Sandboxie and Outlook

Discussion in 'sandboxing & virtualization' started by n8chavez, Jun 10, 2020.

  1. n8chavez

    n8chavez Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2003
    Location Unknown
    If there a way to successfully get Outlook 365 to launch and run inside of Sandboxie? I haven't been able to get that to happen; the best I could go was get it to launch in a sandbox but there was no internet connectivity.
  2. dwalker

    dwalker Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2008
    Ottawa Ontario Canada
    Hi, I'm just another user but have succeeded in getting sandboxed Outlook 365 to access the internet. I have the 64 bit version of Office installed. I use it sandboxed only when surfing the internet freely with my sandboxed browser, if I have browsers closed or running very safe sites, I'll usually use Outlook with no sandboxing.

    The sandboxing ain't perfect, it definitely takes a bit longer than usual to do complete Send/Receive when I first long on, and Sending the first email in a session, also takes longer than usual. For that reason I switch to unsandboxed Outlook if I'm fooling around with different drafts, it responds quicker. Another tip: close sandboxed Outlook by choosing File, Exit. Helps prevent the Sandbox staying open.

    I did this: First, I created a new sandbox just for Outlook.

    Settings: Check Display border around the window. The taskbar icon doesn't show the sandboxing, so the "always on" border really helps.
    Under Delete Invocation, I have Automatically delete contents of sandbox.
    Under Program Stop, Leader Programs. Add, I browsed to Outlook.exe (see below to find its location)
    Under File Migration, I increased the "Don't migrate files larger than" number to 500000 kilobytes.
    Under Restrictions Network files, I started with the Block Network Files unless... checked, now I'm experimenting with leaving it unchecked.

    At this point, you might trying to use right click Run Sandboxed directly on your Outlook exe file, choosing the new sandbox.

    To find Outlook's exe location in Win 10, ho hum, it's a bore, go to:
    Start, scroll down to Outlook, right click, choose More, Open File location, Wait you're not done yet! It just shows a shortcut, so right click on the Outlook shortcut and choose Properties, there Targety shows the full path to exe file that really launches Outlook. Weirdly, the path includes Office 16 rather than Office 365, but in my version that's the right file.

    Let me know if it works, if not I can look at my other settings to see if there is something else I missed.

  3. thomas90

    thomas90 Registered Member

    Jun 2, 2020
    Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me with accounts. I've tested it with Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2019 (both 32 bit and 64 bit), with Windows 10 1903 and Windows 10 2004 - nothing worked.

    May I ask which email accounts you've defined in Outlook? Only POP3/IMAP or accounts as well?

  4. dwalker

    dwalker Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2008
    Ottawa Ontario Canada
    Hi Thomas,

    Perhaps this will help. I never have had a Hotmail account. I just recently got my first personal installation of any version of Office under a special offer when my brother purchased Office 365 for himself.

    So, the directions for me, a first time Office user, had me get an email account first, not Hotmail. I set up only that account in Outlook to start. Under Type, it is called a Microsoft Exchange Account.

    Perhaps it is the Hotmail account which is the problem? Was it ever migrated to I ran into this, which suggests something happened way back in 2013:

    Maybe you can still migrate your Hotmail to a new account, then carefully delete all traces of your Hotmail account from Outlook, then start over with the address as your main account.

    Setting up the account in Outlook 365 first may be key. After things were good, I added 2 accounts which are called IMAP/SMT, one was gmail. It took a couple of tries to get each one functioning well in Outlook 365, but one is actually now my default email, Outlook opens to it. Once working, nothing changes under sandboxing except the delay and drafts stuff I mentioned previously.

    Good luck, Doug
  5. thomas90

    thomas90 Registered Member

    Jun 2, 2020
    Hi Doug!

    Thanks for your help. I have an account as well, it's not a hotmail account. I've also deleted the complete Outlook profile on my computer and started from scratch - I've also created a completely new Sandbox.
    If I start Outlook 2019 in Sandboxie, I'm getting asked to setup a new account, which is fine. After entering the account (only the email address because there is no password field yet) and clicking on Next, I'm getting a message like "Something went wrong, please try again."

    If I configure the account outside the sandbox, it's working fine, but after starting Outlook sandboxed, only the little startscreen of Outlook 2019 appears: "Opening profile". Nothing happens afterwards.

    Previously, I've used Outlook 2010 and Sandboxie 5.31.6 which worked fine. But with Sandboxie 5.33.3 or 5.33.6 it didn't work any longer due to "connection problems" (but only for these accounts, POP3 still worked fine there).

    Now, I've upgraded to Outlook 2019 and no Sandboxie version is working with accounts, it's driving me crazy :(

    Which Sandboxie version are you using? Which Windows 10 version is installed on your computer?

  6. dwalker

    dwalker Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2008
    Ottawa Ontario Canada
    Ok Thomas I have 64 Bit Windows 10 Home, Version 1909, OS Build 18363.1016, with Sandboxie 5.33.6 (64 Bit). My Outlook version is the one that came with the 365 install. By going File - Office Account - About Outlook, it says I have: Microsoft Outlook for Microsoft 365 MSO (16.0.130219.20232) 64-bit
    As expected it's clearly a version of Outlook 2016. I didn't realize there was an Outlook 2019.

    I'm puzzled about you creating an account sandboxed! I want to have my normal Outlook installation running well, then run it under a sandbox which deletes on exit. Sandboxed or not, I normally get no requests for passwords, that's all part of configuring the accounts properly.

    Is that not what you want?

    Cheers, Doug
  7. thomas90

    thomas90 Registered Member

    Jun 2, 2020
    Hi Doug,

    thanks for all the information, I really appreciate your help!

    As mentioned before, I tried both - configuring the account inside Sandboxie and outside Sandboxie. If I configure the account outside Sandboxie and start Outlook 2019, only the startscreen of Outlook appears. It hangs when "Opening the profile". That's why I tried to create the account inside Sandboxie in the hope that I get more information or at least an error message.

    16.0.130219 is the version which I see in Outlook 2019 as well, so we should have the same Office version.

    It's really strange. I was sure that there's some kind of compatibility issue in Sandboxie with the latest Outlook version, but if your account is working fine inside Sandboxie, there must me something wrong on my computer.

    Now I've reverted back to Outlook 2010 with Sandboxie 5.31.6 which seems to be the only combination working on my computer. As soon as I upgrade from Sandboxie 5.31.6 to Sandboxie 5.33.6 or upgrade from Outlook 2010 to Outlook 2019 it doesn't work any longer.

  8. thomas90

    thomas90 Registered Member

    Jun 2, 2020
    Hi Doug,

    I just tried to start Outlook 2019 sandboxed on a completely different computer, and accounts are not working. Are you really sure that you've started Outlook sandboxed on your computer? Is the account really defined as "Microsoft Exchange"?

    Thanks for you help! :)

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