Trial stopped early

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by StMartinsTrr, Dec 28, 2005.

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  1. StMartinsTrr

    StMartinsTrr Registered Member

    Dec 28, 2005
    I installed NOD32 30 day trial version on 3 December. I now get a message, after 25 days, saying that I have been using it for more than the 30 days and it will no longer allow me to update. Well... no, I have not been using it for more than the 30 days. I also see that there's an uopdate 1.1341 today, that I'm unable to obtain.

    Note that the pop-up message is not about impending expiry (which would be expected).

    Can anyone advise?

    See info below from NOD32 system tools:

    Trial version
    Days left: 5

    NOD32 antivirus system information
    Virus signature database version: 1.1340 (20051226)
    Dated: 26 December 2005
    Virus signature database build: 6514

    Information on other scanner support parts
    Advanced heuristics module version: 1.023 (20051109)
    Advanced heuristics module build: 1094
    Internet filter version: 1.002 (2004070:cool:
    Internet filter build: 1013
    Archive support module version: 1.040 (20051222)
    Archive support module build version: 1142

    Information about installed components
    NOD32 For Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 - Base
    Version: 2.50.41
    NOD32 For Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 - Internet support
    Version: 2.50.41
    NOD32 for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 - Standard component
    Version: 2.50.41

    Operating system information
    Platform: Windows XP
    Version: 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
    Version of common control components: 5.82.2900
    RAM: 319 MB
    Processor: x86 Family 6 Model 6 Stepping 5 (500 MHz)
  2. NOD32 user

    NOD32 user Registered Member

    Jan 23, 2005
    Can't shed any light on that one from here, but - if you're intending on purchasing anyhow why not take that step. (even if it is a couple of days ahead of when you might otherwise have)
    If you get in touch with a reseller in your area they should be able to help you out with that. BTW - what Country & State are you posting from?
  3. webyourbusiness

    webyourbusiness Registered Member

    Nov 16, 2004
    Throughout the USA and Canada
    if you're in the USA - there is a $10 mail-in rebate available until the end of the year - now might be a good time to make the jump...
  4. Ensign Garak

    Ensign Garak Registered Member

    Dec 12, 2005
    Interesting... The exact same thing happened to me today. I began receiving the "can't update because you have exceeded the 30-day trial period," after having downloaded and installed the Trial on December 12. Just like the initial poster in this thread, my 30-day trial has ended with 5 days supposedly remaining (as confirmed by the System Tools - Information screen).

    Considering the previous complaints I have lodged with regard to this software's inability to handle Eudora mailboxes, this latest glitch certainly doesn't encourage me to pop for the full version.
  5. Albinoni

    Albinoni Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    Perth, Western Australia
    Wouldn't the wise thing to do would be to email Eset about this as they are the ones who write this program.
  6. Ensign Garak

    Ensign Garak Registered Member

    Dec 12, 2005
    Perhaps... However, some folks from Eset monitor these boards, too. The last time I encountered an issue with NOD32 (the Eudora mailbox one), an Eset representative responded to my post on this forum more quickly than did the company in responding directly to my E-mail message.
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