This is strictly a question of curiosity, I am not having any problems with my system. I use two backup programs, Macrium and Terabyte's Image For Windows. I do differentials every morning with both. With Macrium the differential is always bigger than the day before, which makes sense to me. But with IFW sometimes the differential can actually be smaller than the day before, not always, but fairly often. How is that possible? Thanks, Acadia
@Acadia - IFW, even as a DEFAULT, uses more aggressive DATA compression than REFLECT does (realized during testing a long time ago)... that may account for it.
Another possibility: While you believe you are making differentials with IFW, perhaps you are unknowingly making incrementals.
Thanks Jo Ann. If I were making incrementals they would be much smaller than the last differential. These are always fairly close (and big in size like a differential would be). Acadia