What about guests on Wilders and posting messages?

Discussion in 'polls' started by Smokey, Oct 16, 2005.


Should guests on Wilders be allowed posting messages?

  1. Yes, without any exceptions

    32 vote(s)
  2. No, not at all

    8 vote(s)
  3. Only in the Official Support Forums like DiamondCS, Eset Nod32, Javacool etc.

    9 vote(s)
  4. I'm not sure / I don't know

    2 vote(s)
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  1. Smokey

    Smokey Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Annie's Pub
    On regular base there are on Wilders Security Forums discussions about guests and posting messages by them.

    It will be appreciated when you give your opinion about this sticky issue.

    I vote for allowing guests to post messages ONLY in the Official Support Forums like DiamondCS, Eset Nod32, Look'n'Stop, Javacool, Acronis and Ghost.
  2. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    This kind of Poll actually belongs in the Poll forum section. ;)

    Moving it there now.
  3. Smokey

    Smokey Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Annie's Pub
    Sorry Bubba, I was not paying attention to place it in the correct forum!:'( ;)
  4. I'm amazed bubba is allowing this poll. I seem to recall a similar poll being struck down before in the past because wilders policy is not subject to public discussion.
  5. Smokey

    Smokey Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Annie's Pub
    Please let's not start here a discussion about policy and politics, stick at the topic: guest and posting messages.

    Txs, Smokey
  6. A funny request to make considering that this thread is about policy and politics. :) But okay.
  7. Bubba

    Bubba Updates Team

    Apr 15, 2002
    if this poll remains it will not be solely by my decision since such decisions are made collectively by the Wilders Team.
    I'm not sure which you speak of but the last Poll I re-call was this one and should not have been viewed as struck down due to the fact it would be an Admin decision to dis-allow Guest posting.
  8. jwcca

    jwcca Registered Member

    Dec 6, 2003
    Good position Bubba. I also posted this link to a Groklaw article in the discussion thread, but I believe it makes sense to post here as well. http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=20051007151046741 I believe that in general guest posts will be evaluated by readers who will make their own decision regarding the merits. Where a guest posts obviously malicious opinions or claims, there are lots of trusted and knowledgable members to counter these. And, yes, when there's something vulgar or foul being said, the Admins should 'snip it', that's not censorship, it's 'keeping it clean'. So, I voted for an open forum and I'll decide if I value or ignore a specific post. Jim C
  9. Sorry Bubba didn't mean to imply that you were the one making all the decisions.

    Hmm. No this wasn't the poll I was thinking of. Besides what the heck does guest sign on means? Sounds like registered members in all but name.

    In any case, it seems like polls discussing wilder policy is now allowed or was always allowed ? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  10. dog

    dog Guest

    No it's not allowed. ;)

    We will allow this thread/poll to continue as long as it remains an academic discussion, with members and guests sharing their view on the pro, cons, merits etc. in regards to the question at hand. Everyone must realize this thread will have NO bearing on Wilders policy, which is determined solely by the site owners and/or administrators of WSF. Keep in mind or TOS, if this thread evolves into a political discussion it will be closed, or if it degrades into a flaming session, or it violates any other part of our TOS it will meet the same fate.

    We're for the most part all adults here, as long as it stays on the up and up, it can continue. ;)



    Ps. This doesn't in any way change our position on discussing Wilders policies or moderating decisions. It's one time deal. ;)
  11. Smokey

    Smokey Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Annie's Pub
    Steve, I appreciate and understand your- and the other wilders-moderators point of view.;)

    Therefore again my request to all: "Please let's not start here a discussion about policy and politics, stick at the topic: guest and posting messages."
  12. ok, I'll admit I'm complete gutless coward, and a troll, who hids behind his guest status. But I love to cause trouble here because I like upset others and be a overall creep, who trhinks he know everthing. :D
  13. controler

    controler Guest


    Can guests vote on polls?


  14. Smokey

    Smokey Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Annie's Pub
    Hi Controler,

    as far as I know the answer is NO.
  15. controler

    controler Guest

    Ok thanks, I just thought that was funny since their IP would show as already posting anyway so they couldn't keep voting?

    Guess i was wondering why they can't vote. is all.

  16. Smokey

    Smokey Registered Member

    Apr 1, 2002
    Annie's Pub
    I have just tested it on another machine and tried to vote as "guest", got the reply "you are not allowed to vote" or something like that.
  17. controler

    controler Guest

    Yes I do not see that in their TOS.
  18. badapple

    badapple Guest

    Guess that is how the software was is designed.

    Allow guests to do certian things but not others.

    badapple but not devilsadvocate
  19. Agreed. :)
  20. controler

    controler Guest

    Perfect time of the year for it. Halloween is the 31st of Oct. :D

    Happy Halloween:ninja:

  21. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    I voted "Yes, without any exceptions". Security is a general subject for everybody.
    If Wilders excludes people from participating in security matters without any good reason, then Wilders is looking for trouble.
    Guest means "not registered" and nothing more or less. You can't exclude people because of that and Wilders has the same rules for members and guests and that should be enough.
    Keep it simple, because there is no reason at all to complicate this.
    One day a guest might solve one of my or your problems. So what's the problem ?
  22. Trooper

    Trooper Registered Member

    Jan 26, 2005
    I voted no, not at all. Reason being is to put the kabash on guest "trolls."
  23. feddup

    feddup Registered Member

    Oct 30, 2004
    mostly harmless

    Except for the occasional Acronis hater I see no harm in guests. The Acronis haters usually just haven't done their research and/or given Acronis time to deal with their issues.
  24. Tom772

    Tom772 Guest

    Hi Trooper, I understand how you might feel but i dont feel like a troll!! I have been around @ wilders for several months now and i have recieved some great help, advice and some times i even tried and help others here as well. I see other regular 'guests' posting that are justing trying to be apart of Wilders and offer help.

    'I might register one day, but for now im happy to be a guest'

    Regards T
  25. Capp

    Capp Registered Member

    Oct 16, 2004
    United States
    I voted to allow them without exclusion. I like knowing we have guests show up to get a question answered. If they like it as a guest, they might just register and become a full-fledged member.

    I hate, absolutely hate, when I go to a place to learn 1 quick lesson or respond to a thread I feel I can be helpful in and I have to go through a lengthy, bs registration form before I can even ask a question.

    I say....bring on the guests :)
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