SpywareGuard disables infotips

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by reckon3, Jul 1, 2003.

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  1. reckon3

    reckon3 Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2003
    o_O Took me awhile to realize the connection; but enabling SpywareGuard 2.1 disables the infotip function with the pointer- except when holding the pointer over an item in the tool/taskbar and 'close'/minimize/maximize/etc. Infotip works with all toolbars- desktop and IE 6; but not on anything on the desktop or any folders/files in any partition/drive. Any idea how to correct this. Drove me nuts until I realized this is what was causing it- believe me I've checked every other possibility! :rolleyes: Thanks for any help with this- don't want to have to uninstall the program. reckon3
    Windows 2000 Pro/SP4 (did it with SP3 too)/ZA PRO/SpybotNSW/AdAware/Google beta toolbar- I think that's about it. Thanks again-r
  2. Reverend Ike

    Reverend Ike Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2003
    Sacramento, CA
    Well, I think Reckon3 is correct. Using Windows Explorer, if I position the pointer on a long file name (one that exceeds the column width in a Details view), the infotips does not work when SG is running (with the tray icon). Once I select Exit, and the tray icon disappears, infotips is enabled.

    Windows 98se here, and the only other resident programs are AVG Free and Zone Alarm Free.
  3. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    A very interesting discovery...I'll take a look into it as soon as possible. :)

    Best regards,

  4. reckon3

    reckon3 Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2003
    Thanks for the confirmation of the problem Reverend Ike; nice to know I wasn't imagining it. ;) Thanks javacool for looking into it- since I couldn't see any connection between this program and the infotips- took me awhile to find it. It'll be interesting to know what the cause could be- thanks again- reckon3
  5. rumbach

    rumbach Guest

    The same thing happens with windoze ME also.
    I was searching and searching the web for the
    solution but I am glad I happened across this
  6. dqa

    dqa Registered Member

    Mar 17, 2002
    Hi javacool and all,

    Just to say that I run Win98se, but don't experience this problem-i.e., infotips still visible with SpywareGuard installed and its control prog running... Curiously enough :)


  7. reckon3

    reckon3 Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2003
    From what I've read here, and a few other forums, appears 98/98SE has less of a problem with this than later Window's versions. Read into that whatever you want. ;) Thanks again- really felt like I was the only one experiencing this- maybe I need to go back to 98SE- probably solve a lot of little problems with various software! -reckon3
  8. Reverend Ike

    Reverend Ike Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2003
    Sacramento, CA
    Hey, Reckon3, you forgot - I have Windows 98se and it affects me. :)

    Here are some additional observations:

    Remember, as Reckon3 originally posted, only certain infotips are blocked. Infotips on webpages and in the taskbar are not blocked.

    Two examples of infotips that are blocked:

    In Windows Explorer (Details view), if you point at a long filename or description (one that is truncated because of the column width) the complete filename or description is normally displayed. In Winamp 2.x, if you point at the song title or other areas, a descriptive infotip is normally displayed. With SpywareGuard running, I noticed that both of the above were blocked.

    I just tried experimenting with the three SG options, and I discovered that the infotip-blocking behavior only occurs when the Download Protection option is enabled.

    So hopefully that fact will make it a bit easier for Javacool to figure out what is causing it ...
  9. reckon3

    reckon3 Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2003
    Okay- I tried disabling Download Protection- but I remembered right- that didn't fix it for me. Tried a few other combinations- no luck- oh well. :'( You're right- I forgot worked on your 98se box- but didn't work for dga; I keep wondering if it's some combination of software doing it- yet disabling SpywareGuard fixes it every time. Thanks for the reminder and the idea- glad it worked for you :D -reckon3
  10. Reverend Ike

    Reverend Ike Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2003
    Sacramento, CA
    Well, so much for that theory. :)

    Did you try disabling other combinations of SG options to see what happens, or do your infotips only reappear when all 3 options are disabled?
  11. rumbach

    rumbach Guest

    Thanks for the tip on disabling downloading
    protection. That worked for me also.
  12. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Ah - very interesting. :)

    Thanks for the info!

    Best regards,

  13. reckon3

    reckon3 Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2003
    Yep- tried alll the various combos- I think- how many would there be statistically? ;) Looks like 2000 Pro behaves differently than 98se. Thanks for the moment of hope, though! :D -reckon3
  14. Reverend Ike

    Reverend Ike Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2003
    Sacramento, CA
    There should be 8 option possibilities (1=Real-time, 2=Download, 3=Browser):

    1+2+3 checked *
    1+2 only *
    1+3 only
    2+3 only *
    1 only
    2 only *
    3 only
    none checked

    * For me, those four affected my infotips ...
  15. reckon3

    reckon3 Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2003
    Well, this should screw up everything- tried all the combinations- thanks; hard to believe took 2 years multivariate statistics and couldn't focus on possible combos :rolleyes: Anyway- none of them worked- and enabling 2 and 3 only actually disabled infotips completely- even in toolbars, etc. Only when I chose 'exit' did I regain all the use of the infotips- aaargh! Thanks again for the help- guess I have to wait for Javacool to ease this terrible burden! :D Thanks again- reckon3
  16. Reverend Ike

    Reverend Ike Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2003
    Sacramento, CA
    Well, once again, different results. On my Win98se system, none of the SG option combinations affect the taskbar infotips ...
  17. CaptainPicky

    CaptainPicky Registered Member

    Aug 23, 2003
    I've been reading this thread with a great amount of hopeful enthusiasm, but Alas, the results for my own W98/se OS have turned out quite the same as yours Rev. Ike.

    Only with SpywareGuard thoroughly disabled do "tooltips" return. In my instance, the only tooltip I can get is one on the taskbar for QuickLaunch, and that only for one that is accessed by a ">" as it is normally not visible when I have 6 items in the Systray.

    Now, I am inclined to ask, while "tooltips" is a definitely useful and handy feature, to have to disable SG to access the function of the tooltips puts the SpywareGuard at a distinct disadvantage. I mean what good is the SG application if everything is disabled, or if one must "exit" the program altogether?

    In dismay,
    CaptainPicky :doubt:
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