Bvckup 2

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by angstrom, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. Hadron

    Hadron Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2014
    With the licensing change, will it apply to older licenses or just new ones since Release 80?
  2. stapp

    stapp Global Moderator

    Jan 12, 2006
    From this link
  3. Hadron

    Hadron Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2014
  4. guest

    guest Guest

    Bvckup 2 v81.3.1 Released (June 5, 2020)
    Website / Download:
    Release Notes
    Release 81.3

    ⦁ Reworked retrying logic to act on errors that occur when processing item attributes. That is, the program will now retry folder creation, file/folder move and file copying steps if they fail with a transient error when cloning item's meta data (attributes, timestamps, security info, etc.)

    ⦁ Reworked retrying logic to accommodate steps failing with 2+ errors.
    See for details.

    ⦁ Reworked backup summary wording to be more precise in presence of errors and retries. See the above link for details.

    ⦁ Reworked logging to preserve original IDs of steps when they are retried. This is a purely cosmetic fix. Previously, when a backup step was retried, it would appear in the log under a new step ID. Now the ID is preserved, so it's easier to find all retries of the same operation.

    ⦁ Reworked name case changing logic to handle certain case better.

    More specifically, if both file's and its parent folder's names need a case change (on the backup side), then in some cases these two changes will be made _exactly_ in parallel, resulting in some rather obscure errors (e.g. "the file in use" reported for the folder rename). The fix was to sequence these operations, so that one is executed after the other.

    Kudos to Mike for reporting this.

    ⦁ Reworked auto-update option to not require a production license. Previously, when the program is set to auto-update itself, it wouldn't do that if there was no valid license. For the life of me I can't recall why it was done this way, but regardless of that this restriction is now removed.

    ⦁ Fixed an issue on Windows XP with handling backup cancellation. This had to do with certain Windows function being not available on XP and re-implemented using another, XP-specific API, which in turn appears to have been documented incorrectly, so things weren't working as designed.

    And, yes, someone did actually run into this issue, so they ARE still on XP.
  5. guest

    guest Guest

    Bvckup 2 v81.4 Released (June 17, 2020)
    Website / Download:
    Release Notes
  6. Hadron

    Hadron Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2014
    I know I have questioned the speed of the backups in the past, but wow, now it backups before my eyes. Lovely... :thumb:
  7. Mr.X

    Mr.X Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    How about adding file sync feature...
  8. guest

    guest Guest

    Bvckup 2 v81.5 Released (July 20, 2020)
    Website / Download:
    Release Notes
  9. guest

    guest Guest

    Bvckup 2 v81.6 Released (August 7, 2020)
    Website / Download:
    Release Notes
    Release 81.6

    ⦁ Fixed handling of corrupted files in the copying module.

    This covers a particularly exotic case when a backup copy gets corrupted (at rest!) in a way that still allows extending it, but prevents it to be trimmed to the exact size. Basically, we would append, say, 1 MB to such file and then ask it to be trimmed to exactly that new size - and the latter request will fail. Copying module didn't handle it terribly well because of an overly strict internal check. Removed the check, solved the problem. The end.

    ⦁ Fixed handling of certain exclude/include rule combos - this has to do with

    Kudos to @highend for the report.

    ⦁ Fixed an issue with the file tree browser.

    When the Backup Settings > Backup What window is opened, the file/folder selection widget starts populating the tree. It's a process that may take a while and it runs in the background. The issue was that if the window is OK-closed while the tree wasn't fully populated, any existing excl/incl rules that applied to not-yet-discovered items were discarded.

    Kudos to Eden for the report.

    ⦁ Improved file tree browser rendering performance - tangentially related to the previous item, basically improved the rendering speed of the widget by at least a factor of 2. Beware of the temptation to use WM_SETREDRAW, use with utmost care and only after due testing.

    Also added an explicit indicator of whether the background scan is still in progress or not -

    ⦁ Revised symlink verification logic in the scanning module.

    In later 79 releases the scanning module got a new check, whereby it would query the attributes of a location that a symlink is pointing at and would complain and ignore the symlink if the query fails. Now, as you can probably guess, in some cases this check misfired. More specifically, it will fail when backing up from a remote share and the symlink points at a location that is local to the remote machine.

    Kudos to Milan for the report.
  10. guest

    guest Guest

    Bvckup 2 v81.6.1 Released (August 8, 2020)
    Website / Download:
    Release Notes
  11. guest

    guest Guest

    Bvckup 2 v81.7 Released (September 7, 2020)
    Website / Download:
    Release Notes
  12. guest

    guest Guest

    Bvckup 2 v81.8 Released (September 22, 2020)
    Website / Download:
    Release Notes
  13. guest

    guest Guest

    Bvckup 2 v81.9 Released (October 16, 2020)
    Website / Download:
    Release Notes
    Release 81.9
    ⦁ Added preliminary support for Blake3 and xxHash3 hashers - these can now be optionally used with delta copying, and they will become the new defaults with R82. Current defaults are the original xxHash and Blake2b [1], which are already fast, but still several times slower than the new variants.

    ⦁ Fixed an issue with delta copying stats reporting - in some cases the program would erroneously report in the log that a file was copied in full whereby it was delta-updated.

    ⦁ Fixed an issue with delta state saving in presence of errors - the program would trigger a self-consistency check and shut down when it would run into a certain type of error while attempting to start delta copying of a file. This is an exotic case.

    ⦁ Fixed an issue with the mapped drive monitoring - the module that periodically checks the status of all mapped drives (with the goal of proactively detecting them going offline) wasn't starting up correctly in some cases.
  14. guest

    guest Guest

    Bvckup 2 v81.11 Released (January 11, 2021)
    Website / Download:
    Release Notes
    Release 81.11
    ⦁ Fixed an issue with "staged" file copying - this has to do with copying files _without_ the use of the delta copier, in full.

    When a file are copied in full, the program first copies it into a temporary file on the backup side and then renames this temp file to match the source file. This is referred to as "staged" copying and it helps preserving an older backup copy in case of abortive mid-backup failures.

    The problem was that the program was looking at source and backup copies to decide which meta data (attributes, timestamps, etc.) should be cloned after the contents are updated. So if there _was_ an existing backup copy and its "created" timestamp matched that of the source, the program, being a pedantic little construct that it is, would skip updating this timestamp.

    However with staged copying the backup copy is always created from scratch, so it needed ALL meta data to be cloned regardless of what the existing backup copy has.

    So what ended up happening is that if a file was modified at source, then the next backup run would create a temp file, copy the contents and "last modified" timestamp, but the "created" time on that temp file would remain set to "now". On the next run, the program would notice that "created" timestamps are now out of sync and would re-update the file. This time it would sync this timestamp and put everything in a proper order.

    That is, when files were copied in full, modified files were needlessly backed up for second time.

    Kudos to Tom for tracking this down and not giving up on the issue.

    ⦁ Fixed an issue with service/desktop mode switching - in some cases if the program ran into a problem switching the mode, it would report it as a "cancelled" rather than "failed", further confusing the situation that weren't already going that well.

    ⦁ Revised 'created' timestamp replication logic - for the cases with a read-only source volume the program will now try and copy "created" timestamps.

    This has to do with the fact that not all file systems support these timestamps and the program relies on active tests to determine what the case is. These tests can't be run if the volume is read-only, so previously this caused the program to assume that "created" timestamps are unsupported by the volume.

    This nonsense is no more. From now on, if we can't determine if X is supported, then it is "unknown" and not "unsupported" => the new and improved handling of the timestamp replication.

    ⦁ Humanized error 433 - a smaller change to log a better message when running into this error, which is ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE.

    ⦁ Extended list of default exclusion rules - added ".dropbox.cache" and "Microsoft\\Edge\\User Data\\*\\*\\*Cache*" to the list of default exclude rules.

    ⦁ Another round of internal code rework. It is even more beautiful than before, which is always a nice thing to have.
  15. Mr.X

    Mr.X Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    If I reactivate last version 81.11.10 license with an old code I got, are some features lost or something?
  16. TheRollbackFrog

    TheRollbackFrog Imaging Specialist

    Mar 1, 2011
    The Pond - USA
    Only the features added since your old code was issued and v81.11.10...
  17. Mr.X

    Mr.X Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Really? I think that code is very old lol
    Many features I'm missing for sure.
  18. TheRollbackFrog

    TheRollbackFrog Imaging Specialist

    Mar 1, 2011
    The Pond - USA
    Don't you like v81.11?
  19. Mr.X

    Mr.X Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Why do you say that?
    Wait. Maybe I got lost with translation, English not my first lang. :argh:

    Here I go again, I saw v81.11 and wanted to use it. But instead of purchasing a new license I activated the program with an old code I have. So I asked if old license will block some features.

    Of course I like the program.:cool:
  20. TheRollbackFrog

    TheRollbackFrog Imaging Specialist

    Mar 1, 2011
    The Pond - USA
    Ahhhhh... now I understand:) Do you remember what type of license you have? (Help/About/License type)

    You can find the license comparisons HERE...
  21. Mr.X

    Mr.X Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Lic type: Personal / Legacy
    Status: Active
    Validity: Perpetual

    I don't see such type in the comparison table...
  22. angstrom

    angstrom Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2013
    No, you get the full feature set, no strings attached. Legacy licenses are equivalent to the new Pros and they have perpetual upgrades and support.
  23. Mr.X

    Mr.X Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2013
  24. guest

    guest Guest

    Bvckup 2 81.12 Released (March 9, 2021)
    Website / Download:
    Release Notes
    Release 81.12
    ⦁ Fixed an issue with the archival of modified files.

    If the archival of modified files was enabled and a file was both touched and had its name _case_ changed, then the program would sometimes abort with a failed internal check.

    For a change, it wasn't actually a problem with the check itself (as it might or might have not happened on some prior occasions), but a genuine flaw in the planning module logic. Resolved now.

    ⦁ Fixed an issue with the exclusion/inclusion rules dialog.

    This has to do with the "Backup What" dialog. More specifically, with the widget that allows selecting files/folders to be included in (or excluded from) the backup. This happens to be one particularly complicated piece code due to how it populates itself based on the results of a background file system scan.

    The problem was that if you were to make changes to the selection and OK them _while the scan in still in progress_, then, in certain cases, this confused the scanner and led to the program panic. The good news is that not only the program doesn't panic anymore, the issue has been properly resolved too. Imagine that.

    ⦁ Added support for auto-pruning obsolete exclusion/inclusion rules.

    Starting with this release, when the "Backup What" window is closed with OK, the program will check if any of the previously made exclusions or inclusions are no longer valid. That is, if they now refer to files/folders that no longer exists. When this happens, the UI will pop up a notification like so to celebrate the occasion -

    All further celebration of the same kind can be suppressed with a handy "Don't ask again" option.

    ⦁ Added support for a new variation of %RUN...% variable.

    This is an extension of the "%RUN%" variable used for dynamically-adjusted backup paths. It is set to the current backup run number, starting with 1 and incrementing with every successful run.

    It can also be made to cycle through a predefined range using "%RUN#123" notation, whereby 123 is the range length. In this example the variable will evaluate to 1, 2, 3, ... 123, 1, 2, 3, ... etc.

    This release adds a new notation - "%RUN|123%" - with the pipe - which produces 0-padded values - 001, 002, 003, ... 123, 001, ... This makes for folder names that have a better natural order.

    ⦁ Added support for selecting all idle backups in one click.

    It is now possible to select all _idle_ backups by Ctrl-Shift-Left-clicking on the empty space to the right of the Go/Stop buttons. This extends existing behavior, where Ctrl-Left-click selects all jobs and Left-click clears the selection.

    ⦁ Speeded up character case conversion code.

    This is a change to one of the core libraries. It improves the speed of conversion between upper and lower cases of Unicode characters, a fairly basic operation that is very frequently used when doing
    case-insensitive comparison, searching, keying, etc.

    May not sound like much, but it's a very nice little rabbit hole that happens to be closely related to the Traveling Salesman Problem, one of fundamental algorithmic problems in computer science. So if you need something to read over your next coffee break, here, skim through this -
  25. guest

    guest Guest

    Bvckup 2 81.12.1 Released (March 10, 2021)
    Website / Download:
    Release Notes
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