Downloaded, works fine but the new gui is fugly, why oh why do websites, software companies etc keep using the same old ugly gui that is so white it's hard on the eyes. Think same gui as old version but whiter, should have left alone in my opinion.
Normally, I don't really care about the UI, but it's too pixelated and unprofessional in this release.
Other than the white title bar I like the GUI update. It appears they are going for the Windows 10 look.
Apparently this is the "modern look". I don't think we have any choice but to accept that OS's, websites, and even some programs will start looking like this more and more as time goes by. But IMO it is not modern at all. Well ok it might be modern but it surely doesn't look any better, as in a improvement over the old look, no no.
I also don't like the new GUI but if there is anyone to be blamed then it is Microsoft with its ugly Win 8. Others including Piriform are doing nothing else than customizing the look of their applications to Win 8.
Bunch of people complaining about something they use for free. Followed by, bunch of people defending complaints about something they use for free. Ouch. My eyes.
It doesn't matter if it's free because in fact you pay for Win 8 which actually forces others to customize their applications to match Win 8 GUI.
I'm with Jack. Except for the title bar I like the look. But how's the performance? Krusty says it's faster, but how much faster? Piriform keep changing the look but it's all just window dressing, seems to me. I haven't updated CCleaner in a very long time because basically it hasn't changed that much other than appearance. They keep adding support for new programs, which is good I guess if you want that, but I like using the Inclusion feature to add custom files and folders. You can basically add anything you want.
CCleaner 5 FINAL released – unveils redesigned user interface, improved Chrome support
I tried the portable version and now that I see it up close on my computer the interface really does stink. Looks a two year old designed it. It found exactly the same data to delete as my old 4.17 version so I don't know how accurate Piriform's claim of better detection is. It was noticeably faster, analysis took maybe 1 second as opposed to 2 seconds. It tried to phone home even though automatic updates was disabled. I don't really see any reason to update to this version. If a person's having problems with an older version they may want to update, but otherwise if it ain't broke...
I installed it then uninstalled it and installed 4.19 again. They completely screwed up the cookie feature or at least it looked that way.