I just noticed the regdefend view alrets screen is porked this morning. There are no numbers (dates) in the viewing alrets: field.
Yeah, I had that. It's easily fixed, just play about with the drop-down boxes for the Year/Month/Day etc.
Was RegDefend running over from 31st Dec to 01 Jan? Might be a bug in updating DURING the new year switch there.
i am having a problem with the logs, too, since jan 1st, '06.. if i screw around with the settings, i can eventually get the appropriate log to display, but the problem comes back after i reboot..
This one is just like the AppDefend bug that makes your mouse slow down when ApDefend blocks physical memory access. It isnt really happening to you (youre just imagining it) or theres another app on your computer that is causing the problem, not reg defend! I still have the problem too. Guess we are the only 3 so youll just have to deal with it. lol.
I have it too. I need to set the month to February, set the date and then put the month back to January to access the log.
PS: the logs in regdefend seem like "overkill", not that i don't like the logs, but there seems to be a lot (of something) to them.. i am wondering if this issue with regdefend is not somehow causing problems with other programs.. i have been having a minor problem with ewido, lately, and once i saw the same problem with "processguard".. the problem is that, instead of seeing "ewidoctrl.exe" and ewidoguard.exe" in "task manager", half of the time, i am seeing "ewidoc~1.exe" and "ewidog~1.exe" (in "task manager")..
An "overkill" in the logs? Hm, I took a look and there is an application - PS Tray factory - which seems to have the need to Set Value every 10 seconds... (Joining a screenshot). Never did that before. Something is definitely wrong.
Could you guys having troubles with the date(s), try removing the log files from the log directory, and temporarily placing them in another directory or deleting them if you don't want them. Then restart GSS, or REBOOT, and see if the issue still exists.
Nothing doing Jason: I have deleted the log and rebooted - but still have to set the month to February and then put it back to January to see anything. And the application is still Setting Value every 10 seconds (as in the screenshot I attached yesterday).
i just reinstalled regdefend with a freshly formatted harddrive, and the problem with the logs is still there..
I'm having the same problem. I've deleted the logs, started over and on every boot up I have to click on the month drop down choose January again, although it is already listed but nothing is showing, and the moment I choose January again, the logs appear viewing "all". Then I go to the current day and it works fine until I reboot again. Not a big problem if you know how to get them to display again.
My copy looks like regdefend free or something. Didn't we have a capture utility or something. I just set and forget this program so I apolagize for not being that familiarI just It looks like stuffs missing on the front tab also. All this thing does is protect...which is a good thing. I guess what I'm getting at is it looks like a registration problem in that my software now looks like a free version would look like to me. Is this possible.?
tuggboat, maybe you should try reinstalling RegDefend.. did you "register" the program, with your "license key"? aside from the bug in the logs, i am not having any problems with RD.. i am using the "same old" version, where you download "2.0" and then update it (not a "beta" version)
the "2006" bug seems to have passed with the coming of february, at least in my case.. i anticipated that the problem would clear up (with the coming of february)..