Can anyone help me?

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by MRSCT, Dec 24, 2005.

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  1. MRSCT

    MRSCT Registered Member

    Sep 28, 2004
    Salt Lake City,Winter Olympics 2002
    Hey everyone,
    I have a very simple question and I am not sure where to list my question. My daughter was working on my computer yesterday and when I got up this morning I had this information come up on my desktop. It is probably a very simple solution but I don't know where to start.

    It says Runtime error. C\Program files\Internet Explorer\explorer.exe Microsoft Visual C++
    I can't bring anything up.
  2. thebigdintx

    thebigdintx Registered Member

    Aug 31, 2005
    Dallas, Texas
    If you have your windows system restore turned on, just restore to a checkpoint two days ago or something, and see if that fixes it.
  3. MRSCT

    MRSCT Registered Member

    Sep 28, 2004
    Salt Lake City,Winter Olympics 2002
    I ran a spyware program and figured it out myself. I don't know what is system retore. I know very little about the workings of my computer, but thanks anyway. I still don't even know what happened.
  4. emir

    emir Registered Member

    Dec 21, 2005
    Microsoft visual c++ is one of the programming languages used to build windows and many other programs including those of malicious nature and you should not be seeing this have anything to do with internet explorer I don't think unless your system has been infiltrated. If you are still having problems, please post what is going on as this is not normal behavior.
  5. MRSCT

    MRSCT Registered Member

    Sep 28, 2004
    Salt Lake City,Winter Olympics 2002

    Thank you for taking time to answer my email. My daughter just came up for Christmas break and was using the internet. All I knew is that I couldn't open my yahoo or internet explorer with having that program message come up. Thanks again. If this should happen again I will heed your advice.
  6. MRSCT

    MRSCT Registered Member

    Sep 28, 2004
    Salt Lake City,Winter Olympics 2002
    Re: It's happening again

    My daughter came up from college and the same problem came up again when she logs onto her name. I took it to an earlier restore checkpoint and it was fine. Then once again a day later the same message came up again. Can anyone tell me more about this? Am I posted in the wrong section?

    No answers yesterday, anyone out there? Can anyone answer?
    Why is the title of my message not in bold print?
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2006
  7. MRSCT

    MRSCT Registered Member

    Sep 28, 2004
    Salt Lake City,Winter Olympics 2002
    Can anyone answer the question I posted yesterday?
  8. thebigdintx

    thebigdintx Registered Member

    Aug 31, 2005
    Dallas, Texas
    some suggestions.....keep using older and older restore points until you find one that is ok. Run some antivirus/antispyware scans (maybe even in safe mode). Back up you important data, and re-install windows....or maybe just put in your windows disk and try a windows repair.
  9. zapjb

    zapjb Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2005
    USA still the best. But barely.
    You don't have your system locked down. This is NOT a personal attack, just a statement of fact. Sorry this might sound cruel. But it's your own fault.
    I believe you've been a member here over a year. This will happen again until you learn. Blackspear a prominent figure here has at least 2 guides that will help. One is about cleaning up a computer, the other is how to protect it. Good luck & take the time to learn. The members here will be glad to help.:D
  10. eyes-open

    eyes-open Registered Member

    May 13, 2005
    Has your Daughter been able to offer any insight ?

    Do you share the same acct ?

    Might your Daughter have downloaded a toolbar or other .exe ?

    Have you searched your machine for any new programs installed on the day your Daughter used the machine ?

    A useful, if obvious rule at the moment, is don't let anyone else use the machine until you have found the problem. Be clear with other people that use the machine about what you're doing. Imagine for instance it is a result of a toolbar your Daughter has added to IE. You do a rollback everything seems fine, your daughter comes to the machine and can't find her toolbar. She hasn't checked with you and isn't sure why she can't find it, so re-installs from source. Back to square one...... so make sure you're not working against each other.

    Did you system restore to a date before your Daughter came home ?

    What did this mean ?
  11. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    In some cases one of the very first spyware-infections I encountered caused very similar errors.

    For old times sake, can you check under Add/Remove Software if there is a listing for CommonName?

    If so please remove it there and let us know.

  12. MRSCT

    MRSCT Registered Member

    Sep 28, 2004
    Salt Lake City,Winter Olympics 2002
    I asked for help and the above comment was neither asked for or does it help. If everytime a novice computer person comes onto this sight and got comments like the above, I think this would soon no longer exsist.
    zapjb if you didn't have a comment to help, then I don't know why you answered my post. If one needs help here do they need to pm members who are really here to help? I still don't know why that warning comes up.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2006
  13. zapjb

    zapjb Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2005
    USA still the best. But barely.
    I thought it was helpful to point you towards Blackspears's guides. Btw you left out part of my quote. Thus giving a inaccurate statement of the facts of your orginal post. That from which I formed my response from. And I tried not to sugarcoat the truth. But I did sugarcoat it a bit. So as not to cause offense. Now that you've stated you took offense. I regret having caused any. It was not my intention to do so.
  14. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi all,

    Let's please be friends, OK ?

    Hi MRSCT,

    May I ask you please to follow the advice from Pieter.
    He is one of the very best spyware-fighters you can find on the internet !

    Please don't hesitate to ask a question about his advice, if needed !

    Thanks a lot my friend for jumping in; very much appreciated ! :D

    Cheers, Jan.

  15. BlueZannetti

    BlueZannetti Registered Member

    Oct 19, 2003
    There can be a number of potential causes of this. It could be spyware, a secondary consequence of spyware removal, or simple program corruption or conflict.

    Do follow Pieters advice with respect to CommonName (Start>Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs)

    One thing to do once you can get online (or download to another machine) is to install a secondary browser (Firefox, Opera). That way you may will still have access options on that machine if problems arise.

    If Pieter's suggestion did not bear fruit, in the first instance where the antispyware program seemed to resolve your problem, precisely what was found? If there a listing in the logfile? Have you rerun the antispyware program and received a second clean bill of health? What antispyware program is being used?

    Does your antivirus program provide a clean bill of health on a comprehensive system scan? What AV is being used? Are definition files current?

    Occassionally, I've heard of this problem being related to a Java issue. If you go to your IE options (use Start>Control Panel>Internet Options; Advanced tab> find any entries shown for Java? What happens when you disable them and restart?

  16. eyes-open

    eyes-open Registered Member

    May 13, 2005
    Hi MRSCT

    Hopefully you're gonna come back with some of the answers to the questions you've been asked - otherwise it's impossible to begin to rule things out.

    Beyond the Common Name Taskbar 3.0 & the Java conflict possililities....... a more recent report of the problem has been associated with the Googlebar Google Toolbar in IE.

    Removing it has cured the problem for some.

    Good Luck :)
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2006
  17. MRSCT

    MRSCT Registered Member

    Sep 28, 2004
    Salt Lake City,Winter Olympics 2002
    Thanks to those who are posting to help me. One person I have always counted on was Blue. I can always count on Blue not to give put downs for just being nieve.

    I found google on my daughters desktop. When I deleted it the Internet explorer came back.

    Why did this happen to the Internet Explorer?
  18. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Can you try something?

    Download and install the correct language version of:

    and then reinstall the Google Software?

    Let us know if it works then.
    That would mean some components are needed that are not present by default. Thus causing the errors.

    This was the same for the spyware I mentioned earlier, but in those cases we didn't mind simply removing the affected software. :)


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