I think it is a great program but I don't need it on my system. Their FPs detection was too high after testing it.
I have a lic. for EAM 7 until January. I'll likely keep it as a free scanner after that. what I'd like to know, are both the A2 eng. & the BitDefender eng. still retained in the free version or just A2??
Emsisoft has without any doubt, in my opinion, the best signatures. (has only been "prompt" once for a false positive, in a 2 years period as a on demand scanner ) Cheers, Janus
I have not used it for a few years. If I remember correctly, it had serious with false positives. At the time, Spyware Terminator and Ad-Adaware did too.
Emsisoft AM7 costs over $40 a year (best discount online is $26year). You don't get paid that much money for something that doesn't deliver.
F.Y.I: My EAM7 runs out in January. I got it last year in their 8 year birthday promo. Top shelf stuff but I'm not one to pay for what they're asking for something that will be in & out of my PC due to cronic 'wilders syndrome". I asked about what happens after the lic. runs out. The Emsisoft mods said that EAM7 will remain (if wanted) as a free on-demand scanner using both engines A2 & BD. No deletion / quarantine capability unless one renews. Also regular updates remain.
no deletion/quarantine in the freeware version? So just the emergency stick scanner does these things?