I haven't tried this one yet, but I figured I would share. The sofware looks interesting and seems quite affordable. http://adguard.com/en/welcome.html
Re: Adquard - Ad Blocker How would this compare to admuncher.? This actually looks a high quality app.
Re: Adquard - Ad Blocker I can't really say, I haven't officially tested this yet, just posting my findings at the moment. Hopefully, I can squeeze in a test here soon.
Re: Adquard - Ad Blocker It looks a nice and detailed program.Im impressed so far just by the screenshots.But the proof is in the testing.
Re: Adquard - Ad Blocker I agree completely, a test is a must Not sure when I can get a test in or not, But I'll let you know when I do.
I chatted with shannow (JeffreyCole) regarding it. He told me that it does the same thing as Adblock Plus and is made by a Russian company.
it also uses an LSP (Layered service provider) http://www.freefixer.com/library/file/71543/ Which should generally be avoided. http://www.google.com/#hl=en&site=&source=hp&q=lsp connection problem
Adguard test Did someone test this product recently ? It is reliable ? http://adguard.com/en/welcome.html thanks.
Its resources's usage is not acceptable...below you can see usage without and with opened Firefox...it's terrible and looks like usage of AV or even IS. Sorry but it looks like some big mistake. Moreover it has only free 2-weeks trial... Without Ff With Ff And now usage of recources of others daily security apps in my system
@ichito thank you very much for performance test, oh huge on ressource like you said (two ISS at same time ) But how is effective against what is supposed doing ? rules.
As the adblocker it works properly...I think...what we can see on examples below: on the top - Adguard is disabled, on the bottom - enabled (of course all other ad/flash/scripts blockers was disabled) And now "good" news all screensshots was made by using Adguard not as the standalone app but as the browser add-on "Bad" news is that it's only for Chrome. -http://adguard.com/en/blog/?p=61- Adguard on Chrome Web Store -https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adguard/bgnkhhnnamicmpeenaelnjfhikgbkllg-
Tried the Chrome extension (in Chromium) Launched 10 times with AppTimer with --incognito and --no-referrers switches (and Adguard plus Avast extensions loaded with flash & PDF plug-in of adobe), average time = 0.3502 without Adguard and Avast it is 0.3430 so this is minimal delay.
For anyone interested in this for privacy/security reasons... It appears the proxy version MITMs HTTPS connections via certificates. You might want to look into the details and think through whether you want to use such an approach. The web browser, and its extensions, are in the best position to apply same origin based filters (to said web browser's traffic). Especially when Referrer is selectively blocked. You might want to focus some thought and testing on related scenarios if you intend to use the proxy version. It appears there are malicious site filter options. You might want to look into how those are implemented and whether they involve querying (sending browsing/URL information to) a remote server/database. Those "free lite version of Adguard for Google Chrome" limitations quoted by ichito sound rather significant. You might want to fully understand those and consider alternatives before using it.
Please state the con's your are hinting on Do you know how it is implemented? Now I am lost: 1. How do I know whether I fully understand it? Should I also consider alternatives when I partially understand it? 2. Furthermore you leave me clueless about which alternatives to consider, and how many alternatives to consider. 3. Is there a correlation between the level of understanding and number of alternatives to consider, e.g. fully understand = four alternatives, partly understand is two alternatives and little understanding one alternative. 4. When I consider alternatives, what should be the criteria to evaluate these alternatives? Please help
I would like to bring a bit of clarification about Adguard. Adguard no longer uses lsp driver, instead it uses the TDI and WPF drivers depending on the os. Also not necessarily to run both instances(gui and filtering service). If you close gui, filtration won't stop. And you can turn off https filtration.
Hi, guys! Suhan is one of our developers. This is a real life test with 15-20 opened tabs in Chrome. Adblock Plus http://ssmaker.ru/594bc117.png Measured with Google Chrome Process manager. Adguard http://ssmaker.ru/97322c65.png МБ — MB Memory usage can be lowered to about 60 MB with disabling of the GUI. Adblocking plugins only hide ads, while Adguard prevents them from loading. Plus it checks all links through our anti-phishing lists, Google Safebrowsing & Web of Trust databases and it blocks websites from tracking you. We also have a free plugin for new Opera — https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/adguard/?page=1 P.S. Here are some free keys for you guys, have a nice weekend! KY946AM9 K8DPC71F 7K82KGCE 5NERHYPT 45ZCN5DK YSXYGYR1 6PE926FX D6Z899ZB XEFM4E4K
@Suhan @AdguardPR Wecome to Wilders Security Forums Thanks for clarifyng about the lsp driver and other info. I'm actually use it (pro version) on Chrome without any issue, all ads stopped since i use it (2 days), no conflict with side by side security products, speed browsing, even if it's ressource is little bit high this is not a problem for me (ram on board ). Just one thing in the Browser setting tab, if i delete all others browsers, and keep the chrome one, the icon on the right down side not appears anymore (maybe it's a local bug, someone can confirm that?). when i set"reset to default" all running fine again. I also see that you have you own forum, it's good. https://forum.adguard.com/ And for the free keys thank you very very much, it's a good entry. Rules.