How long does it take to d/l PS?

Discussion in 'Port Explorer' started by Q-ball, May 2, 2003.

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  1. Q-ball

    Q-ball Registered Member

    Apr 29, 2003
    I run xp pro on a 3ghz pentium----ill be back later because im getting to pissed at this right now---[ready to burn the cd i burned PS too]
  2. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    I just entered the membersarea with not any problem at all.

    Do you still have the registration email?
    Use the URL and the serial code from that one.
    Of course you can go to and click on "members area"
    and there you need your registered email and serial from that email.
    If you lost it, only type in the registered email address and click the "forgot password" so you get that by email in a few moments and can try again.
    There should be not any reason why you would not be able to enter the members area as long as you use the right email address.
    You can't be registered on emailaddy1 and try to access with emailaddy2 nor ask the forgotten password on any other email address.

    Once in, you see there your personal unlock code.
    That's the one you need to type in once PE is installed (reboot is advisable after that) and the keyfile is copied and unzipped in the PE directory.
  3. Q-ball

    Q-ball Registered Member

    Apr 29, 2003
    Why does it take soooooo long for anyone with diamond to get back with me

    Im also trying out different trojan programs right now and tds was next but after all this i dont know if i want any more programs from diamond
  4. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    It's 5 in the morning over there, hope office opens at 9; today was an official holiday over there, so it's wonderful the guys came trying to help anyway.

    We from here have given you all info which works normally so we have no idea why it doesn't work for you nor do you answer a few adequate answers, like if it is possible the keyfile could be destroyed by an email client like The Bat! with the desastrues encryption for instance.

    I have their programs since many years and with betatesting lots of strange things could have happened, and my box is not a clean thing with just windows and three DCS programs but it is a real messy testcase and even here this thing works without problems, if i just follow the email instructions step by step and not forgetting to reboot.
    I uninstalled, rebooted, deleted the dcs2sw.dll and installed the new program, copied in the keyfile, unzipped it (probably or maybe hat time they were not yet zipped, not sure anymore) the first time had to include the unlock code and just started PE and so i do with every beta test version.
    In some cases we install the new version over the old, full versions we first uninstall and put the new one over it.

    Could you now access the members area with the instructions given? I do hope the alternative email address you used is the same you used for registration, as you really can't register with address1 and try to enter with address2, this would need a new keyfile and entrance serial and new unlock code.
    Could this be the sole problem you have now?

    TDS is done in a much different way, don't worry.
  5. Pilli

    Pilli Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Hampshire UK
    Q-ball, DCS is one of the best supported programmes anywhere, you have been plain unlucky with the long weekend etc. I have a feeling that the email problem you mentioned earlier is what has caused the problems - I am sure that DCS will follow up ASAP.
    TDS3 & WG3 are both excellent programmes with support that is second to none so please bare with us.

    Thanks Pilli
  6. Q-ball

    Q-ball Registered Member

    Apr 29, 2003
    Well that may be so.I still dont know why it is taking so long.

    If there is a problem they could atleast send me an e-mail and tell me they are aware im having a problem and there looking into it.

    I really dont care how good a program is ,but alot of things i buy is because of the great service i get from it.

    If i dont here back from them today --i just want my money back and ill move along to another product.

    I still believe this is a great product but ive never had these type problems out of any!! software i have purchased in the past

    Quess ive been lucky
  7. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    If you calm down and read what people write, you would have seen among others Jason of the DCS team, the developer himself, here aboard on his free public holiday.
    So then yoyu would have understood the people are very aare of your problems.
    And then you would also have answered a simple question asked by them and a few by us to enable to give you the best support.
    You would at last have told us if the email address you registered with was the same you're now trying to get access with and which is in the keyfile, to mention a simple fact. You also would e answered us if your email program might have damaged the keyfile, i asked you three times if you still have the registration confirmation with the keyfile, etc.
    You answer none of our questions so how can we suport you properly?
    You know, close the computer a few hours and have a beer of a coffee, whatever and remember we are located in other places and time zones on this planet.
    In a few hours DCS office opens and the guys will look again in your problem and i hope you are ready then to answer them adequately and don't let them wait for your reactions to save more time.
    Pilli and i are halfway between AU and USA so we are probably asleep when AU wakes up and USA is going to sleep by that time.
    DCS is always looking for solutions if they can but you must make it possible for them with adequate answers and telling what you need to make it possible for your situation.

    Have your beer now, almost time to sleep for me.
  8. Q-ball

    Q-ball Registered Member

    Apr 29, 2003
    Well it took my wife to go behind me and install PS

    I quess her 6 yrs of college paid off.She works as a CPA but her masters was in Management information systems--which is mainly dealing with computers.

    Doesnt help that im just getting over the flu,but beyong that i do believe that there should be an easier way to install this.

    I know that many people here i have built computers for,this would have been beyond them to install.

    I know so many companies now are trying to make it harder for people to install software that they obtain on p2p networks illegaly.And thats a good thing---i hope

    I do thank the people here that attemped to help,but my first d/l i found out later was corrupt--thats where my problems started!!!

    Because of me being sick my patience is very much reduced.

    I hope diamond does not take all this the wrong way--my problem was not with there software which is excellant,
    but it was with the installation process.

    And jooske,when i feel better i think ill bring out the crown royal-----maybe ill make me a drink now
  9. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi Q-Ball,

    Just to make sure... So, it is working now, right? The key's installed? Assuming it is...

    I'm very happy for you! :) And, very sorry you had so much difficulty. It's certainly not the norm, but, as you said, software providers do have to protect their applications with ever stronger licensing techniques. It's too bad that sometimes license key issues cause users problems. :doubt:

    In any case, I hope you'll get a chance real soon (when you are feeling better) to truly try out the power of this program, and I hope you find the features both fun and highly useful.

    Best Wishes,
  10. Q-ball

    Q-ball Registered Member

    Apr 29, 2003
    Yes --it is working now
  11. Jason_DiamondCS

    Jason_DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Nov 11, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    Personally I don't think this process is very difficult and when comparing it to recent protection schemes used by other shareware companies is quite easy.

    1. We send an email with an attached keyfile telling you how to log into the members area.

    2. You log into the members area, download the full version and get the unlock code.

    3. You Install the full version. Extract the key we sent you into the directory you installed Port Explorer into. Run Port Explorer and enter the unlock code.

    Which of the above did you have the most problems with?

    We list the MD5 checksum of Port Explorer so you can check if you do manage to corrupt your download, if it was corrupted however you wouldn't be able to install Port Explorer, when you tried to install it, it would tell you it was corrupted

    Some people's ISP's for an unknown reason corrupt keyfiles when we send them (probably something to do with virus scanning files) which would mean when you try and extract the keyfile it would say invalid zip, or unable to extract.

    Along the whole process there are error messages which you can report to us, given to you by Port Explorer and its companion utilities that will help us to help you if you have a problem.

    We also havn't had any problems with the members area or removed your account from there.
  12. Q-ball

    Q-ball Registered Member

    Apr 29, 2003
    Hey jason

    i still cannot log into members area---i cant d/l the update

    I inter my e-mail then the password--all copy -n-paste

    and nothing--i even clicked on the forgotten password link to send it too me

    I never have recieved the e-mail--i need for you guys to change my registered e-mail because it seems i cant recieve e-mails from diamond at the add.
  13. Gavin - DiamondCS

    Gavin - DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    Hi Q-Ball,

    You won't have an email address / password to login with until you do receive that email. It was sent to your yahoo account as requested, so perhaps check the BULK mail folder, it may have ended up in there o_O

    Thats my guess anyway :) Once you get the email, just click on the link to the members area which will fill in the email address, and paste the password (which you can then change)
  14. Jason_DiamondCS

    Jason_DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Nov 11, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    Hi Q-Ball, I sent you an email. I've changed your email address in the members area also to your new one.

    It says you have logged into the members area 3 times and the last time was 10 hours ago. What has changed since then?

    Also please note there have been no problems at all with the members area, so failure to log in is purely YOU entering the wrong email and password. I just thought I would make this clear. The email I sent contains the information you need to enter into members area login screen. I have successfully logged into the members area using your details.
  15. Q-ball

    Q-ball Registered Member

    Apr 29, 2003
    I can log in now

    Now i have noticed that i cant play any games while running PS.This happened before i d/l the update and after.

    They are bad hangups untill i disable PS.Not sure how to fix this.


    Hey jason--the wierd thing is i dont remember having this hangup problem in games with the demo i had.
  16. Andreas1

    Andreas1 Security Expert

    Jan 29, 2003
    Mainz (Ger)
    Hi Q-Ball,
    Supposed your install/registration/board/members area problems are solved,

    would you start a new thread with your games problems, therein specifying *which* games don't work, on *which* occasions (game running/PE starting or the other way round; or not at start-up at all, but rather when you connect to some (which) online gaming site or what) and in *what* state PE is when the problems occur (mimimized? logging? spying?). Got Error messages? Screenshots? Don't forget to tell your OS and unusual running applications over there as well.

    I suppose that would make it easier for us and for the DCS ppl to keep an eye on the issue. And later on, we can refer to that new thread if a similar problem arises without running the risk of referring to some information that has little to do with it.

    I am very happy that you've got your PE running and the whole installation/registration business solved as well. You will see that this is a caring community here which will go out of its way to help you with whatever problem you have. Just don't get too cross with us before you've known the good sides and the reliability of the "family" as well (in another thread i've just laudated DCS support to be worth every cent spent on their programs).

    See you,
  17. Q-ball

    Q-ball Registered Member

    Apr 29, 2003
    When i have a chance to test it on all my games i will.

    I see that there seems to be a great bunch of folks here.

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