Dirive Backup 10 Pro - Multiple Archive Bkups in Same Archive SubFolder ?

Discussion in 'Paragon Drive Backup Product Line' started by JosephB, Jun 28, 2010.

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  1. JosephB

    JosephB Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    Anyone else notice, that when using: "Wizards Menu, "Backup Disk or Partition" - with the option to create Unique archive file names, that:

    1) Drive Backup 10 Pro, sometimes places more than 1 archive backup image in the same unique archive sub-folder name o_O

    .... So far, I noticed that if the next archive full backup image is performed on the same, or only 2 days apart, that the archive backup image is placed in the same existing unique archive subfolder that had been generated with for the previous archive backup.
    .... However, it appears, if I wait a week between creating full image backups, then a new unique archive subfolder name is created for the new full image archive backup.

    2) So is DB 10 Pro working as designed or is this a bug ?
    (Also, ... Will restores work properly when an archive folder has more than one archive backup in it ?

    3) How does DB10 Pro decide when to create a new unique archive subfolder as opposed to placing future additional archive backups into the previusoly created unique named archive subfolder ?
  2. JosephB

    JosephB Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2008
    Wait a minute, I just realized that what I described as happening (always using the same archive subfolder) actually started when I went from executing Manual (back up now) to generating a script for it and then only executing the script to create future archive image backups).

    I assumed that the generated script would continue to create both unique archive subfolder name and unique archive file name (just like the manual "back up now" process, each time you use the manual (GUI - Screen Backup Wizards) it to create a backup).

    ..... However, I now realized (looking at the generated script code) that the generated script (or scheduled script) will only create unique archive file name (and always use the same archive subfolder name), each time the script is executed.
    ... So,Mystery, solved (just no indication in documentation as to the difference that would result with script verses manual backup, regarding unique archive names. Documenation should be updated to clarify).
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