(possible) bug reports v2.0 Beta1

Discussion in 'NOD32 Early v2 Beta' started by Paul Wilders, Dec 24, 2002.

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  1. dot

    dot Guest

    there is some problem when Nod32 amon scan some kind of e.exe file. I experience mouse freeze when click on some .exe files. Nod v2.0 bets1 has the same problem too. The real-time monitor freezes windows everytime when scanning .exe files.
  2. Kleist

    Kleist Guest

    You are very welcome!

    It is a problem of Outlook. If you install Office but choose to use Outlook Express (and what sane person would not?) many times Office will try to create Outlook for the default, and the error box appears.

    It is possible in XP to delete Outlook from the computer. A wise move! :)
  3. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands

    As I posted in this thread, it's a Beta indeed...

    It is available from the Slovakian Eset website.


  4. Kleist

    Kleist Guest

    Yes, I was looking at a page in my cache. When I clear it, I see the files.

    But it is strange if English language beta is not seen on any English language NOD32 web site in the world, yes?
  5. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands
    Could have been a matter of time. Eset HQ resides in Slovakia; with the holidays coming up, other distributors might be running behind a bit.


  6. Mele20

    Mele20 Former Poster

    Apr 29, 2002
    Hilo, Hawaii
    Well if this is truely an Eset public beta, then I don't think anyone can claim, you included Paul, that there is much hope for us W98 and ME users. For Eset to officially release a public beta (not just a beta, but a public one...one step removed from Gold Master), where no W98 and ME users can use it says to me that they know this already. Why would they release it as the public beta with such a severe problem not first corrected? Unless we have just been written off? :( :( Maybe this is why they chose to release it at the most idiotic time conceiveable.

    (Can I ask why I cannot post using this -"W98/ME"? The preview shows up in red and shows W98/Mele20)!!!
  7. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi Mele,

    That is a strange "surprise" from the board software :D
    I and others have also noticed it.

    Regards, Jan.
  8. Ghost

    Ghost Guest

    Mele - If you'd have written it "Me" instead of using two capital letters, it would have worked right.

    Using two capital letters seems to make it think you want it to use your name.
  9. Ghost

    Ghost Guest

    Kleist - Prior to your post here and at DSL, there were no posts indicating "NO" problems in regard to the new Beta and anyone using a 9X system - from anyone, anywhere.

    And, yes, the fact that you've got a P4/2.8GHz with 2048MB RAM may well have something to do with that. (Insert a little processor/RAM-total envy here --> :) ).

    However, you need to go back and read Phil's post here (first page of this thread) and (if you know how) check your own computer for the same types of RAM-usage, number of hooks involved, whether the program releases the RAM when you're done with it without re-starting, etc. (If you don't consider those types of things problems, I don't know what you would consider to be a "problem").

    I'd also like to ask if you've done any serious multi-tasking with the Win95(?)8(?) OS since installing the Beta.

    You need to clear something up for me, though. On this site, you say your "dual-boot" is XP/Win95 - on the DSL site, you say your dual-boot is XP/W98.

    Which is it?

    You also say "I have dl and install both versiona" - what exactly does that mean? (I'm sensing a language problem there).

    Finally, what program (if any) are you using for an anti-trojan program?

    Actually, everyone 9X that's having problems should report what programs they have running in SYSTRAY (especially "on-access", "resident" AT programs, to help nail down any possible conflicts with other software - as well as any people who are not having any apparent resource-related problem with the new beta.
  10. Stan999

    Stan999 Registered Member

    Sep 27, 2002
    Fort Worth, TX USA
    I have been running it on a PIII 600, 256MB, WinXP Pro for
    two days without rebooting. I've have seen NOD32kui and NOD32krn go up to around 12000k

    However, this morning I took a look and both are back down to around 6000k. This is without rebooting. So it is releasing memory on mine.

    See: http://webpages.charter.net/gunn1943/nod32beta.JPG
  11. ;)I think I found an on demand scanning bug on this beta..

    Okay, I have Win XP Home, 512 K Ram Athlon Processor, Compaq notebook..

    So, I set NOD32 to scan all files.. All extensions, and all file types...

    I double click on the On Demand Scaner.. It seems to prematurely quit on me before a full scan is complete. When it does that it also closes itself out.. I have to try repeatedly to get a full scan. It will do it, but I to try, maybe 4-5 times..

    It's not a steady problem. It doesn't happen all the time..
  12. optikl

    optikl Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2002
  13. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    Install went much better under win2k than under 98SE, except for one thing.
    Resident protection from AMON not started.
    And under setup/security tab, box is greyed out, so i can't get it enabled, and if i click on START, i get message that it's unable to load resident protection.

    Reinstalled on top of previous install and amon now works.

    Next step, is to get it to work under win98SE as i use one copy of Becky under both OS and new settings use port 110 with new version, and i'm still under older version with different ports under 98. Darn.
  14. B

    B Guest

    There is a long story between BOClean and NOD32. I don't want to go into that now; I could tell some of the history, but I will not now, I don't want at the moment here now take one side or the other; the situation has been changed...........
    Anyhow: make sure you're running the latest BOClean version, and try to disable Fasthook in BOClean in case you meet a problem..
  15. tosbsas

    tosbsas Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Lima, Peru
    Strange log behaviour:

    I am on win2k - tried the eicar testfiles - amon checked it and find something in the zip file. After checking another file - right hand menu - the eidcar keeps showing up - why?

    I deleted it - keeps showing up as unable to find or something like that

    After restart everything is gone

  16. tosbsas

    tosbsas Registered Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Lima, Peru
    Strange tmp files are back - after scanning a file, a :temp file is left in my temo directory - why

  17. Ledendo

    Ledendo Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Strange bug on a win98 system: AMON checks the floppy drive on boot and then the drive led keeps on as if it was going on to check, although no audible attempts are made.
  18. Nom de Plume

    Nom de Plume Registered Member

    Dec 21, 2002
    The Beta is running fine on XP Pro, however there is no right click option in explorer. I cannot scan just one file. Is this by design? Can anyone else use the right click option in explorer?
  19. Mele20

    Mele20 Former Poster

    Apr 29, 2002
    Hilo, Hawaii
    >Actually, everyone 9X that's having problems should report what programs they have running in SYSTRAY (especially "on-access", "resident" AT programs, to help nail down any possible conflicts with other software - as well as any people who are not having any apparent resource-related problem with the new beta.

    OK. good idea:

    Cookie Crusher version 2.6
    Desk Sweeper
    Windows Task Scheduler
    Visioneer 7600 USB scanner (not always enabled)
    Proxomitron version 4.4

    (No firewall, trojan scanner or "backup" av program).

    Check my post in the thread "NOD working fine in W98" by Marti. The above is irrelevant now. Resource problem solved! :) :)
  20. Blackspear

    Blackspear Global Moderator

    Dec 2, 2002
    Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Works perfect on my system...


    Attached Files:

  21. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    There is...and it works fine.

  22. marti

    marti Registered Member

    Mar 25, 2002
    Houston, Texas, USA
    I had to turn off "IMON" due to many Internet Explorer error messages. I'm running Win98SE. Works fine without that feature.
  23. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002

    Under 98SE, spyblocker, browser as well Naviscope conflict with NOD.
    As a result i loose connectivity to the net with new version.
  24. Kleist

    Kleist Guest

    Dual boot=selection between 2 hard drive, 1=XP/1=W98.

    "W95" was my brain fart. I have W95 on another plug-in drive, but not tested with NOD32.

    Yes, I have done many multi-tasking, but of course for ony 2 days. There is still some time for future problems to arise, if any are present.

    I use Pest Patrol for trojan.

    I think I am not good for reporting NOD32 CPU and RAM problems. My system is too great to show performance hits which will be apparent in many systems. For example, I find zero performance difference between "graphics" and "no graphics" mode, but others have reported a significant difference.

    I think it is better for entry level and slightly higher users to report, because this is the main body of users in the world. If I report to Eset, "No performance hit on (my spec) he will say "Of course not!" (I recall some years past, Symantec's answer to NAV performance hit compaints was "Install more RAM.) :)

    And of course you are right, as much detail as possible is essential for Eset to examine thoroughly the conflicts and performance hits.

    In closing, may I offer, "No program is as lightning fast as Eset's NOD32. Even when run on very old PCs there is no decrease in performance."
    (from Virus Bulletin, January 2003)

    I estimate Virus Bulletin is not using a 386/33 with 64 MB RAM. :)

    I am now gone for some days. My vacation. Good Luck with your testing, and a fine 2003 to you and all readers.
  25. Nom de Plume

    Nom de Plume Registered Member

    Dec 21, 2002
    Further info on the missing right click option in explorer. If you install NOD using the "advanced option" rather than the recommended "typical option" there is a check box to install the right click option. The comment "there is and it works fine" is not that enlightening.
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