Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by ryu, Mar 7, 2003.

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  1. ryu

    ryu Guest


    SpyBot S&D forum suggest me to get SpywareBlaster
    so I installed,
    but the following error happens when it start

    Run Process error'-2147221504 (80040000)'
    incorrect size descriptor in DES decryption

    I am running Japanese version of WinXp and Win2000pro,
    and this error happens both of them :eek: .... o_O
    I found out "incorrect size descriptor in DES decryption?"
    on: December 31, 2002
    in this forum but this problem dose not clear.
    Is there any way to fix this problem?
  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    This may unfortunately have something to do with you running the Japanese version of Windows - I will have to try to obtain a copy (I don't know how lucky I will get), but my best guess would be the Japanese character set is causing problems.

    Could you try the following for me please?
    1.) Delete the following two files from the directory where you installed SpywareBlaster: sbdatabase.dtb and sbinfo.dtb
    2.) Open SpywareBlaster (it should load without the error)
    3.) Press the "Check for Updates" button, and download the latest definitions.
    At this point, it will either exit with a similar error, or load the newest database into the program - please let me know which happens. :)

    Best regards,

  3. ryu

    ryu Guest

    Thanks for the response :D

    It successed to get latest definitions、but this error happens again. :'(

    I tyied it on WinXp, Win2000pro and Win98se as the same.
    It seemes Chinese and Japanese character set are causing this

  4. ryu

    ryu Guest

    I mistaked
    definitions、 →sbdatabase.dtb and sbinfo.dtb

  5. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Well it does seems like this is a compatibility issue with the Japanese character set - I'll implement a few potential fixes into the next version of SpywareBlaster (although I can make no guarantees, unfortunately, as I do not have a Japanese copy of Windows to test it on).

    Best regards,

  6. ryu

    ryu Guest

    Hi, Javacool

    Thanks for your information :D
    I hope this will help some of our Japanese users !

  7. TerryL

    TerryL Registered Member

    Mar 8, 2003
    I have been receiving exactly the same error message whilst trying to download updates.
    I am using Win 98SE in US/English.
    Originally, I attempted the 6/3/03 update and received a "Runtime Error '9' Subscript out of range" error.
    I uninstalled and reinstalled and have been receiving the abovementioned error at every subsequent attempt to update.
    Hope this helps you and that you in turn can help me,
    Regards Terry.
  8. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    I don't believe your problem is connected - however the following information could be useful:

    -Have you ever successfully used the update functionality before?
    -Do you use any type of proxy?

    EDIT: Could you try downloading and installing the following Visual Basic 6 SP5 run-time from Microsoft and see if it fixes your problem: http://download.microsoft.com/download/vb60pro/Redist/sp5/WIN98Me/EN-US/vbrun60sp5.exe

    EDIT[2]: BEFORE doing any of the above, the following could greatly help me find the cause of this problem:
    -Could you please reinstall SpywareBlaster and try the check for updates again - this should cause the error.
    -Could you then e-mail me at javacoolsoftware@hotmail.com with the following file in your SpywareBlaster folder: "sbdatabase.dtb". Thanks! :)


  9. TerryL

    TerryL Registered Member

    Mar 8, 2003
    In answer to your questions:
    Yes,I have been using the program virtually since inception and have updated regurarly.
    No,Idon't use a proxy.
    I installed the Visual Basic files and they made no difference.
    This problem seems to have appeared since the attempted update on 6/3/03.What happens is:the update seems to go alright.The install then proceeds to almost the very end and then the various items on the interface are blacked out and the "Runtime 9" error appears.
    Subsequent attempts to start the program are met with the earlier mentioned error message or the "Runtime 9" message.
    Hope you can follow this,
    Regards Terry.
  10. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Well thank you for the file - I can tell you right now what the problem is: for some reason, SpywareBlaster is not downloading the entire database file (?). I'll try to duplicate this under test conditions, and I'll let you know if I find anything.

    In the meantime, you can manually download the database files from the following two locations:


    Just save the files to your SpywareBlaster directory.

    Best regards,

  11. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    An update:

    The next version of SpywareBlaster will include an "alternative download method" option (as well as proxy configuration). If you attempt the normal updating process, and SpywareBlaster finds the files are not complete or have errors, it will alert you and automatically set the alternative download method option (which you should be able to use without any issues).

    Best regards,

  12. TerryL

    TerryL Registered Member

    Mar 8, 2003
    Thanks for the prompt reply.
    I have successfully completed the manual downloads and everything is sweet for the time being.
    I'll let you know if there are any further problems after the next update.
    Regards again,Terry.
  13. ryu

    ryu Guest

    This thread has been viewed over 200 times and
    meny Japanese visited here to know whether it is fixed yet or not.
    I know this issue is very difficult and it will not solve simply.
    so, where should I wait to get your info ? on this post or on the top Boards ?

    I did a fresh install of v 2.5.2 myself, but it not work on my operating system. :'(

  14. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    I am still working on this issue (it is proving to be a lot of trouble - and it isn't consistent either: some users can use SpywareBlaster with no problems). I will post about it in a separate thread in these forums if/when (hopefully when) a solution is available.

    Best regards,

  15. ryu

    ryu Guest

    Thanks for your friendly respons.

    I had known just waiting is a only way to go :p
    and i believe this solution will make SpywareBlaster and the other your productions to get the international new features !

    I tell you security websites of Japan are observing what Javacool do with hope.

  16. ryu

    ryu Guest


    I got a good news for you from a forum of Japan !

    In the registry, there is a section under:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International
    "Locale=00000411" (default for Japanese version)

    I succeeded to start SpywareBlaster by changing "Locale=00000409".
    The following is added.

    Locale=00000409 English/US OK
    Locale=00000809 English/UK OK
    Locale=0000040C France OK
    Locale=00000410 Italy OK
    Locale=00000804 China NO ! :'(
    Locale=00000411 Japan NO ! :'(

    It is the same as the area and language option "Your Locale" in a control panel,
    so some of Japanese environment software may incorrect-operate by it...
    Supposing this news may help this issue.

    (my English is not so good but perhaps you know what I mean) :cool:

  17. bernie

    bernie Guest

    BTW I am a user and programmer of both japanese and english winXP & unix , you can duplicate the japanese xp problem without owning a JPXP or korean, chinese etc.
    I recommend all programmers to to the following to check if your code will run on east asian machines.

    By logging in as an Admin then going to the Regional and language settings, click on the language tab, then check the install files for East Asian languages. Then Click on the "Advanced" tab. Here you will see a pulldown menu which says "Select a language to match the language version of the non-Unicode programs you want to use"
    Select Japanese

    you must restart - dot worry your system will look the same it will just be able to run japanese apllications.

    This is 100% undoable.
    go back to the Advaced tab and select what you had before.
    You can even uncheck the "East asian language fonts" which are pretty sizeable.

    please fix this problem as I would also like to use your software
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