IE-SPYAD Question

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by Bold_Fortune, Jan 6, 2003.

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  1. Bold_Fortune

    Bold_Fortune Registered Member

    Jan 5, 2003
    Okay, now that I know I'm staying logged in... (I wrote out this really time-consuming post only to find out I hadn't remained logged in to post it. I'll try it again.

    I am new to the site so I just know I'm posting this in the wrong forum. So If a moderatore would like to move it to the proper forum, please feel would help me to to find out where to post my next IE-SPYAD question.

    I download IE-SPYAD and installed. Now when I go to one the sites I normally frequent, I am getting a message "Your Active X Controls Are Not Set To Display This Page Properly". It comes up with every page change on the site I make.

    I'll be darned if I can figure out which entry IE-SPYAD made that causes this, but I can still see everything okay on the site; it's just that this message popping up each time I make a page change, and my having to close the message box is really really annoying.

    Is there a way to get this message to stop coming up, and still keep IE-SPYAD?
  2. Bold_Fortune

    Bold_Fortune Registered Member

    Jan 5, 2003
    Hi again. I'm sorry. Can you tell me which forum you moved this post to? I found it by doing a search, but I couldn't tell which forum it was.

    I'd like to be able to easily navigate to it later to look for a later response. Thanks.

    The thread title was something about news, but I can't find it from the front page. (No pun intented.) I'm sorry for all this.
  3. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England

    Welcome to Wilders!!

    This post was just moved from the "General Topics" section, (which is used for Wilders "board related" issues, such as your post regarding problems staying logged in), to the "Privacy Software" forum. This is a tough call given that IE-SpyAd can fit a couple different forums here. ;) As to another thread that you mention ("The thread title was something about news..."), I'm not sure which one you are referring to.

    As to the issue you've raised in this thread, IE-SpyAd works by adding a large number of websites to your IE "Restricted Zone". Any sites in the IE-SpyAd list will be treated with the security settings of the restricted zone, which should be the most secure and tightest on your system.

    The pop-up (error) window you are seeing in IE is occurring because in the Restricted Zone, ActiveX is fully disabled by default. Now, that is a good thing and it is correct to be disabled. You should not change the security settings for the Restricted Zone. However, if you feel that some specific site or sites from IE-SpyAd should not be restricted on your PC, then you can simply remove that site from IE's restricted site list.

    To do this, go into Internet Explorer's "Tools" (menu) > "Internet Options..." > "Security" (tab) > select the "Restricted Sites" icon > and press the "Sites..." button. You can scroll through the long list of websites and remove any site or sites you'd like. Keep in mind that the warning pop-ups you are seeing may not be because of the actual site you are visited, but, from sites contained in Ad banners or other content being displayed on a page you are visiting. This is actually the benefit of IE-SpyAd, to make the treatment of such linked banners and content as secure as possible (meaning treated as "restricted" by IE).

    It is highly unfortunate that Microsoft decide to constantly warn us that a page may not look right because we've decided to disable ActiveX. To the best of my knowledge, you can not prevent this warning from popping up if you use IE secured in this way. I can't stand this pop-up myself...

    Best Wishes,

    Attached Files:

  4. Bold_Fortune

    Bold_Fortune Registered Member

    Jan 5, 2003
    I solved the problem. I'm really proud of myself for figuring this out. I'm sure for many of you this would probably be like starting the first grade. I'd like to post my solution, though, in case it can help someone like me with the same problem:

    I went to the site that I did not want to keep showing me the "Active X" message. I double-clicked on the red icon in the Status Bar to bring up the Privacy Report of the page. Within the Privacy Report box, I clicked on the drop arrow and selected "All Web Sites". Then I looked for the .com's of possible sites IE-SPAYAD would be blocking once I installed it, but were allowed now. Sure enough, I found one.

    I then copied the installation .reg file that comes in the ZIP package with IE-SPYAD to my desktop, and opened it in Note Pad. I scrolled down until I found the .com that needs to be allowed to stop the "Active X" message from coming up (in this case, I then put a ";" and a space in front of both registry enties for it. Like so:

    ; [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\]
    ; "*"=dword:00000004

    Then I merged my modified .reg file and installed it.

    Now that IE-SPYAD is installed, the next time this happens on a site that I don't want it to, I guess I'll just go into the registry at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains, and unblock it there...if I can figure out the DWORD value to give it to unblock it.

    Oh well, I'll worry about that when it comes up.
  5. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    That's great Bold_Fortune. :)

    Just one thing to note for the future... If you download a new version of IE-SPYAD, (Eric puts them out on average say every 2 weeks or so), you'll need to make the same edits (commenting out the lines you want with the ";"s) in the new copy of the .reg file.

    It might help to keep a file listing any and all changes you make, and add to that over time, if you need to comment out other websites.

    But, it sounds like you have this well in hand.

    Best Wishes,
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