", Blaze
    Over 17 million people have downloaded ZAF and ZAP
    Zone Alarm passed tests other firewalls failed, long ago

    "Mr.Blaze"Dont you mean
    Over 17 million victim's have downloaded ZAF and ZAP
    Zone Alarm passed tests other firewalls failed, key word "long ago"

    Don't you and za feel bad you guys remind me of those guys that give out poison candy to little children in this case bad cyber candy to newbies the reason i say that is because you guys knew about this problems for months and still to this day have not made a zap and zaf clean up utility so newbies like me can update or upgrade painlessly which by the way make up what 90 percent of your customers.

    Think check out you wernt always the magnificent computer adept genius that you are today despite how you might come across you were a newbie at one time.

    Remember what it was like to be a newbie check out?
    your first blue screen of death?
    your first error
    your first calling up tech support and not understanding anything now that i have you down memory lane tell me as a newbie does this huge list of things to do look reasonable as a newbie and a product that a consumer would want to Owen after looking at the bellow list of what to do and honestly i know a lot of your friends might be za team or may not but take a look threw newbie eyes look tell me honestly you as a newbie and consumer do you want to do this every time you update

    "Za team"
    Please do the following. If any of the steps below do not apply to you, or
    you are unable to perform the function listed, please continue to the next

    1. Open the ZoneAlarm Pro program, go to the OVERVIEW >> PREFERENCES tab,
    and make sure the "Load ZoneAlarm Pro At Startup" box is UNchecked.

    2. REBOOT.

    3. You should now have no ZoneAlarm Pro processes running on your system.

    4. Now run Start, Programs, Zone Labs, and Uninstall. Click "Yes" at the
    prompt for the security check from the Zone Labs security engine (You MUST
    allow this service to shut down in order to remove files).

    WARNING - Do NOT run the ZoneAlarm Uninstall program while in Safe Mode. The
    program may not be able to make the proper registry changes in Safe Mode,
    thus generating errors after a reboot.

    5. REBOOT.

    6. To make sure that you can see ALL the ZoneAlarm Pro system files, if they
    are still on your computer:

    a. Right-click on My Computer, then left-click on Explore. When the Windows
    Explorer panel appears:
    - In Windows 95,98,and NT: Click View>Options (in Windows 98, this will be
    called "Folder Options"). Click the "View" tab, then click the "Show all
    files" radio button.
    - In Windows ME, 2000, and XP: Click Tools>Folder Options. Click the "View"
    tab, then click the "Show hidden files and folders" radio button.
    b. Click OK.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Making modifications to system files may disable crucial
    functions of your Windows operating system. We strongly suggest re-enabling
    the "Hide files and folders" feature once all ZoneAlarm Pro files have been

    7. Click on Start, then Search or Find, and select Files. Make sure that the
    location box is set to search your local hard drive (usually C:) or All
    Local Drives.

    Type the following exactly - including any spaces. Delete any FOLDERS found:

    “zone labs”
    “Internet logs”

    Note: Your alerts log -- ZALogs.txt will be stored in the Internet Logs
    Folder. If for any reason you wish to save your alerts log, simply copy this
    file to another safe location on your hard drive.

    Type the following exactly - delete any of the following files found in
    C:\Windows, C:\WINNT, or any subfolder below those, or in any \Temp folders

    vsutil.dll (NOTE: Do NOT remove this file from any McAfee folders)

    Type the following exactly - delete any files found in any folder with
    "Programs" in the pathname):

    “zonealarm pro”

    8. Make sure your Recycle Bin is empty (right-click and select Empty).

    9. REBOOT

    Now you should be able to install the latest version. Double-click on the
    file you downloaded. The installation program will guide you through the
    setup process. (Note that all registration fields require at least 1
    character, even if only a space for company, and "@" for email address). Be
    sure NOT TO choose "Upgrade", as this can cause further difficulties if the
    database is corrupt.

    "MRBLAZE"some how i would think you would not and am being public with my opinion I don't want any newbie to go threw all that and the worst part is theirs more to delet then what I just posted its to me and consumers inconvenient.

    I mean honestly do you want to piss off your customers and tell them that big list to do and pretty much your SOL theirs no other way around it every time they upgrade or update just to feel safe?
  25. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    "Checkout"Wilder's members and Team Z have tried hard to help you, only to get a kick in the face

    "MR.BLAZE"=0 How dare you say that as i have thank all that who have posted look;start=30;start=15

    My beef is with the software it self not za team or you probably in my disgust for the software I probably had assochiated you za fellows with the software in my anger and frustration for that IM sorry if I did. "But the software still $%^&* in the fact I have to go threw h.e.ll just to update because it wont clean up after it self.

    i mean really what are the uninstall buttons and upgrade buttons for ?"looks" is that what there for eye candy here let put buttons that don't work lol=)

    "Uninstall" will kindah but not really.

    I mean who comes up with this stuff?

    It like bungie jumping lol jump off the bridge I want to die but hmm not really who comes up with these ideals?

    why don't you guys just take out the uninstall button and put a file saying how to really uninstall in its place lol =)

    i think the comment you made albovle was really low i love wilders i love the people here where all family i love you to but IM still going to bite back every time you bite me lol

    plus if you at wilders i look at you as wilders and not the company will at least i am starting to see as soon as you go za i still talk smack cause regardless what program you represent you still a wilders member and family if a program blows ill tell you it blows i don't play no faveriots

    Zone Labs provided you with a direct contact but all you could do was slag off the advice

    "MR.BLAZE" i did not just frag or frail off the advice by the way I love farscape to best sci-fi series =) oh yeah getting back to what I was saying hey I did do what they said turns out there was more to it.

    i had 3 Ereg files related to zone alarm and i belive a folder that said za Broderdund turns out it had components from as far back as zaf and old zap and the new zap so that meant big big mess thats why it didnt work but after looking back and following 3 sets of instuctions all differ with one or two difrences for each it finaly worked but it was still h.ell

    "Checkout" Zone Lab's customer relations have improved dramatically

    "MR.BLAZE"ummmm when you say it that way it don't necessarily give me a vote of confidence have you had problems in the past with there customer relations?

    "Checkout" Zone Lab's development team are highly active and innovative

    "MR.BLAZE"if there all that and a bag of chips why haven't they taken the time to make a real clean up utility for zaf and zap I mean I look at the program it looks great it works great its easy to use and best bang for your buck but why cant they make it easy to update or reinstall?

    4 or more months check out why is this still a problem why check out can you pleas tell me how such a great product can be so easy to use yet h.e.ll 101 to update why?

    Its embarrassing here you got the best fire wall with all these great features but the uninstall button doesn't work blaze shrugs shoulders in confusion?

    "Checkout"ZAF and ZAP are highly respected as applications-based firewalls

    "MR.BLAZE"yup no disagreements there

    Ease of use for newbies has never been equalled

    "MR.BLAZE"yeah but so is AOL lol and you know how that goes tell an AOL user za is as easy as AOL and just like it lol if he had them for a year hell run always lol=)

    "Checkout"- try getting used to rules-based firewalls

    "MR.BLAZE"actualy thats a great ideal the big man him self i think uses one on the side so i know thats got to be good

    "Checkout" You paid money for it, Blaze - throw it away if you want to

    "MR.BLAZE"that the messed up part 30 bucks IM not made of money you know not all of us are as rich and as famous as you lol
    or have money to burn but i was tempted

    "Checkout"You have really pissed me off, Blaze   

    "MR.BLAZE"climb up ladder put hand on shoulder its OK "Checkout" it happens to the best of us i have an extra clean diaper you can use pissed suck and its not a great natural felling

    MR.BLAZEps I love sparing with you it is fun plus I learn lots of stuff
    like za team has feelings you have to look beyond the company logo and remember there a human being on the other side of that e-mail so be nice and respectful.
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