Other Anti-Malware software (Recopilation)

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by guest, Oct 22, 2008.

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  1. guest

    guest Guest

    Other Anti-Malware Software (Recopilation, help the community!)

    I want to share with all the people all these "lightweight" applications that improve the system security excluding antivirus, firewalls, antispyware.
    The RED is for expert users only, some of them can easily dop serious damage to your system if you don't have experience and/or prior knowledge about this software.
    The ORANGE is not recomended for newbies, because this software can be dificult to use, and have some dangerous options.
    Please, help me to find more applicantions and i will go editing this post.
    If you have any suggestion please tell me.


    Behavioral HIPS
    Mamutu: www.emsisoft.com/en/software/mamutu/
    Norton antibot: www.symantec.com/norton/antibot
    ThreatFire: www.threatfire.com

    Classic HIPS
    System Safety Monitor: www.syssafety.com
    EQsecure: www.eqsecure.com Ruleset: http://drop.io/eqsecure
    Real-time Defender: www.rtdefender.com
    Malware Defender: www.torchsoft.com/en/md_information.html
    Dynamic Security Agent: www.privacyware.com/dynamic_security_agent.html

    Policy based HIPS
    DefenseWall: www.softsphere.com

    Proactive Defense
    Anvir: www.anvir.com
    WinPatrol: www.winpatrol.com
    Runscanner: www.runscanner.net

    Returnil Virtual System: www.returnilvirtualsystem.com
    ShadowUser: www.storagecraft.com/products/ShadowUser/
    Windows SteadyState: www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/sharedaccess/default.mspx
    Shadow Defender: www.shadowdefender.com

    Sandboxie: www.sandboxie.com

    Zemana AntiLogger (Proactive Protection): www.zemana.com
    KeyScrambler: www.qfxsoftware.com

    Password Manager
    RoboForm: www.roboform.com
    KeePass: http://keepass.info/

    IP Block List
    PeerGuardian: http://phoenixlabs.org/pg2/
    HostsMan: www.abelhadigital.com

    Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware: www.malwarebytes.org
    SUPERAntiSpyware: www.superantispyware.com
    a-squared Anti-Malware (Mamutu integrated): www.emsisoft.com/en/software/antimalware/
    a-squared Free: www.emsisoft.com/en/software/free/
    Spyware Doctor: www.pctools.com/spyware-doctor

    Norton Ghost: www.symantec.com/norton/ghost
    Acronis True Image Home: www.acronis.com/homecomputing/products/trueimage/
    StorageCraft ShadowProtect: http://www.storagecraft.com/products/ShadowProtectDesktop/

    Seconfig XP: http://seconfig.sytes.net
    SpywareBlaster: www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html

    Other apps
    SOKX PRO (USB flash drive Protector): http://sokxpro-en.blogspot.com/
    Secunia PSI: http://secunia.com/vulnerability_scanning/personal/
    HijackThis: www.trendsecure.com/portal/en-US/tools/security_tools/hijackthis
    Sysinternals Suite: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/0e18b180-9b7a-4c49-8120-c47c5a693683.aspx

    xp-AntiSpy: www.xp-antispy.org
    Proxomitron: www.proxomitron.info
    Rogue removal kit: www.elitekiller.com/malware.htm
    SmitFraudFix: http://siri.geekstogo.com/SmitfraudFix.php
    Windows Worms Doors Cleaner: www.firewallleaktester.com/wwdc.htm
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2008
  2. demonon

    demonon Guest

    Re: "Alternative" Security software

    Using keyscrambler, Mamutu and Geswall. I can recommend all 3 of them.
    Although I don't think the apps you mentioned are really that alternative, they all are top of the notch.
  3. guest

    guest Guest

    Re: "Alternative" Security software

    Yes but they are unusual applications for most of the people, normally you can be "secure" with and antivirus and a firewall, and all these applications are a plus.
  4. n8chavez

    n8chavez Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2003
    Location Unknown
    Re: "Alternative" Security software

    Everything you have mentioned has been discussed previously in great detail. There really is no need to create new threads for this kind of stuff. A forum search will help you find whatever you are looking for in terms of 'alternative' and 'lightweight' security applications.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2008
  5. guest

    guest Guest

    Re: "Alternative" Security software

    Yes but these post is for discover new applications, it can be help to other people to find applications, or discover different protection ways. Most of the people only know about the antivirus, antispayware, and firewall.
    I think that these post can be helpful
  6. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    I agree with n8chavez. There are hundreds of threads covering one or more of the same applications listed by OP. It's yet another thread in the genre of "What is your security set-up". But post away -- it's better than watching re-runs of "Gilligan's Island" I suppose. ;)
  7. guest

    guest Guest

    This post is not that you are saying it is just like a database of "all" the "Other Anti-Malware" software. Is a good for see all the ways that you can protect the computer, and all the alternatives that you can chose.
    This is not "What is your security set-up", this is different.

    It supose that this post the people show to the other software that not all the people knows, maybe you have a lot of time here or you know a lot of about security and you know about all the soft that I wrote, but not all the people is like you xD

    Sorry for my english, sometimes i have some troubles xD

  8. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    Your English is waaay better than my grasp of your native tongue (whatever that might be). :thumb:

    Welcome to Wilders! :)

    EASTER Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2007
    U.S.A. (South)
    All those are IMPRESSIVE!

    I have tested and am convinced so far that MAMUTU + the newest Threatfire are adequate and up to the task of Behavioral Blocking duties with satisfaction. Threatfire needs another pinch in the programming code in my opinion though to bring it up to the same responsiveness as MAMUTU, but is definitely working all corners like we've been expecting w/o the problems that hindered it before.

    As far as HIPS go, yes SSM is a good choice, but then IMHO so is EQS and RTD. These apps are a no-brainer, *must have front line PROACTIVE defense that's surely come of age now.

    SandboxIE is a natural also. In my configs i favor also applying Returnil RVS too.

    Some members feel this topic is beating a dead horse that's been explained many times before and has, but in every topic, no matter if it seems that it's been raised before, theres always a potential to discover something either overlooked before or passed by.

  10. guest

    guest Guest

    Thanks, I have just added to the list returnill as a virtualization system and RTD adn EQS as HIPS, but i am not sure that if eqs is an intelligent hips or a normal one.


    PROROOTECT Registered Member

    May 5, 2008
    HERE ...Fort Lee, NJ
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2008
  12. guest

    guest Guest

    Remove any and startupmonitor added
    I just add Advanced Anti Keylogger:
    Advanced Anti Keylogger is the result of extensive mathematical research and modeling carried out by our specialists. The unique protection algorithm of Advanced Anti Keylogger is based on operating principles common to all types of keystroke monitoring programs, both known and unknown, currently in use or in development. Advanced Anti Keylogger prohibits operation of the most dangerous feature of any spy software: recording of a computer user's keystrokes. So Advanced Anti Keylogger works like personal firewall.

  13. n8chavez

    n8chavez Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2003
    Location Unknown
    Not true to any degree. I really hope not many people are reading this thread. If they were to take this 'advice' seriously they'd be in for a lot of potential hurt, as evident by the above statement. An anti-keylogger is a spefic type of anti-malware, nothing more. It is not a firewall. It is not intended to restrict access to your system via the internet nor is it supposed to determine what applications, and in some cases .DLLs, can access the internet. Both of those are characteristtics of a firewall, which are not present in an anti-keylogger.

    There have been other posts which have had less then stellar "advice" too. What is the reputation of RemoveAny anti-spyware? Where are the opinions and tests results. Until something can be presented to substantiate its effectiveness I suggest everyone use Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware or SUPERAntiSpyware.

    StartupMonitor is a very basic program. It only allows the user to monitor a very limited number of registry keys that are associated with startup entries. It does not have the ability to alert the user when startup services are installed, which these days is increasingly important. I suggest WinPatrol and AnVir instead.

    guest - I still say there is no need for this thread, and others have aggreed with me. That being said, if you insist on this redundant thread make sure it is, at the very least, helpful. If your intention is to make this a thread where 'newbies' can come for alternative security software ideas then you need to do two things; ask that this thread be stickied, and make sure you are certain of the quality of the software you add to your "list". Keep in mind though that such a target audience is not likely to visit Wilders in the first place.
  14. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Re: "Alternative" Security software

    I have to agree, that I don't see any point in this thread. If you agree just don't post, and it will go the way of many others.

  15. MR X

    MR X Registered Member

    Feb 21, 2007
    nice list keep up the good work:)
  16. Sully

    Sully Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2005
    I would say that is not as factual as it seems. For seasoned geeks, this is a redundant thread indeed. However, there are always those just starting down this road, or even seasoned geeks take a break for a spell, and a sticky of all the options, especially the ones that are let's call instead of older, more 'mature', would be a nice thing.

    I have looked countless times at the 'What is your current security setup' to get ideas on either something I have not tried or not been aware of. Not that this thread is a replacement or necessarily sticky qualified, no disrespect intended.

  17. guest

    guest Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2008
  18. Iangh

    Iangh Registered Member

    Jul 13, 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    I like this thread but I'm not an expert.

    There are some very clever people on Wilders who really know what they are talking about, then there are people like me that have an interest in learning what's out there to protect my PC.

    Two ends of the spectrum.

    Neither is more important than t'other.

    Both are here to learn.

    Some us are not as advanced as others and need hand-holding.

  19. n8chavez

    n8chavez Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2003
    Location Unknown
    There are many users here that have told you to close this thread, stop posting to it. It will not be stickied, and that should show you what the general opinion is. Even admins have chimed in. But if you insist on keeping this thread alive then the least I can do if to guarantee that the information you have here is acurate and that you are not recommending any bad software.

    With that in mind read my post 13; delete StartupMonitor and RemoveAny anti-spyware. Add WinPatrol, MBAM, SUPERantispyware, and AnVir.

    That depends greatly on the ruleset being used. If you are talking about version 4, there is no better complete set than Alcyon Ruleset.
  20. RobZee

    RobZee Registered Member

    Aug 7, 2004
  21. guest

    guest Guest

    Added: Anvir: WinPatrol: Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware: SUPERAntiSpyware: a-squared
    Removed: StartupMonitor and RemoveAny

    Where we can get Alcyon Ruleset??

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2008
  22. HURST

    HURST Registered Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    For Alcyon's Ruleset, look here:

    I suggest you to split the sandbox category into virtualization sandboxing and policy sandboxing, and add DefenseWall the policy sandboxes.
  23. Dark Shadow

    Dark Shadow Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2007
    Re: Other Anti-Malware Software (Recopilation, help the community!)

    To add to the HIPS List there is, (MD)Malware Defender and (DSA) Dynamic Security Agent.

    To add to the virtualization,Mircrosoft steadystate
  24. guest

    guest Guest

    Re: Other Anti-Malware Software (Recopilation, help the community!)

    Alcyon Ruleset
    Windows SteadyState
    Dynamic Security Agent
    Malware Defender

    @HURST can you explain better what do you do with the virtualization sandboxing and policy sandboxing i dont know very well how to distribute all the softwares, please if you can, write the new classification and distribution and i will edit the post.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2008
  25. n8chavez

    n8chavez Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2003
    Location Unknown
    Definetely!! This needs to be added. DefenseWall is not my cup of tea, but it is very good. A lot of users here use it and find it to be very good at what it does.

    I think there is one category that is being overlooked. Data backup, specificallt partition imaging, can be the ultimate (most foolproof) form of security. This is the only type of software that is capable of restoring everything in the case of harddrive failure of intense malware attack. Returnil Virtual System, and ShadowUser are nice, but they will do nothing when the entire drive fails. That is where imaging programs, such as Acronis TI, Drive Snapshot, etc., come into play.

    Also, AnVir and WinPatrol are not scanners. They are preemptive applications.
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