BB needs your sympathy

Discussion in 'ten-forward' started by beetlejuice, Oct 18, 2005.

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  1. beetlejuice

    beetlejuice Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2002
    This morning on the way home from taking the kids to school, some woman turned in front of BeetleBoss and she couldn't stop in time and ran into her. BB is Ok (Thank God) except for being really bummed out about the car. The main damage was to the front bumper and the bumper assembly which needs to be totally replaced, along with other misc parts, fenders and such at the cost of over $3,000.00. The value of the car is only $900.00 so the insurance will probably total it.
    And if you can believe it, there was a cop right behind the woman that turned in front of BB who saw the whole thing. But that doesn't help the car situation. It's still drivable, but to make it completely street legal would cost at least $1,200.00. Hopefully the insurance co can come up with a quick fix soon as we cant really afford to be without 2 cars, and seeing as how mine needs to go into the shop for a new clutch. So please show her some sympathy. She really needs it. :'( :'( :'( :'(
    The car is a lot worse off than it looks like in the picture. I had to tie up the bumper to keep it from dragging on the ground.

    Attached Files:

  2. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
    I am really pleased and relieved that BB wasn't hurt physically, But it can really rattle the nerves. And it was very fortunate that the kids had already been dropped off. I hope that you are able to recoupe on the damage to the car.
  3. dog

    dog Guest

  4. beetlejuice

    beetlejuice Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2002
  5. bigbuck

    bigbuck Registered Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Qld, Aus
    That's the main thing! Glad you're OK Cindy! You can always replace a car....but not a wife and mother! ;)
  6. beetlejuice

    beetlejuice Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2002
    The guys at work had to track me down out in the field. That was the first thing I asked, and it was the first thing they said that she was OK.
  7. Triple Helix

    Triple Helix Specialist

    Nov 20, 2004
    Ontario, Canada

    Nicely said Brad!! Glad you are alright BB!!:)
  8. Blackspear

    Blackspear Global Moderator

    Dec 2, 2002
    Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Glad that you are ok BB, that is the most important thing, cars can be replaced, humans can't.

  9. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

    Jul 21, 2003
  10. BeetleBoss

    BeetleBoss She who posts lots of <I>Smileys</I>

    Nov 28, 2004
    We're somewhere in Kansas, Toto!!!!
    Thanks guys!.. know, and something bj didn't mention.....the thing that bums me out the most is that....this past summer we had to fix the power steering, replace the transmission{$2500.00}, and the starter replaced.....all this past summer. And each time the car broke down, it had to be towed $$$ and when the transmission went out....we had to have it towed back from Missouri..$$$$ {about an hour away}

    It really upsets me that all that money we just spent on the car, is just lost now.

    Thanks for thinking of me. I'm just pretty bummed.

    I did put on a good act after the crash tho. The girl was about 20 yrs oldish....and she was all upset. So, right afterwards I walked over to her car, asked if she was OK, she was kinda crying and kinda shocked, so then I felt bad for her and gave her a hug and told her "it'll be OK, we'll work it out"
    {but, inside, I was pretty stinkin' pissed}

    Hey, I got a free drink from Sonic! They felt sorry for me.
  11. ~*Nat*~

    ~*Nat*~ Registered Member

    Jul 9, 2004
    Germany/Ohio-USA ~ between two worlds
    Hey Cindy and Steve,

    I'm sooo sorry about the ordeals you are going through. :( It isn't easy, for sure.

    But, my gosh ! We sure are sooooo glad and relieved YOU BB are physically ok !!!!!!!!!!!
    Just hang in there, ok ?

    Many {{{hugs}}} from me.
  12. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    That is real good news.

  13. wildman

    wildman Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2004
    Home on the range.
    :-* Thank God you are o.k., and no one was hurt. I have a good idea as to how you feel, similar events have happened to the Mrs. Wildman, but the individual involved gave false information and could not be found to be held liable, plus the Mrs. Wildman was a little to gullible for her own good. Get what you can from her insurance company, and make yours work for you, then make the minimum repairs possible. I know it is a hassle, but now is not the time to be sweet about this, sad to say in this day and age, but individuals and insurance companies will take advantage if you let them. Don't let them! Also get a statement from the policeman who witnessed the accident. You want you car repaired, and you want reimbursement for any and all inconveniences incurred as a result, get this point across to your insurance company, they are supposed to be fighting for you.

  14. beetlejuice

    beetlejuice Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2002
    Thank You very much Nat. You know, I think, no I know, BB does have a very special guardian angel, and so do I. ;)
  15. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi Cindy and Steve,

    Sorry to hear what happened.

    Like all the others, I too am so very happy that everyone is OK physically !!!!!

    ALL the best and {hugs}

    Most warmest regards, Jan.
  16. beetlejuice

    beetlejuice Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2002
    Things are still up in the air right now as far as what anyone is going to do. We're still waiting on the police report.
  17. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
    I have been through a similar experience about four years ago. And if there was one thing I learned from it is that if it happens again the first call I make will be to an attorney. You can bet the other parties insurance will have an attorney working on it.
  18. Rita

    Rita Infrequent Poster

    Jun 28, 2004
    wilds of wv
    Oh sis I am very very glad that you are ok!!!I am very sorry this happened.
  19. Robyn

    Robyn Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2004
    Sorry to read this BettleBoss :'( at least you have not been hurt.

    I don't know you as well as the others do but you have encouraged me with all the graphics attempts and made me feel very welcome in any of the groups.

    Loads of hugs to you and your family
  20. BeetleBoss

    BeetleBoss She who posts lots of <I>Smileys</I>

    Nov 28, 2004
    We're somewhere in Kansas, Toto!!!!
    Thanks Rita and Robyn.
    Yeah, me too. Back when Steve and I were dating, I was involved in another wreck. I was stopped waiting to turn left on a 2 lane road.....kind of going up a hill. It was during winter and the roads were clean but kinda slick still. This guy comes barreling down the hill and slides right into the front of my car.
    I remember, feeling sooooo screwed because he lied about having car insurance. I remember yelling at my insurance because it was sooooo unfair that I have to pay out even a dime to repair my, when the wreck was not my fault. I was pissed because I was stopped! had my blinker was on...and he came down the hill and crashed into me. None of it was my fault! And ya know as a twentyish year old going to college and working part time...$250.00 deducible was a lot of money!! I remember being pissed because all these years I had been paying my car insurance {because its a law, right?!!} And I remember that the damage to my car must have been less then $500 cuz I had to pay out more than my insurance was gonna pay to get my car fixed. And I was with no car while it was being repaired! I don't remember, anything about that guy having to suffer anything.
    Yeah, it might have been slick out.....and I'm sure the cop wrote that down on the police report....but, I didn't hit anyone with my car!

    Then, about 8 years ago. Alicia was like...3 or 4 years old. I was taking her to movie...I remember Sam being too young to go so Steve was home with him. I was stopped in a row of cars at a red stoplight. Alicia was buckled up in her carseat in the backseat. All of a sudden, a guy rams into our backend.....with enough force to push us into the car infront of us. Everyone was OK. But, when the story came out....the guy that rear ended me was drunk AND the car infront of us....WAS HIS DRUNK BROTHER!! I remember that guy had some crappy, cheap insurance company...cuz he had soooo many DUIs tickets....infact I remember his insurance company telling me after this claim they were dropping him. I can remember sitting in that guys court hearing.....and not really anything happening to him. That car ended up being totaled to. We had only had that car for like a year or so...{we bought it used...but, it was in great shape} And I remember, having to drive that car around to show proof what that car was worth and having to fight to get the REAL value of that car....not just the blue book value that his insurance wanted to pay.

    GEE! That's how we got the Tarus.......isn't that ironic!

    So see! Thats what upsets me soooooo much!! When something happens.....its the 'victim that always suffers more....has to pay out more....and hurts more....and basically gets screwed more, than the 'one' who caused the action. I was telling know, this girl has taken away thousands of dollars that we had to put into repairs in that car last summer....we didn't pay that so it could be wrecked and totaled and be worth $900 a short few months later!! Incase your questioning! we couldn't afford to just trash that car when it broke! We had to repair it! Thats life, right? And YES all the bills are still on our creditcards and YES we're still working on paying them off! So tell is this girl going to suffer?? She'll have to pay out probably a $250 deductible. We've lost our car. We've lost thousands of dollars we just put in that car. And we are the ones who will have the inconvinence of having to go out and try and find another family car with the amount of money that HER insurance FEELS like giving us for our car. Infact, we've talked with our insurance.....and 'yes' they'll deal with her insurance company for us. After, we pay our $250 deductible!!! I'm sooooooo pissed right now guys. This was ANOTHER wreck that was NOT my fault!! And I'm sooooooooo tired of being the victim in these wrecks and being the one that gets the raw end of the deal and being the one that gets screwed! {BBs not feeling real 'sweet' right now.} You know, Steve told me that when he was told that I was involved in a car accident....he said that his first thought was " now who's run into her?" I'm a safe driver!! And, I don't know why....but that pisses me off too!! Ron, I don't remember if she had a cellphone stuck on her head during the accident.......but, she was sure busy gabbing on it afterwards!!

    Sorry, guys just a bit of venting.......maybe, tonight I'll be able to sleep better.
  21. Eldar

    Eldar Registered Member

    Jul 12, 2004
    Vilvoorde (Belgium)
    Good to hear you weren't injured. :)
    Like Brad said it: Better the car then yourself. A car can be replaced, a human life not.
    Now comes the hard part about dealing with the loss of your car and constantly reminding your insurance company to do something about it. :doubt:
    It's good to get it off your chest and not to keep it all inside.

    We too have to pay a franchise for the repairs to start. It's a bout the same amount you mentioned.
    Not fair at all, since you didn't cause the accident. :mad:
    Had the same experience, some 6 years back when a car hit mine and I was taken to the hospital.
    Had to pay the bills and look after all the paperwork. :rolleyes:

    I really do hope you'll find a solution to replace the damaged car.

    Take good care of you Cindy. ;)
  22. wildman

    wildman Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2004
    Home on the range.
    :) I hate to use the word "sue", but if that is what it takes, then that is what it takes. I would indicate that you want all expenses incurred over this covered, and that includes your deductible, you do not want the price of the car, you want the car repaired. I would also say you want a rental car paid for while yours is in the shop. All they can say is no, but then again your insurance company might agree to fighting for this. I also flat hate to see anything that resembles injustice, and will yell long, hard and often when I perceive that it is taking place. I don't know if it does any good or not, but it sure gets out a bunch of pent up hostility. I think ya also know that the Wildman wishes you the best of luck in this very frustrating situation. Again I am very glad that you were not hurt.

  23. WSFuser

    WSFuser Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2004
    sry about what happened BB, im really glad u made it out unhurt.
  24. BeetleBoss

    BeetleBoss She who posts lots of <I>Smileys</I>

    Nov 28, 2004
    We're somewhere in Kansas, Toto!!!!
  25. BeetleBoss

    BeetleBoss She who posts lots of <I>Smileys</I>

    Nov 28, 2004
    We're somewhere in Kansas, Toto!!!!
    Olathe Police Department
    Motor Vehicle Accident Report

    On 10/18/2005 at approximately 0917 hours I, Unit 141 (Officer ....), witnessed a vehicle accident at the intersection of E Dennis AVE and S Harrison ST in the City of Olathe, Kansas.

    I was WB on E Dennis AVE behind V1. I witnessed V1 enter the left turn lane, SB onto S Harrision ST. I also entered the turning lane behind V1, because I was going to initiate a traffic stop on V1. V1 did not have a license plate attached to it. I had not activated my marked patrol car`s emergency equipment at this point. I saw V2, EB on E Dennis AVE, enter the intersection. When V2 entered the intersection it was struck by V1. When V2 entered the intersection to continue EB on E Dennis AVE the traffic light was green.

    After the vehicles collided I activated my emergency equipment and notified dispatch of the accident. Both drivers, D1, ........ (WF), and D2, Cynthia ......(WF 12311966), advised they were not injured.

    When I asked A.... what happened she stated `I have no idea.` I asked her if she became nervous when she noticed I was behind her and she advised she did not become nervous. It should be noted that A..... had a difficult time telling me if she saw V2 or not.

    I observed and took pictures of the following damages to V1:

    The front end of the vehicle was dented inward

    Cynthia told me she saw V1, but thought she was going to stop. When she saw V1 headed towards her she tried to stop, but it was too late.

    I observed and took pictures of the following damages to V2:

    The driver`s side front signal light was broken away from the frame.
    The front bumper was hanging from the vehicle.

    Both drivers were given the case report numbers for their records before they removed their vehicles from the scene.

    A.... was issued a citation, T357478, for Vehicle Turning Left (ROW).

    I have nothing further - Officer .....

    V1 was WB on E Dennis AVE. V1 merged into the left turn lane to make a left turn, SB onto S Harrison ST. V2 was EB on E Dennis ST in the intersection of S Harrison ST when V1 entered the intersection and struck it.
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