SpywareBlaster 3.x Suggestions / Wishlist

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by javacool, Jan 13, 2005.

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  1. MushfiQ

    MushfiQ Registered Member

    Jan 8, 2005
  2. MushfiQ

    MushfiQ Registered Member

    Jan 8, 2005
  3. hpdk

    hpdk Guest

    Hi Javacool, maybe you guys can combine spywareblaster and spyware guard together into one programm so it will be a more efficent programm, as you said that it works together well.

  4. thorshammer

    thorshammer Registered Member

    Mar 16, 2005
    I just downloaded SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard, one thing that attracted me is FX support, then when I clicked on a link in the help text it fired up IE, surely it should fire up the default browser, which in my case is FX.

    It's a small thing, but if you want to attract the FX community this probably isn't the way to do it.
  5. BWMerlin

    BWMerlin Registered Member

    Aug 11, 2003
    Re: NTLM authenication support

    Yes plz. Having the ability to up date through a proxy would be so cool. So many other programs like spybot search and destroy have this ability it would be great to see spywareblaster also have it. I did ask for this a while ago here https://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=43312 and javacool said it was coming soon so i though it would be in this version. I guess not. I hope it wont be long before it is ready.
  6. yandao87

    yandao87 Registered Member

    Mar 20, 2005
    I would really like to have the system snapshots preserved when upgrading form one version to another automatically. currently we have to uninstall the current spyware blaster version b4 installing the new version, thus in the process deleting the system snapshots.

  7. SternFan

    SternFan Registered Member

    Jan 13, 2005
    Someone mentioned this before...

    My suggestion for SB is for it to support multiple users when doing updating. If you have several PCs, with several users (all with different passwords) - doing updates for each and every user can be tedious and time-consuming.

    Just one little checkbox for "updates apply to all users of this computer" would be great!

  8. InetGuru

    InetGuru Guest

    Hi Javacool,

    Nice software! Just wanted to let you know that I think FreeWebs.com should be removed from the restricted list. They are a huuuge free web host (alexa ranking in low 200's) and a lot of my friends now can't get to my website (and the millions of others on FreeWebs). I have contacted them and they are not connected to any adware/spyware. Thanks!
  9. HYB

    HYB Guest

    I was wondering if it is possible to make the setting of spywareblaster password protected , because as I browse webpages , I do realise that the protection for Mozilla Firefox gets disabled and I don't know it untill I want to update spywareblaster.And by then if I have visited any site that would probably be harmful to my pc it will be late.

    If it is possible to add a password protection for the setting it will be better.

    Spywareblaster User
  10. BillR

    BillR Guest

    Enhancement - Allow SpywareBlaster window to be resized. Viewing 5 restricted sites at a time is impractical when CoolWebSearch alone has >1000 entries.

    Enhancement - Allow list of restricted sites to be sorted by name or by enables/disabled.

    SpywareBlaster 3.2 / 3.3
  11. slimzky

    slimzky Registered Member

    Mar 16, 2005
    hi... i just want to suggest this App to support silent install switch.. please... :doubt: 3.2 works with silent install but the latest version doesnt support it at all... more power... if anyone of u knows how.. pls pm me.. thnx in advance..
  12. lescot

    lescot Guest

    Hi this is lescot ~removed email address to prevent harvesting - Bubba~

    It would sure be nice if there was someway to prove, test, or otherwise know that SpyWare Blaster is even working! I have nothing in the block list and nothing in the white list and all protection is enabled. Whether running the program or not I see no evidence of anything being blocked from coming into my computer. Whenever I run SpyBot S&D and Ad-Aware (usually 2-3 times per week), I always have all kinds of stuff that has came in and all of it is stuff that SpyWare Blaster was supposed to stop before ever coming into my computer. I run SpyWare Blaster 3.3 and update the definitions on average once a week. Why is this happening to me and is there a way to test or prove that it is working. Not only that but is there a way to prove whether it is working properly or not? Thanks, Les ~removed email address to prevent harvesting - Bubba~
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2005
  13. seamaiden

    seamaiden Registered Member

    Dec 8, 2004
    Fresno, California, USA
    1. Improve the Help file. I would like to have instructions on how to use SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard on a PC with multiple users, especially and XP SP2 PC. I am afraid that only the administrator account that installed the programs is currently protected (current user). SpywareGuard starts with Windows. However, if a non-administrator or a different administrator boots the PC, there is a SpywareGuard error message on every bootup. Please fix this problem. If it is the same thing with SpywareBlaster, fix that also.

    2. Combine SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard into one program, as someone already suggested. Make sure support is included for both HKCU and HKLM, and give the user the choice which key they want to use, so that all users can be protected if needed. If HKLM support is added to the next version, there should be a radio button or checkbox to allow the user to select where they want SpywareBlaster's block list(s) to go, which key: HKCU or HKLM. This way, the user has the choice.

    3. If the user or another program has already added sites to the restricted zone (Spybot, SpywareGuard, or IE-SPYAD), let SpywareBlaster be a "manage-all" program to manage any site found in the restricted zone, regardless of what program or what user put it there.

    4. Let SpywareBlaster completely integrate with IE-SPYAD (HKCU) and IE-SPYAD2 (HKLM). IE-SPYAD and IE-SPYAD2 have .reg file installers and uninstallers. Why not let SpywareBlaster have a way to import these lists directly to add/remove sites?

    5. Allow SpywareBlaster to also manage sites for the Trusted Zone. Again give user the choice whether they want sites added to HKCU or HKLM. If user chooses HKCU and sites are already listed in HKLM, display sites in HKLM and give user option to move those sites to HKCU and vice versa.

    6. In addition to the radio button where user chooses between HKCU and HKLM, allow SpywareBlaster to display any sites that are in either zone and whether each site is trusted or restricted. For instance, user chooses HKLM as the zone they want SpywareBlaster to use, but there are some sites already listed in HKCU (trusted or restricted). Let SpywareBlaster display the list of sites in HKCU and whether each is trusted or restricted and prompt user to move all those sites to HKLM. Similarly, if user chooses HKCU and there are sites listed in HKLM (trusted or restricted), display the list of sites and whether each is trusted or restricted and prompt user to move all those sites to HKCU.

    7. Display a warning message if a site appears in both HKCU or HKLM at the same time and let the user choose how to resolve this issue.

    8. Allow SpywareBlaster windows to be maximized, especially when viewing and working with lists. Better yet, open lists in a separate window that can be maximized. It is very good that the help file can be maximized.

    9. SpywareBlaster, like Spybot, can make the hosts file read only. SpywareBlaster can also create an encrypted backup of the hosts file. Allow SpywareBlaster to also be a complete hosts file manager. Let it display all sites in the hosts file as it does (or will) with restricted sites. Let it easily add or remove sites. Let it merge different hosts lists from different sources into one and remove duplicates. Make sure the hosts part of SpywareBlaster has a find feature. This would eliminate the need to use a separate program just to update, manage, and merge hosts.

    10. Allow a direct link in SpywareBlaster so user can navigate to Internet Options in Control Panel, as well as the registry Zone Map (domains and ranges) for HKCU and HKLM.

    11. SpywareBlaster has a section called Browser Pages. You can change the pages here but cannot make them read-only. In another part of SpywareBlaster you can make the home page read only. Integrate that feature also into the Browser Pages Section, or link those two sections together somehow. Allow the user to also be able to make the default search pages read only as well. This is just taking it a step further. Better integration.

    12. As someone else already suggested, allow exclusions on Flash Killer. Disable flash on all sites except for specific sites you add to a list in the Flash Killer section. Be sure there is a find feature there as well.
  14. tednor

    tednor Registered Member

    Apr 3, 2005
    how about an umbrella program (perhaps to entice donations...) that would incorporate all the utilities offered at the "spyware..." site (and maybe with SBS&D) into a single console with user-friendly interface and added firewall. I just donated to the auto update, and don't mind doing so either, but many more would take the plunge if everything was tied together, and the voluntary donation (sliding-scale type structure) was used with the enticement of a comprehensive security umbrella. Poor people need security too, something you guys realized... THANKS FOR THE GREAT WORK!!! *puppy*
  15. PudgyOne

    PudgyOne Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2005

    I suggest that your people check out the website http://www.neopets.com and I think you'll find alot of spyware there. Then have your people add these spyware files to the SpywareBlaster (which I think is an excellant product. I hope this is the right place to post this.

  16. snapdragin

    snapdragin Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2002
    Southern Ont., Canada
  17. Jeff Dean

    Jeff Dean Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2005
    Great program, working well, would you be able to add something in the way of an update etc. to tackle the IST.bar problem? *puppy* regards
  18. seamaiden

    seamaiden Registered Member

    Dec 8, 2004
    Fresno, California, USA
    Improve the Custom Blocking feature to add (or exclude) cookies and websites. Right now you can only add activeX controls and their CLSIDs. I'd like to be able to add web sites and cookies also. In the Internet Explorer section and the Restricted Sites section, which display restricted web sites and cookies (as well as activex), there is no way to add entries. You can disable entries that are already in there, but you cannot add new ones.
  19. iwod

    iwod Registered Member

    Jun 25, 2004
    Another vote for support of opera.
  20. redmaledeer

    redmaledeer Registered Member

    Sep 6, 2004
    I'm with HandsOff (March 1, 2005) in thinking that it would be really nice to have a way of turning FlashKiller on and off more easily than by opening the program and going to Tools>FlashKiller and checking/unchecking the box.

    I know that this isn't the main purpose of the program, but alas these days Flashkiller is really useful, and I interact much more often with FlashKiller than with any other part of SB.

    My suggestion is this: On the front page ("Protection") of SB there is a section of Quick Tasks, "Shortcuts to the most frequently used Spyware Blaster functions." Why not add an On/Off toggle for FlashKiller to that list of shortcuts, since Flashkiller is indeed frequently used?

    That might not be as handy for the user as HandsOff's suggestions, but perhaps it would be easier to put into the program.

    Thanks for SpywareBlaster, in any form.
  21. cheater87

    cheater87 Registered Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    an ability to have it enable for everyone on multi user computers. its hard to go to everyone's account and enable it.
  22. A user editable database... where people can add activex and site to be blacklisted. Then people can choose to download an unmoderated version and the normal definitions. That would be great.

    Also is http://www.omn.org spyware?
  23. cheater87

    cheater87 Registered Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    have it so when you install it and enable protection on a multi person computer it activates the protection for every user on it. also i'm happy that the updates effect everyone's instead of just yours.
  24. Ad/Subtract

    Ad/Subtract Registered Member

    May 5, 2005
  25. K3NNY

    K3NNY Registered Member

    May 10, 2005

    What about language files? I could translate Spyware Blaster into spanish for free.

    Another vote for Opera support!

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