A few general questions...

Discussion in 'privacy general' started by WhiteMateria, Apr 17, 2003.

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  1. WhiteMateria

    WhiteMateria Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2002
    Moonlit dreams in the desert oasis
    1. If someone is using a Linksys router can that be used to mask your original IP?

    2. Is anyone kind enough to share a complete list of a host file so that I may add entries as needed? Multiple host files from different people would be even better so that I can combine a more complete list. So far I use the ones provided by the KazaAlite site list of servers to add.

    3. Whenever I scan for spyware the same components come up over and over as they download themselves again. Is there a way to prevent key spyware elements from even getting back on my computer so I don't have to scan them out all the time?
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    It depends on what you mean by "your original IP". Your public IP is what your router uses on your behalf when it connects out to sites on the Internet. That can't be hidden directly, just by the hardware you use, as your IP must be given to the sites you are connecting to or you'd never get any responses back. (Pages wouldn't paint in your browser. Email wouldn't download. etc.)

    Now, you LAN IP address (most likely something like or similar) is kept inside your LAN. You use it to talk to your router, but, for the most part it doesn't go "outside" and is certainly of little value outside your LAN.

    If you want to "hide your public IP" than you are talking about the use of an external proxy of some sort. We can point out threads related to that if you'd like.

    Well, perhaps the best known Ad suppression Hosts file is the SMartin file, available at this website:


    This file has over 13,000 sites that it blocks.

    So far, no tool that I know of blocks everything that's called spyware as this can be many things, cookies, scripted programs, ActiveX controls, etc. Javacool's SpywareBlaster blocks some of the worst things (ActiveX and cookie related items). It's available here and it's really a straightforward and easy to use tool:


    If you can tell us specifically which items keep reappearing and needing to be cleaned off again, we could give more specific advice.

    Best Wishes,
  3. WhiteMateria

    WhiteMateria Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2002
    Moonlit dreams in the desert oasis
    Cookies (The usual doubleclick, advertising, etc.)

    I am looking for a solution to prevent these downloading on my hard disk drive so that I don't have to keep removing these.

    Question: A person scans and removes all spyware cookies one day and goes on to surfing the web. Throughout the course of the day more spyware cookies download until the user scans the next day. During this frame of time are these spyware cookies active in sending information back to a server?

    How come a firewall does not show an outgoing connection prompt if these send information back to a server? Is it all through the browser?

    Linksys router - Is it possable to assign your router a different IP to connect to the internet than the IP your computer uses? Do they have to be the same IP to connect out before using a remote proxy (grey area for me so I don't assume to know this) I dunno if this is even a valid question.
  4. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Well, perhaps you should tell us what version of Windows you are running and what browser and its version. (It makes a difference as to how you block cookies.) If you are running Internet Explorer 6.0, the above mentioned SpywareBlaster blocks a long list of spyware cookies. You should start by trying that out if you are on IE.

    Cookies don't actually run. So, they make no independant connections out through your firewall on their own. Using the doubleclick cookie as an example... If you get this cookie first when you visit site A, at that point it hasn't provided any useful information about your site visits to anyone (as you just got the cookie). It's when you go to another site, say site B, which also happens to use the same doubleclick cookie, that the information that was put in the cookie when you were at site A is sent in...

    Now, given this, doubleclick knows that this same PC accessed site A and site B. That's where the tracking effect comes in. If you visit 10 different sites that use that doubleclick cookie prior to cleaning it off your system, that pattern (that PC visiting those 10 sites) will be known to doubleclick. That's really how these work. They take the data they deposit when you are on one site, and by getting it back when you visit another site, they now can start tying this together to see a pattern of site visits (browsing habits).

    I still have the same question here - what IP address do you mean by "than the IP your computer uses?" Your ISP gives you a single unique public IP address when you connect. In your case, since you have a router, that IP from your provider is in the router as it's external IP address. What I said above on this stays true here, this IP must go out to sites being visited in order to get responses back.

    Your PC has a private IP address it uses to talk to the router, but that address is unimportant to the outside world as almost everyone uses the same addresses on LANs (ones from the private blocks, such as the 192.168.*.* addresses).

    If you use a proxy what will happen is the proxy will still have to know you ISP's granted address (the external IP address in your router) to talk to your router and you. You can never totally hide. You at the least have to tell the proxy what your real, public IP address is. So, it comes down to "who exactly do you trust?" The sites you visit without a proxy or the people who run the proxy.

    You may need to qualify your question a little more on the IP address thing for us to better explain it.
  5. Patrice

    Patrice Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2003
    Hi WhiteMateria!

    LowWaterMark did a good job in explaining you how it works with your IP address. But as far as I understand you right, you would like to hide your IP in a way. Right?

    There are some tools which help you hiding your IP. One of these tools is called Stealther, which connects to different proxies (as LowWaterMark explained you already). There it's possible to surf the internet in:

    -direct mode
    -stealth mode
    -super stealth mode

    Be aware that when you are in stealth mode or super stealth mode surfing isn't that fast as you are used to. Why? The answer is simple: you connect through different proxy servers. That means the way between your and the other computer is much longer now.

    There are other services like that, but the only one which convinced me was Stealther:



    Best regards!

  6. WhiteMateria

    WhiteMateria Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2002
    Moonlit dreams in the desert oasis
    The very first IP that http://www.samair.ru/proxy/proxychecker/results.htm shows in the proxy test is the IP I am referring to. The IP I think your ISP assigns you...

    Ok bear with me here on this question!

    I connect online and the ISP assigns me an IP right? Now if I use a physical router can that be used somewhat like a remote proxy? The IP goes out of my computer like say from my browser to my router - Can the router then take those packets and give them another IP BEFORE it goes out to the rest of the net or my ISP or does the IP that you are assigned at least need to go back to your ISP first before remote proxies come into play? I guess your saying that I must trust the remote proxy that is set up for there is no other way?
  7. Patrice

    Patrice Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2003
    Hi WhiteMateria!

    The router gives your computer an internal IP address (for example: But when you connect to your provider you get the "real" IP address about which LowWaterMark was talking. The test you mentioned (samair.ru) shows your "real" IP address. The router isn't able to change or hide this IP. Why should he do so? You need to contact your provider to be able to get the information you want.

    If you wanna change your "real" IP, use Stealther or JAP. But be aware that your router still connects to your provider. That means your IP isn't changed. The only difference is that from there you connect through different proxies. Little example: Your provider is in the USA. You connect to him and get an IP (remember "real" IP). Now you start Stealther or something similiar. Now your computer connects through different proxies. That means your signal goes from America to Europe, then to Africa and finally to Australia before it reaches the targeted destination. If you surf a website the way back is the same: Australia - Africa - Europe - USA. As you certainly see, a pretty long way. That's why surfing with a "masked" IP is slower.

    The router's internal IP addresses (the one your computer has) has nothing to do with your "real" IP. You can think of a receptionist who takes care of all incoming calls. If there is a call for you the receptionist dials your internal number to make a connection. If there is a call, which belongs to no one the receptionist doesn't allow a connection to anyone (for example you). Traffic is only allowed if there's is a request.

    If you need further informations or you still have questions don't hesitate to ask!

    Best regards!

  8. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest


    Illness has kept me away for while.....was just checking in when your post was noticed. As you read my comments please keep in mind that my physical state is rather weaken after several months of ill health......my honestly should not be seen as rudeness......
    First off, the very nature of your post sent red flags flying........an I respectfully suggest that you slow down because you are not anywhere ready to even consider the use of external proxies. Controling cookies is a very minor task.......since you are having a problem with that.....kinda says that you aren't ready for more complicate things......my honesty is in hopes of preventing you from sailing off into a hurricane without so much as a paddle.
    You were in the best of hands with LowWaterMark.....an you would be well advised to heed his advice..........his questions are for a purpose......
    it appears by your post that you do not know how to set-up and use the "zones" in internet explorer.......that should be a beginning point of your learning adventure.....even if you decide to use another browser. If the "zones" and Advance settings are in-correct programs can be installed on your computer without your permission...scripts can be dangerous....java applets a real big :eek:uch!
    Resident proxies such as proxomitron and webwasher have a useful purpose......yet a user needs to understand how to config them properly......an if wrongly used as Servers anyone can connect to your computer through them
    Hiding your IP may not be your real concern at this time...securing your computer..learning how....learning which programs to use..how to set them up.....may really be your need.......consider for yourself..an be the judge.
    due to a limit of time I will only suggest a few programs.

    1. Learn to use IE "zones"
    2. Cookiemuncher or cookiewall to control cookies until you learn how to do so.

    3. Spyblocker:
    4. Adshield (comes without a blocklist..so download one..many out there)
    5> a Script Detector......

    These are minor suggestions.....hopefully others here will jump in to advise you further..........don't under-estimate the moderators...these guys know their stuff......
    sincerely hope that I was not to overly blunt in this post.....it was posted with friendly thoughts..in a rush..ment to avoid you having major problems.

    The Snowman
  9. WhiteMateria

    WhiteMateria Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2002
    Moonlit dreams in the desert oasis
    Red flags are good in my opinion!

    If I make the lot of you shake your heads at the different degrees of questions I have then good! My knowledge of security is derived from articles here and there, tweaks and experiments, and downloading and fiddling with programs. I do not have any programing knowledge and I often question even the most recommended products as to what do they actually do and what do they really protect. These questions are to fill in the gaps to questions I know many average users are scared to ask cause they seem small or stupid to advanced security informed people. When I ask these questions I am looking for a very specific answer that may lie in my knowledge gaps about security. I am the kinda person who would love to see every single thing that is on my computer with knowledge about it. How I would love to be Data from Startrek and hook myself up to my own computer being able to read, know, and see everything down to the very last bit or electron and what its purpose is with 24th century technology!

    Yes I am sober and it shows - Take no offense to my ....
  10. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest


    A wise person knows their limitations....my compliments on your frankness.
    Really pushing myself physically in order to hang here at the BB tonight......so again please bear with me.....really I am concerned...an trying to inform you alittle before leaving...not sure when I'll return
    The programs I suggested are not at all complicated.....an were mention with that in mind...hopefully to give you a margin of safety/privacy while you are in the learning stage. You should not experience any problems installing them or using them..just go slowly
    At one time or another I have used each program mentioned...also, others here use them. An yes, most definitely question...an when you have no more questions...something is wrong because you should never run short on questions.
    Once again I mention that you are in good hands with LowWatewrMark.......its normally my practice not to jump in when another person has already begun answering questions an only made an exception because of those red flags.............be very careful about the advice you decide to use......understand that a great software program is useless without the knowledge to use it correctly......ask..ask ask,
    No one visiting this forum should ever feel embrassed to ask questions......that you go against what everyone here is here for. Over the years I have never once seen anyone belittled or "spoken-down" too.....so all should feel confortable here at the BB.....
    One point in particular you need to understand....others need to know your os, etc in order to properly guide you to tweaks/programs that fit your os....its normal. Said so as you understand why such questions are asked.
    For the moment may I respectfully suggest that you stay clear of external proxies.....in time you will understand the serious dangers and learn how to provent them from happening. Right now....if cookies are on easily downloaded on your system chances are you are running wideopen.....just guessing..lets hope I am wrong.
    I am on my way out of the BB so wont post again....wishing you the very best WhiteM.....an my sincere compliments on your openness.


    Snowy The Snowman
  11. WhiteMateria

    WhiteMateria Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2002
    Moonlit dreams in the desert oasis
    Windows 98 SE Full Install

    Zone Alarm Free Firewall (Updated)
    PC-Cillin 2000 with updated signatures and engine yet program still says 2000 (This is off my ASUS motherboard CD but I feel it might be lacking somewhat - I download a trial version of Panda with a definition from 2002 of Oct and it detected 8 viruses my 2000 PC-Cillin did not. Are these viruses disabling it so they are not detected?)

    Ad-aware free version
    SSD with Spyware Blaster (All listings blocked with both)
    Edexter with 13,000 entry Host file
    Windows Washer 4.8 with custom plugins for all my programs and then some
    Eraser for erasing and unused disk space

    A good program for erasing slack files?
  12. WhiteMateria

    WhiteMateria Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2002
    Moonlit dreams in the desert oasis
    Ugh... Spyware!

    I just bought a Logitech mouse today with the roller ball that sits inside the craddle so you don't have to move the mouse everywhere. I suffer from carpel tunnel badly in my right wrist... Low and behold I installed the software to run it and today I scan my system with SSD! 25 or so freaking spyware elements all from backweb.com! I checked that extensive host file from http://www.smartin-designs.com/downloads.htm and this entry is not anywhere in the most updated host file so I had to add it. Rule of thumb I guess is to scan for spyware whenver you install a program or driver that you deem small enough not to even matter!
  13. Patrice

    Patrice Registered Member

    Apr 15, 2003
    Hi WhiteMateria!

    Best is if you just install the driver, nothing more nothing less! Then you mostly don't have such problems. Unfortunately there is a lot of stuff where you need to install the whole software...

    Then you should check for Spyware, if the producer isn't thrustworthy!

    Best regards!

  14. WhiteMateria

    WhiteMateria Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2002
    Moonlit dreams in the desert oasis
    Well I had always thought of Logitech as very good maker of keyboards and mouses so perhaps that gave me a more blinded trust of them... The mouse however is so much more comfertable for someone whose wrist has suffered for over a year now...
  15. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Re:Ugh... Spyware!

    WhiteMateria - Just one thing of note here, having entries blocking backweb.com in your host file would not have stopped the install of those elements when you ran the install for the mouse. Those backweb elements are in the Logitech kit itself.

    But, as Patrice said, you should run a scan after you do an install, just to see if it also installed something you weren't expecting.
  16. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    It's hard to say exactly what happened there. You'd have to tell us what viruses they were and what they were in... The Panda scanner may have found real viruses missed by PCC, or it may have identified false positives.

    You can also use online virus scanners to cross check your resident AV. See our free services(link) page for some links to online scanners.
  17. WhiteMateria

    WhiteMateria Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2002
    Moonlit dreams in the desert oasis
    VBSscript files all from DivX codecs I believe! In note that the Panda Titinium had scan for hueristics when PC-Cillin did not (The online scan at PC-Cillin.com did not pick these up as well)
  18. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Did Panda state a specific virus name or was it perhaps just potentially dangerous or suspicious file(s)? (It may not be a problem.)
  19. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest


    John, just noticed your new position..an extending you very best wishes.


    WhiteM> aka: Mr Data

    was feeling rather good today so dropped by to see how its goes with you......relieved to see LowWaterMark kindly extending you his very knowledgeable help.....truely you can't go wrong following his suggestions....(but don't tell him I said that)
    In politeness to LowWaterMark I wont offer any comments.....to many cooks in the kitchen results in ruined food.........
    sorry to hear of your physical problem....presently recovering from one myself..real bummer!
    best wishes

    The Snowman
  20. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hey Snowman,

    On a side-note:
    LowWaterMark's name isn't John ;) ;)

    Best wishes !!!,
  21. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest


    Heya, Heya, Heya.....so great to hear from you...hope all is well..that is is super great...that you are doing wonderful.

    huh?? his name isn't John...an all this time I have been caling him John....good golly Ms Molly..why in heck didn't someone correct me sooner....thank you Jan.......but look at it this way.....you should see some of the names I call some of the people LOL......just kidding....

    Ok,, so what do I call "John" ? cause I type much to badly to be constantly typing LOWESTWATERONTHEMARKREACHFORTHELIFEBOAT
  22. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest


    all kidding aside...you you were not offended by my calling you "John"......its need ever necessary for me to know your actual name....actually would be wrong of me to ask........we all use nic's.....
    These days I rarely come to the BB an in the future will do so even less, however, before leaving tonight wanted to be polite an say that truely always thought your name was John..........
    The Snowman

    ** sorry for the OT
    The Snowman
  23. The Snowman

    The Snowman Guest

    wasn't kidding about the poor typing: that should have been> Hope you WERE NOT offended< An: its NOT necessary for me to know your name<

  24. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi Snowy,


    First of all:
    I'm always happy to hear from you !!!
    Of course no-one is offended !
    Maybe there was a little confusing with Luv2bsecure: his first name is John.


    My own first name is Jan (in the US often considered as a girl-name, but I'm certainly a boy :D). Would I have lived in the US or UK, maybe I would have been called John too :D.

    Take good care of yourself, Snowman !!!
    I hope you soon will feel a lot better !!!!!!!!
    Cheers, Jan.
  25. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hey snowy, :)

    No problem at all my friend!! Never any offense taken. You'd be surprised at what I've been called in the many different places I've been online. :D My name, while not listed here, is also not hidden. It's Mike, by the way. But, in all truth, it really isn't important to why we're here, so it didn't seem necessary to say anything.

    Best Wishes and health to you,
    LowWaterMike ;)
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