What is ss3edit.exe & TDS-3

Discussion in 'Trojan Defence Suite' started by broadsword7, Feb 16, 2003.

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  1. broadsword7

    broadsword7 Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2003
    Registered TDS-3 user.

    My apologies if this has been asked before.

    I was running my recently downloaded Belarc Advisor and looking through the results when I noticed a strange entry in the Software Versions list:

    www.koan.nu - www.koala.it - Visual Basic Script Editor Version 1, 0, 0, 1

    This entry was being generated by ss3edit.exe in the directory that I installed TDS-3. The Belarc results indicated that this file was last accessed around 3:00 am this morning, which at first concerned me, but then I realized that I automatically run Norton Antivirus scanner at that time, because many other files listed in the Belarc results had a similar last access time noted.

    When I ran TDS-3 to check the help file on it, there was an entry in the Help menu called SS3 Helpfile, but when I clicked on it, it disappeared (removed itself from the help menu).

    Can anybody tell me what is up with this file and why the help menu would suddenly not appear?
  2. Pieter_Arntz

    Pieter_Arntz Spyware Veteran

    Apr 27, 2002
    Hi broadsword7,

    ss3edit.exe is the scripteditor for TDS-3
    It´s the exe that your SS3 Editor shortcut points to.

    Someone from TDS-3 will certainly be able to help you with the help file problem. Maybe it would help them if you told us what OS you´re running?


  3. broadsword7

    broadsword7 Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2003
    Hi Pieter. I am using Win XP pro. About the ss3edit.exe, why would Belarc show it as a product from www.koala.nu? Also, when you do a search for that file in Google, you get a bunch of hits that it is a trojan. If someone from Diamond can help with this, it would be good.
  4. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Hello Broadsword7,
    welcome to the TDS family.
    You found one of those nice parts of TDS, the scripting editor, which we use to make nice and helpful scripts!
    If you go to TDS Console > SS3 > Load Script, you see lots of examples and user submitted scripts. Ask Pieter how much he likes to run my "innerpeace" script (works on your XP too, as with that you're almost msagent ready if you have the right runtimes (SAPI4) installed and the msagent character Genie in your chars folder) and the many other examples. Several posted in the private forum, some projects worked on with several operators together in the private forum.
    The ss3 editor is the easiest and smallest for the job to edit, although there are others like ultraedit (commercial) and more. It's a koala product, indeed; we can't expect Wayne to build all himself if there are fine existing products already, so he can concentrate on the trojans parts.
    SS3 is kind of enhanced VB scripting language; if you grab at the MS site the VB help you have most of what SS3 can do too, although SS3 can do more then that.
    You wouldn't think in a trojan defence product a trojan to be included, would you? I'm not aware of a koala or SS3 trojan, so i'm not sure which one you mean or where you saw that one described?
    The google hits i see are long lists of programs intended to be killed by several trojans like Optix and some backdoors, but if you look at the trojans described and in TDS Console > Help > Primaries, and you do a search in the TDS-3 database you see protection for those nasties included.
    So those lists don't mean TDS-3.exe, SS3edit.exe, ZAPro.exe, VSMON and whatever there is in the lists are trojans themselves, they are intended targets for those trojans.
    Happy scripting with the editor!
  5. broadsword7

    broadsword7 Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2003
    Hi Jooske,

    Thanks for your reply. I should have looked closer at the Google search results. They just said that some trojans attempt to terminate that executable, as described here: http://www.sophos.com/virusinfo/analyses/trojbdoorsv.html

    So it appears all is well, save for the fact that that help link for SS3 in the Help menu disappeared when I clicked it in TDS-3. Although I have been a registered TDS-3 owner for quite some time now, I must admit to never really knowing too much about it...I run it and update the database irregularly.

    Thanks for the info.
  6. Pilli

    Pilli Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Hampshire UK
    Hi Broadsword7, & welcome.
    TDS3 has many useful utilities as you are finding out, it takes time to get to know all TDS3's functions but rest assured even in it's basic configuration you have the best AT available on the planet!
  7. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    Blaze shows up on horse with half painted blue face

    Long live the newby revolutionnnnnnnn

    mawhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you think blaze was bluffing

    expect many new newbs asking qustions on tds ha ha

    Broadsword7 SS3 TDS the scripting editor can be used for alot of cool things it can make tds talk and read it can work with your windows word helpers and use them to read tds read outs.

    joosky can even make it run with voice commands.

    all in all its awsome the only problem is thers no newby files on doing this every thing i try to read on the subject is complicated.

    much of tds awsome extras dont have easy to read in layman terms newby frindly tutorials.

    joosky for the most part seems to be an expert on tds ports and tds scripting.

    she is extreamly smart sometimes i have to ask lots of qustions to get the jest of scripting but since thers no newb tutorials easy to understand with pics and examples i perty much gave up on it.

    i get headaches just reading that stuff many of tds extras i wouldnt have bothered with because the complexity

    but since fan j has been writing some awsome step by step tutorials with pics i been playing with my tds more and geting more out of it.

    i hope for tds 4 that they remedy this problem and come out with a step by step with pics tutorial guide otherwise alot of people wont even bother theyll be useing it mainly as a scaner and exe protection.

    and thats really heart breaking cause tds has so much to offer and capiable of so mucccccchhhhhh more
  8. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    So you missed one of the nicest extra function with which we put our own inspiration into TDS, make it wake us in the morning and starting the coffeemachine in distance and call your local supermarket to fill your fridge and start other processes, automatically or voice controlled and oh yeah, also fighting possible portscanners, laying ourselves on the treshold waiting for them to have some fun and all that.
    But even though i posted a few little scripts in the TDS threads here, just to get the taste, the bigger work is done in the private forum, of course in the SS3 part.

    The SS3 help is not written yet, might ever happen :) This is why the suggestion to get the VB helpfile from the MS sites for the time being. But in the examples in the directory mentioned you find a lot of instructions too to start with and get some idea.
    Make sure you have TDS speaking, as first part of all those functions.
    type in the bottom of the TDS console something like
    speak "hello Broadsword7"
    and after the engter you should hear it spoken. If not, you'll have to get the SAPI4 runtimes from the www.microsoft.com/msagent downloads site.

    Yes, radius updates are daily, portreferences frequent, TDS upgrade to 4 euhmmm we're all waiting for.
    And of course you scan the system frequent with it!
  9. Re: What is ss3edit.exe & TDS-3

    So what I gather is that SS3 is a "beefed up" version of Visual Basic? I'd really like to take advantage of the scripting capabilities of the program. Recently I've been learning several other languages and would gladly add VB to the arsenal :). After I teach myself VB, where do I go from there?
  10. Rainwalker

    Rainwalker Registered Member

    May 18, 2003
    Re: What is ss3edit.exe & TDS-3

    Bottoms up Blaze
  11. Rainwalker

    Rainwalker Registered Member

    May 18, 2003
    Re: What is ss3edit.exe & TDS-3

    Ahhhhh ......... i forgot.... Root Beer :rolleyes:
  12. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Re: What is ss3edit.exe & TDS-3

    Start looking at the example scripts you can download from the TDS download site and our discussions in the TDS Private forum.
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