ARX files

Discussion in 'FirstDefense-Rescue Forum' started by Egelie, Sep 5, 2019.

  1. Egelie

    Egelie Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2008
    It is possible to import .arx files from a older computer.
    But will the new computer start ?
    Wich problems can I expect.
    old Nvida Geforce card 6xx and now new one Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060.

    other sound card!

    So will the old .arx file work on a Acer Predator Orion 5000 -610
    Perhaps after several starts ?
    the old .arX file is a windows 7 32 bit OS

    Frits Egelie
  2. pandlouk

    pandlouk Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2007
    It will work but you'll have the same problems, as when restoring an image to dissimilar software.
    e.g. bsod if IDE to sata system, etc.
    If you can enter in safe mode, you just uninstall the old gpu drivers and reboot. If you cannot boot you'll need a something like Paragon rescue kit free
  3. Egelie

    Egelie Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2008
    in the meantime i have decided to go full for the windows 10 64 bit.
    First i would install Windows 7 32 bit for some games i have. ( only FS 2000, Chesmaster 3000, and some smaller 32 bit games).
    But my machine is more complicated then the one before.
    It has no RESET button and no manual and no bios manual.
    So it has UEFI. Then lots of my CD's won't boot.
    Yes before i has also UEFI, but i could change that in the bios, so i had nearly nothing to do with it.
    Resetting on the way it goes now is not good for the electronics inside it.
    And i do experimenting gladly.
    I know there possibilities to also boot old CD's in the UEFI bios, but i have to study that first.
    I know nearly nothing about UEFi.

    So thanks for the help.

    Frits Egelie
  4. pandlouk

    pandlouk Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2007
    Don't try importing that archive. Windows 7 32bit does not support uefi booting.
    The only alternative that I can think of, is to use a virtual pc, eg. virtualbox or vmware and import the archive in the virtual box (same way that you would in a physical system).
  5. Egelie

    Egelie Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2008
    indeed i know of this possibility. My machine a Predator Orion 5000-610 19404 could have it.
    But , never done this in the past. I Always think, it will slowdown it all.
    So, i continuing using windows 10.
    It gives lots of trouble with installed prgrs. Recently i installed REDSHIFT 8.
    Gives minor problems. But installed on the Game snapshot, a lot of troubles.
    So , i installed it yesterday on a fresh empty windows 10 snapshot.
    Also there minor problems.
    So, it goes on and on and on.
    In the 40 years i go on with computers , there where Always some trouble.
    I think, programmers do not program 100% by the rules of Microsoft.
    So, when installing lots of prgs, they will collied somehow.


    Frits Egelie
  6. pandlouk

    pandlouk Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2007
    On windows 10, having multiple snapshots is a pain. The forced updates will make it difficult to maintain and will multiple your workload.
    Maybe multiple partitions/copies of the same OS and a boot manager like "bootit uefi" is a better option on the long run. You can ask @Brian K on how to achieve it.

  7. Egelie

    Egelie Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2008
    Pandlouk; or will i say Panagiotis ?
    I am now 77, and you can guess that my workload is not so big.
    I use last years my computer for pleasure.
    Updated my windows 10 only the big ones, when i do nothing with my pc.
    i need only new snapshots when prgrs will not work as expected.
    Recently i have one. Using RS8 works fine. But i decided to move that to the GAME snapshot.
    It did not starting up. Tried several things but no. Also contacted the helpdesk.
    But you know what it is with help desks. Bad experience.
    So, the GAME snapshot was not so big, and i decided to install a earlier made snapshot with a empty Windows 10.
    There I installed RS8. All works fine know. So i will now install the other games and some prgrs on it.
    Why did it not work on the earlier Game-snapshot.?
    I do'nt know.
    This is the only reason why i need some snapshots, with pgrs they give problems in the past..
    Perhaps in the future i use your suggestion.
    I would have first away how i can have access to the blocked bios uefi.
    Frits Egelie
  8. pandlouk

    pandlouk Registered Member

    Jul 15, 2007
  9. Egelie

    Egelie Registered Member

    Nov 10, 2008
    interesting article. I will save it in my roboform database.
    there could be lots of causes , why prgrs or parts of prgrs not work.
    So, i use windows 10 manager to manipulate the OS.
    Also i use a nice book, or pdf file from Menno Schoone. ( In dutch.
    He nows a lot more then myself.
    Then i have also the internet. There are Multi-milti problems described!
    Very often i can solve my prblems in such a way.
    But a easier way is using a basic windows 10 snapshot.

    Frits Egelie
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