I am NOT pleased

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by Paul2, Feb 3, 2006.

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  1. Paul2

    Paul2 Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    I'm a new user of Enterprise Edition. I have a Win2003 SBS system that I installed it on today. SBS was installed a month ago and has been running fine.

    I installed NOD32 Admin version, did all the updates, and started a scan. About halfway through the scan I got the BSOD. I rebooted, it ran about five minutes then got another blue screen. Now it won't reboot at all. I get "Error loading operating system".

    What a mess! This is a SERVER! My whole network is down! Users complaining, and there's a must-run event on Saturday. This is Thursday night and my server is dead as a doornail.

    Yes, it could be a hardware failure. But that would be quite a coincidence, wouldn't it?
  2. shanijee

    shanijee Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2006
    i tell you what action to take
    get out all your rams and chang there locations
    get out proccessor and clean it
    get your hard disk out and then start your pc with out hard disk
    then put hard drive to its orignal location
    and you pc will run no blue screen and get a smile on you face
    this is because of the ram struck memory not greatest nod32
    Q Has Been A
  3. zapjb

    zapjb Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2005
    USA still the best. But barely.
    Excuse me what does this have to do with OP's problem? And btw what does "this is because of the ram struck memory not greatest nod32" mean?:blink:
  4. shanijee

    shanijee Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2006
    you donot know i am hardware engineer
    let Paul2 to do this
  5. Firecat

    Firecat Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2005
    The land of no identity :D
    The way I interpreted it, the BIOS has some problem with the way the RAM sticks have been fixed on the motherboard. He also seems to suspect a loose connection in the hard drive cables, hence the suggestion to remove HD and re-connect and boot in order to let the BIOS refresh itself.

    IMO, for me, If I didnt place a memory module correctly, I have seen BSODs, but I highly doubt the hard disk reconnection, because there's no BSODs in case of an improper connection (PC would not boot at all, or it would hang).

    Switching the RAM slots may be tried, but theres only a 45% chance of it being the problem IMO.
  6. Paul2

    Paul2 Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    I'm in the other 55% - it didn't help.

    Anyway, like I said, the server has been running fine for a month now. Why would it suddenly have a heart attack during a scan?

    This is a new installation of SBS, only about five weeks old. All disks were freshly low-level formatted before the installation, too.

    There is practically no software on it other than the operating system. Adobe Reader and a couple other things that have been on it since it was new. It has MS Exchange, but Exchange is not being used.

    And a half hour after installing NOD32, it's dead.
  7. Paul2

    Paul2 Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    Thanks. I have done that, except for the processor.

    But why would this problem happen now?
  8. zashita

    zashita Registered Member

    May 17, 2005
    Is IMON disabled in NOD32 ? it is recommanded to have it disabled (grey icon) on servers. (a warning is shown during the install process)
  9. alglove

    alglove Registered Member

    Jan 17, 2005
    Houston, Texas, USA
    I do remember several years ago we had a bad RAID controller on one of our servers. The server seemed to run OK until there was heavy disk usage or we were running backups. Then the computer would lock up. I remember having a devil of a time troubleshooting that one.

    By the way, can the computer boot into Safe Mode?
  10. YeOldeStonecat

    YeOldeStonecat Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2005
    Along the Shorelines somewhere in New England
    I can assure you there is no conflict between NOD32 EE and SBS servers. SBS servers are the core of my consulting business, I have many...MANY clients out there running it, I have NOD32 EE running on many SBS2K and SBS2K3 servers...they run smooth as butter.

    A few things to look at.....first the physical connections. First follow proper grounding techniques and caution, hopefully you did before. Reseat components, since it's appearing to be HD related, reseat your RAID controller if running one, carefully examine your SCSI cable for kinks/tears...as they are VERY sensitive. If you have another SCSI cable around...try that. Reset the SCSI terminator...or replace if you can. Boot into your array config utility, like ORCA, double check to see that your array is healthy and recognized and seen as the primary boot device. Reseat SCSI cable to all drives. If hot swap...take drives out, blow out back of cage..reseat.

    See if any luck booting up.

    Next thing to try...boot from the first SBS CD and run a chkdsk /r In case something got corrupted. Check on MBR while you're there.

    How old is this server? The physical hardware I'm talking about.

    What do you have for backup? Any OBDR backups?

    Where there prior antivirus programs installed? (important question)

    Was this server running behind a firewall?

    Options of doing a parallel install of the OS

    Options of sticking in another hard drive, doing a quick OS install just to see the RAID array or main SCSI drives...and running a scan on them.
  11. Paul2

    Paul2 Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    Thanks to all for your responses.

    No, I don't REALLY think it's NOD32's fault, although that would be a striking coincidence.

    There was no previous av installation. I took a little time deciding which to buy.

    I tried booting from the CD many times, and kept getting blue screens partway through the repair process. I reseated RAM, pulled them out one at a time, re-checked disks, etc. all to no avail.

    Then, as suddenly as the problem appeared, it was gone! I had to run the repair process from the CD, but that seems to have proceeded normally.

    Shanijee, it looks like you were on the right track. The problem appears to be an intermittent hardware failure. I don't think it's RAM, because I have two DIMMS, and the problem happened when each of them was installed alone - they'd have to be both bad, pretty unlikely. My guess is the motherboard. Looks like I'll have to replace it, unless someone else has a better idea.

    Thanks again.
  12. YeOldeStonecat

    YeOldeStonecat Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2005
    Along the Shorelines somewhere in New England
    What was hosed...that made you run the repair? In other words....it was totally dead before...then something different happened that made you run the repair. A partial boot or something. Based on that...I'm still thinking drive controller related.
  13. NOD32 user

    NOD32 user Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2005
    Glad to hear your problem appears to be resolved. Even so, please confirm for yourself that IMON is not installed on a server platform.
    Cheers :)
  14. Paul2

    Paul2 Registered Member

    Feb 2, 2006
    Yes, it's off. I saw the recommendation at install time and followed it.

  15. hemkop

    hemkop Registered Member

    Feb 7, 2006
    you should be happy with nod32 because i belive it detects more then other AV. and it has a great detection also.
    i belive it is the best antivirus around
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