3 machines had desktop erased

Discussion in 'MRU Blaster Forum' started by memo, Jul 31, 2003.

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  1. memo

    memo Registered Member

    Jul 31, 2003
    Disaster happening! MRU Blaster is great on the machines it works on but it has erased a large number of desktop icons on 3 of the machines I installed it on. 2 Win ME and 1 XP Home. None of the machines had any competing type of software.
  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    You might try disabling the IE Temporary Internet Files Cleaner plug-in, and see if that fixes the problem. :)

    (If you have the plug-in enabled, might I ask if you also enabled secure file deletion? TIA. Also, what were you doing at the time this happened? Were you using the MRU-Blaster Scheduler? How do you have your Desktop set up on those three machines? Do you have icons showing or hidden? Do you use Web elements on your Desktop?)

    Best regards,

  3. memo

    memo Registered Member

    Jul 31, 2003
    Temp Int File Cleaner plug-in is enable with secure file deletion enabled. MRUB Scheduler is not enabled.

    Configured for standard desktop with all icons showing and no web element involved.

    The condition of missing icons shows up after powering down and re-starting. On next boot following MRUB run, the desktop comes up with many icons missing., however, none of the OS icons get deleted, such as My Computer, Network, Recycle Bin, etc.

    I haven't been able to find anything in common with icons on different machines. For instance, it might Compupic on one computer, Olympus Digital Camera software on another, and HP scanner desktop control panel on another, plus others.

    It's as MRUB is deleting a partial list of icons from some hidden icon-index startup file. After memory is dumped on shutdown, the startup list of icons on next boot is smaller. Make any sense?
  4. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    :D i had same problem but it wasnt because of MRU Blaster it was a viruse or damaged os

    basicly all my desktop icon disapered and nothing seem to work right

    only desktop icon on my desktop was mycomputer icon

    but clicking on it didnt work but i found that if i right click and select expolor i could go in to my hard drive and go into windows then go in to desktop folder and all my icons were there

    i was able to hit goback and make it work from the desktop folder located in i think windows

    in your case you might want to hit system restore i like goback it saves my but lots of times
  5. memo

    memo Registered Member

    Jul 31, 2003
    No need to restore because the machine and all programs work perfectly fine. Even the icons are fine unless I run MRUB, and that's only on 3 machines so far. I maintain 700 computers in Mobile, Al.

    No viruses detected after being scanned from a remote LAN computer and after being scanned over Internet by Norton.

    The missing icons have only been a big inconvenience but all of the programs work fine.

    Your experience sounds like what the Klez virus does. I've removed Klez from probably 40 computers and am familiar with what you mentioned. Thanks.
  6. memo

    memo Registered Member

    Jul 31, 2003
    A 4th customer just notified me that MRUB is wiping out her Icons!!

    I am attaching her email as a .eml attachment in Outlook Express.

    The Temp Int Files filter was not turned on in her computer.
  7. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Well it seems the e-mail didn't make it through (only certain attachment types are accepted on this board). If you could e-mail it to me at press@wilderssecurity.net I would greatly appreciate it. :)

    (BTW, is there anything at all that those systems might have in common? Anything you can think of? TIA.)

    (Also, is it the desktop icons she meant, or was it the Windows XP Recent programs icons? Unchecking the Windows UserAssist MRUs in Settings can prevent MRU-Blaster from cleaning those.)

    Best regards,

  8. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Does this icon deletion problem still occur when the IE Temporary Internet Files Cleaner plug-in is completely disabled? How about disabling the Cookie Blaster plugin, should you have it enabled?

    If yes, could you try two additional things for me? (I hate to impose, but I still cannot reproduce the problem.) First, could you try just unchecking the "Windows Recent Folder" item in Settings, and then seeing if it fixes the problem. Then, should that not work (after a reboot) - could you try adding an icon or two to the desktop and then unchecking the "Windows Stream MRUs" item. If you can find time to do this, thanks! :cool:

    Best regards,

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