Corporate use

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by Jeff, Feb 12, 2003.

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  1. Jeff

    Jeff Guest

    From your description of the "kill bit", it looks like your database could easily be used to create a *.reg file for use in logon scripts, and/or a *.adm file for use in NT4 System Policies or Win2K Group Policies, based on selections made in the SpywareBlaster dialog box.

    I have several clients who would likely be willing to pay for that capability, and I'd certainly recommend it to all of them. One thing's for sure...their "company policies" about such things haven't solved the problem! And all my clients have legacy software that requires Win2K & WinXP "Power User" permissions to use, which has the unfortunate side affect of allowing write access to HKCR and installation of spyware.

    The key for corporate use is to be able to implement it centrally without having to install anything on the client machines, but if SB can output a *.reg or *.adm, that's pretty easy to arrange in an NT or 2K domain.

    What do you think?

  2. Jeff

    Jeff Guest

    On further reflection, if I have to choose between *.reg & *.adm, definitely make it *.reg.

    Only reasons I can think of to use a *.adm are if...

    1. ...users can't write to HKCR...but if they can't do that, they can't install spyware, either! Or...

    2. ...domain doesn't use a logon script...but I'm guessing managed systems that don't use a logon script are rare.


  3. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    SpywareBlaster cannot currently export to a reg file - but it is an interesting idea. If you could e-mail me at with your e-mail address, I will reply if/when (more likely when) a corporate solution is ready.

    TIA. :)

  4. FluxGFX

    FluxGFX Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2003
    Umm that actually could be interesting, would like to know if this idea gets further ! ;P

    Late ;)
  5. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    A corporate/medium-to-large-scale-network version is possible. Of course, news about it will be posted on this forum first. :D

    Best regards,

  6. drahnier

    drahnier Guest

    have a look at

  7. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Yes that is a reg file, but unfortunately it

    A.) Does not mention anywhere what each item in it corresponds to.

    B.) Includes below 100 items. (SpywareBlaster's latest update contains 164, and another update is around the corner.)

    Besides those items, it might work in your situation - until the specialized version of SpywareBlaster is created of course! :D

    Best regards,

  8. Jeff

    Jeff Guest

    I do like the idea of having a GUI for excluding specific spyware. If a company owner insists that he "needs" Hotbar, I'd try to persuade him that it's a bad idea. But failing that, I'd like to be able to give him Hotbar without having to edit each updated .reg file as it becomes available. And the owner would rather not pay me to do that, for that matter!

    And while it's pretty easy to d/l the .reg file regularly from spywareguide, it's even easier to d/l SpywareBlocker updates.

    But, like you say, spywareguide is a great interim solution, and I'll look forward to more info about your solution.

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