Anybody used this DriveSentry Desktop

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by Painkiller, Jun 28, 2008.

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  1. Painkiller

    Painkiller Registered Member

    Aug 24, 2004
    I read there info and it looks promising, any experience with this product anybody? any advice ?

  2. GES/POR

    GES/POR Registered Member

    Nov 26, 2006
  3. Kees1958

    Kees1958 Registered Member

    Jul 8, 2006

    Looking at the free versions of both Online Armor and DriveSentry, they theoretically form a good combo (even without an AV), could you post some of your experience with it? DO you have pais or free versions running?

    Thx, Kees
  4. GES/POR

    GES/POR Registered Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    I run only payed versions. I have not tested it against malware. All i know is DS runs extremly light, actually the new version is even lighter. The behaviour blocker part leaves me wondering at this point since it found starting up windows messenger on a clean system to be a virus behaviour but ofc that is only 1 example so... Overall it works pretty good. No glitches,bugs on my side and the community protection imo is more stable then that of mamutu anyways last time i did run that. With the type of support they offer and a one time 10 fee it is more then worth your time. Right now i just think that DS needs Wilders type of people to really test this thing against all kind of threats. Aigle where are youuu

    Well actually i think you can run just either one alone since OA= a strong HIPS + firewall and most malware does needs to execute right, DS itself claims to have more then 1 million malware in their database and just looking at the sigs they add, i think either they get their samples from virus collectors, virus scanning services or av companies since i did see f-prot and bitdefender kind of malware defining such as behaves like, maximum/eldorado sumtin o_O So DS is basicly a full blown anti virus, behaviour blocker and community protection in one. I would feel confident enough with either one on my machine but my preference right now goes to DS.

    If you would decide to put it on families or friends machines and they would doubt in a case to awnser any popups even though they r few they can always use the chat feature on their site, forum, videos on mainpage or even youtube so..

    btw u might wanna tick some extra options such as always keep infobar open and always popup allowed actions for extra protection so u can really see whats going on on your system.

    I think there's a firewall in the pipeline wich to me would be more then welcome since i do like to have more options then just the plain old dull ones and OA. Plus i know its going to be real light and they would be open to suggestions.
  5. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

    Jul 21, 2003
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