Firewall Settings to allow update.

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by RBmisc, Jul 9, 2003.

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  1. RBmisc

    RBmisc Registered Member

    Jul 9, 2003
    I need to set up my firewall to allow for updates to come through. What protocol and port number range do I need for this to be possible?
  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Should it also be necessary, proxy settings for SpywareBlaster can be found in the Setting area.

    But back to your question - SpywareBlaster simply downloads files from the following HTTP servers: & (it can be either one, depending on bandwidth load).

    Best regards,

  3. RBmisc

    RBmisc Registered Member

    Jul 9, 2003
    I have the program loaded. I am trying to get an updated data base but I get the message:

    There was an error getting the update information file from the server. The server may be temporarily unavailable, or there may be a conflict with firewall software installed on your pc. The update information file may have also gotten corrupted during downloan. Please try again soon.

    I looked at the settings and there is nothing that tells me to set the proxy. I don't need to set a proxy. I just need to know what to set my firewall to allow the updates to be accessed. I need to know the protocol (TCP or UDP) and the port number range.


    - Fixed format tags - LWM
  4. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi RBmisc,

    That error message is also generated when there are server problems on our end, which do happen from time to time. However, if it is being blocked by your firewall, can you check to see what is being blocked in your firewall logs?

    In any case, to actually answer your question directly, here are a set of generic rules as you'd apply to the spywareblaster.exe program in a local software firewall...

    Access  Type  Source             Destination                 Description
    Allow   UDP   YourPC:Any         YourDNSservers:53           DNS
    Allow   TCP   YourPC:1024-5000   JavacoolsWebservers:80      Webserver
    Allow   UDP   YourPC:1024-5000   YourPC:1024-5000            Loopback
    Block   Any   Any                Any                         Block the rest
    And below is what the key parts of these rules would look like in ZAP 4.0 (image).

    I hope this helps,

    Attached Files:

  5. RBmisc

    RBmisc Registered Member

    Jul 9, 2003
    Thanks, I'll see how they apply to my firewall. Mine is in a router. (2-wire Homeportal.) When you mention YourPC, I am assuming that is the name of my computer? So it is considerably different than ZAP.
  6. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    I used generic terminology in that rules list as every software firewall is a bit different. Since you are talking about a router, you won't have to worry about the loopback entry at all - that occurs just locally within the PC.

    For a separate router, I can't imagine you'll need to make any changes in its normal configuration. You are probably already allowing your PC to get outbound access to your ISP's DNS servers (dest UDP port 53), as the way SpywareBlaster works is no different than any other program on your PC in using domain names to get to Internet sites. Also, your router must allow your PC to browse to Internet based webservers (like Javacool's) on dest TCP port 80.

    Basically, there are no special (dedicated) ports in use in SpywareBlaster that you'd have to allow in a separate router of hardware firewall. It just uses normal DNS and Webserver ports.
  7. RBmisc

    RBmisc Registered Member

    Jul 9, 2003
    I passed your settings on to the router mfg (2-wire Homeportal) and they sent me back suggestions as to settings. I tried them and it didn't work. They suggested DMZ setting. I don't think I want to set for that.

    I have no problem browsing, I just can't get the database update with SpywareBlaster.

    I will pass your web site on to them to see if they can test there.
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