SpywareBlaster + other security apps

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by glenpinn, Nov 21, 2005.

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  1. glenpinn

    glenpinn Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2005
    hi everyone.
    i just downloaded the spywareblaster 3.4 but havent installed it yet.
    i run spy sweeper, ewido 3.5 and MSAS beta1 as my spyware protection, with KAV pro 5 antivirus, and wanted to know if simply running ewido 3.5 and MSAS beta will be ok to run with spywarebuster, as i want to remove spy sweeper, my licence is nearly out and rather stick to 2 spyware apps, even 1 would be better.

    i ask cos i recently saw a post from someone saying they dont run any anti-spyware apps cos they got spywareblaster and dont need one, and i say u do still need 1 or even 2 would u not, simply as a backup.
    i dont have ewido or MSAS running actively now because they dont always stop stuff getting onto your pc, but i do run a scan with them every night.

    any thoughts on this appreciated.....GLEN

    BTW, what is the success rate of spywareblaster, is it the best program of its kind, i know thats a very broad, generalised question, but ive seen good things said about it to at least try it without bogging my pc down with too many security apps.....CHEERS
  2. Rico

    Rico Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    Hi Glennpinn

    Long time user of Spyblaster & MSAS (MSAS new ver 1.07x) these two apps play very well together. Don't know about ewido, however TrojanHunter plays well with Spyblaster. Actually Spyblaster I believe sets a kill bit (for items in its database) in the registry. Thus passively preventing infection. Therefore I'm pretty sure ewido & Spyblaster will get along fine.

    Good Luck
  3. glenpinn

    glenpinn Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2005
    thanks rico, i have spywareblaster installed now and configured it, but how do u know if it detects and stops anything from attempting to install on your pc, it doesnt even load or monitor, so if it detects anythig, how will i know it stopped it or it didnt stop anything.
    i take it though its not absolutely fullproof, so we still have to run spyware apps like ewido, MSAS etc to scan for anything that does get thru.
    its a very unusual way it works, unlike most other security apps u install that monitors your pc.

    anyway, ill see how it goes.

  4. stein

    stein Registered Member

    Nov 18, 2005
  5. glenpinn

    glenpinn Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2005
    thankyou, had no idea that was there, very informative.


    just strange not to get allerts, its about the only program of its kind ive seen that doesnt run like all the others do.
  6. stein

    stein Registered Member

    Nov 18, 2005
    The malicious programs SpywareBlaster protects against (and all other ActiveX programs), need an "admission ticket" to tell Window/IE it's ok to install them.

    Each program has its "ticket" in a locker marked by the name of the program. According to a given list SpywareBlaster simply puts a padlock on the lockers that belong to malicious programs. Now these programs cannot get hold of their "tickets", and Windows/IE will not let them be installed. And SpywareBlaster can forget about it all, because the malicious programs cannot get hold og their "tickets" as long as the padlocks are not unlocked.

    There is no need for SpywareBlaster to stay in the locker room and constantly keep an eye on every program that comes to fetch their "admission tickets". So SpywareBlaster never knows if the bad guys came to get their "tickets" or not, and cannot report anthing of interest. But who cares as long as the padlocks are good ones?

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