spybot and spywareblaster

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by j p moseley, Jun 29, 2003.

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  1. j p moseley

    j p moseley Guest

    Could somebody help with my problem,i downloaded spybot search and destoy first and my computer seemed to be running ok,then i downloaded spywareblaster and now i am starting to have some problems. I will give you an example if i go onto coverkingdom to download a cover the window will open but that's as far as it will go,also the same thing is happening when i try and download certain things,i tried downloading cover XP free and that would not download either,so i deleted the spywareblaster off my system but i am still having the same problems,spybot search and destroy is still on my system.
  2. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Hi jp moseley,

    Did you remove the kill-bits set by SpywareBlaster before removing it.
    If you didn´t, the protection is still there.

    One word of caution: the protection does have a reason.


  3. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Well I just tried coverkingdom, with SpywareBlaster's protection completely enabled, and I had no problems checking out covers, going to download "Cover XP", etc.

    So it sounds like SpywareBlaster may not be the culprit.

    Best regards,

  4. j p moseley

    j p moseley Guest

    spywareblaster and spybot

    Thanks for the reply, but how do i remove the kill-bits,another reply that i had said he had no problems doing the things i wanted to do and he had his spywareblaster fully enabled,so he thinks the problem might be elswhere.

    Merged with this thread - Javacool
  5. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    To remove the kill bits:

    1.) Reinstall SpywareBlaster (if you removed it) and run the program.
    2.) Press the "Deselect All" button
    3.) Press the "Remove Protection for Unchecked Items" button

    All items in the list should now turn red.

    ALERT: I really do no recommend the course of action above. If something is being blocked, it is because it is dangerous. But again, as I said, I have no problems with that site, so another program is probably at fault. Have you tried rebooting?

    Best regards,

  6. DGBrothers

    DGBrothers Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2003
    San Francisco
    It may be that SpyBot Search and Destroy has set the URL for the website you're trying to access to be rerouted to (localhost) in the Hosts file.

    Check your Hosts file from inside SpyBot Search and Destroy, and look for the URL of the website you're trying to access. Delete that listing from the Hosts file.

    As was stated previously, this isn't recommended, as the URL has been rerouted for a reason, usually because the website is promulgating spyware.

    Hope this helps.
  7. emjay

    emjay Registered Member

    May 20, 2003
    I have had both for a long time and have had no problem with it. :cool:
  8. j p moseley

    j p moseley Guest

    Many thanks for the replies but i am still having the same problem so i decided to delete spybot search and destroy and spywareblaster off my system but it has not made any difference, i also deleted a pop up stopper as well but it is still the same.This is what's happening if i go onto say mega-search or coverkingdom to download a cover when i click onto a cover a window will open and then you can wait forever but nothing will happen, its exactly the same if i try to download certain things as well.At the beginning of s/blaster it says.By using spywareblaster you may disable spyware used by other programmes.You may not be allowed to continue using those programmes,if you disable the spyware.Is this why i am having these problems or could it be something else.I would have thought that by deleting them off my system it would have solved the problem.If anybody else has had similar problems please reply. o_O
  9. Reverend Ike

    Reverend Ike Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2003
    Sacramento, CA
    Try this: Go to one of the sites that you are having trouble downloading from. Select an item to download and position the pointer on that link. A URL should appear in the status bar - make a note of the domain name part of the URL, for example "www.downloadcoverxp.com".

    Next, navigate to your Hosts file. If you are using XP Home, it will be in:


    If you are using XP Pro, it will be in:


    Open the Hosts file with Notepad (or whatever text editor you normally use). Search the contents of the Hosts file for the domain name of the faulty download link, such as "www.downloadcoverxp.com". If you find it, then it would appear your download link is being blocked by your Hosts file. Post here if that's the case, and we can explain a couple of options.

    I kinda doubt Spybot S&D or SpywareBlaster are to blame for any problems, unless the downloads you are attempting to retrieve contain spyware or malicious ActiveX controls or something similar. If that's true, you really don't want to complete that download, because then you'll be back here tomorrow asking how to get more parasites off your system. :)

    I think that the disclaimer you mentioned "... by using spywareblaster you may disable spyware ..." refers to things like the cd_clint.dll file in Kazaa, where the removal of the cd-clint.dll file will prevent Kazaa from functioning. Other "free" programs act similar to Kazaa - they pay for themselves by allowing spyware to be included in their program files, and if that spyware is removed, the program dies. So this disclaimer generally refers to freeware programs already on your computer, or freeware programs that try to force you to download spyware as part of their files. I don't know if this applies specifically to your situation ...
  10. j p moseley

    j p moseley Guest

    Thanks very much for trying to help solve my problem, as you have probably gathered i am a complete beginner with computers,so could you please tell me how i access my hosts file, i am operating Windows 98.
  11. Reverend Ike

    Reverend Ike Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2003
    Sacramento, CA
    In Windows 98, the Hosts file is located in C:\WINDOWS

    This site provides a very good explanation of Hosts files:

    » Gorilla Design Studios - The HOSTS File

    There are several links on the right side of the page with different Hosts file topics ...
  12. j p moseley

    j p moseley Guest

    I finally found my hosts files,and after checking through them i couldn't find any of the links that i had been trying to get onto.
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