Wine 4.0 Released with ~6.000 Changes

Discussion in 'all things UNIX' started by guest, Jan 22, 2019.

  1. guest

    guest Guest

    Wine v4.0 (January 22, 2019)
    What's new in Wine 4.0
    *** Direct3D

    - Initial support for Direct3D 12 is implemented. Direct3D 12 support
    requires the vkd3d library, and a Vulkan-capable graphics card.

    - The Multi-Threaded Command Stream feature is enabled by default.

    - OpenGL core contexts are always used by default when available. In
    the previous release, these were already used by default for
    Direct3D 10 and 11 applications on AMD and Intel graphics
    cards. That has been extended to all graphics cards, and all
    versions of Direct3D before 12.

    - Among others, the following notable Direct3D 10 and 11 features are
    - Multi-sample textures and views, as well as multi-sample resolves.
    - Per-sample fragment shading.
    - Support for 1D textures.
    - Draws without render target views or depth/stencil views.
    - Multiple viewports and scissor rectangles per draw.
    - Depth clipping control.
    - Depth bias clamping.
    - Stream output without geometry shaders.
    - Several more capability queries.
    - Several more resource formats.

    - The "depth bias clamping" feature mentioned above requires the
    ARB_polygon_offset_clamp/EXT_polygon_offset_clamp OpenGL
    extension. All Direct3D 10+ capable hardware should be able to
    support that extension, but it has come to our attention that some
    NVIDIA "Legacy Drivers" do not. We encourage affected users to
    explore whether the Free Software Nouveau drivers meet their needs.

    - Several Direct3D 11 interfaces have been updated to version 11.2,
    and several DXGI interfaces have been update to version 1.6. This
    allows applications requiring those newer interfaces to start

    - The first steps towards more fine-grained locking in the Direct3D
    implementation have been taken. This will be an ongoing effort to
    take better advantage of modern high core count CPUs.

    - Support for using the correct swap interval is implemented, for both
    DXGI and DirectDraw applications.

    - Application-configurable frame latency is implemented for Direct3D
    9Ex and DXGI applications.

    - S3TC-compressed 3D textures are supported. S3TC-compressed 2D
    textures were already supported, provided the OpenGL drivers
    supported them.

    - When the ARB_query_buffer_object OpenGL extension is available,
    query results can be polled with lower latency, resulting in a
    modest performance improvement in specific cases.

    - Validation of Direct3D 8 and 9 resource pool and usage restrictions,
    as well as blit restrictions, has been improved.

    - The Direct3D graphics card database recognizes more graphics cards.

    - New HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Direct3D registry keys:
    - "MultisampleTextures" (REG_DWORD)
    Enable (0x1, default) or disable (0x0) support for multi-sample
    - "Renderer" (REG_SZ)
    The backend API to target. Possible values are "gl" (default) for
    OpenGL and "gdi" for GDI.

    - Deprecated HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Direct3D registry key:
    - "DirectDrawRenderer"
    This has been superseded by the "Renderer" setting above.

    - Removed HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Direct3D registry key:
    - "StrictDrawOrdering"
    This feature was previously deprecated in favor of the
    multi-threaded command stream feature, and has been completely

    *** Graphics

    - A complete Vulkan driver is implemented, using the host Vulkan
    libraries under X11, or MoltenVK on macOS.

    - A builtin vulkan-1 loader is provided as an alternative to the SDK

    - Icons in PNG format are supported, enabling loading high-resolution
    256x256 icons.

    - The standard icons include a 256x256 version to take advantage of
    the PNG support.

    - Many Direct2D interfaces have been updated to version 1.2.

    - New HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Direct2D registry key:
    - "max_version_factory" (REG_DWORD)
    Limit the interface version of the ID2D1Factory interface to the
    specified version. 0x0 for ID2D1Factory, 0x1 for ID2D1Factory1,
    etc. By default there is no limit.

    - Using an ARGB visual as default X11 visual is supported.

    - The old 16-bit DIB.DRV driver is implemented using the DIB engine.

    - Polygon drawing in the DIB engine is much faster for large polygons.

    - A0, A1 and A2 paper sizes are supported for generic printers.

    - Arrows are supported in GdiPlus.

    *** Kernel

    - Support for running DOS binaries under Wine is removed. When
    execution of a DOS binary is requested, an external DOSBox instance
    is launched. This doesn't apply to Win16 binaries, which are still
    supported internally.

    - All the CPU control and debug registers can be accessed by kernel
    drivers, including on 64-bit.

    - Events, semaphores, mutexes and timers are implemented in kernel
    mode for device drivers.

    - The WaitOnAddress synchronization primitives are supported.

    - Reported processor information correctly distinguishes logical and
    physical CPU cores to support hyper-threading.

    - Detailed BIOS information can be queried on Linux platforms.

    - The various debugger APIs support manipulating a 32-bit Wow64
    process from a 64-bit process context.

    - Application settings, compatibility information and execution levels
    are recognized in application manifests.

    - The various file I/O completion modes are implemented.

    - Debug registers are supported on NetBSD.

    *** User interface

    - The infrastructure for setting DPI awareness and scaling of non
    DPI-aware applications is implemented. However, actual scaling of
    window contents is only supported on Android at this point.
    Scaling is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting the
    "DpiScalingVer" value under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop.

    - Window class redirection is supported, enabling support of Common
    Controls version 6 features for standard USER controls like buttons.

    - The standard USER controls Button, Listbox, Combobox, Edit and
    Static support version 6 features, including theming.

    - The standard Task Dialog is implemented, including support for
    icons, hyperlinks, progress bars, and various other UI elements.

    - Cue banners are supported in version 6 of the Edit control.

    *** Desktop integration

    - Exporting MIME-type file associations to the native desktop can be
    disabled with a checkbox under the Desktop Integration tab in
    winecfg. It can be configured programmatically by setting the
    "Enable" value under

    - The File Dialog can display file properties like size, times and

    - The File Dialog optionally shows the Places toolbar on the left-hand

    - The shell folder Public is used instead of AllUsersProfile to follow
    the behavior of recent Windows versions.

    - The shell File Browser supports keyboard shortcuts to rename (F2
    key) and delete (Delete key) shell folders.

    - Many standard icons are added to the Shell library.

    - Shell Autocompletion is supported.

    - In desktop mode the taskbar won't be displayed on top of fullscreen

    - Additional names are provided for standard cursors to better match
    existing X11 cursor themes.

    *** Input devices

    - HID game controllers are supported in the XInput and Raw Input APIs.

    - An SDL driver is implemented to make SDL game controllers
    available through the HID interface.

    *** Internet and networking

    - JScript has an EcmaScript compliant mode, which supports a number of
    features not available in legacy mode.

    - JavaScript property accessors are supported.

    - HTML style object is rewritten to support standard-compliant mode.

    - HTML documents respect X-UA-Compatible HTTP header, allowing web
    pages to request specific compatibility mode. The
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\MSHTML\CompatMode key may be used to
    override the requested mode.

    - MSHTML supports non-HTML elements, allowing limited SVG support.

    - A number of new HTML APIs are supported.

    - The proxy server can be configured through the Internet Control
    Panel applet.

    - Stream I/O is implemented in WebServices.

    - The Web Services on Devices API (WSDAPI) is implemented, including
    sending and receiving the various message types.

    - More system information is reported through WBEM, including CPU,
    BIOS, video controller, and network adapter properties.

    *** Cryptography

    - Asymmetric encryption keys, as well as RSA and ECDSA signature
    verification are supported.

    - The GCM and ECB encryption chaining modes are supported.

    - Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding (OAEP) is supported in RSA

    - A Kerberos security provider is implemented, supporting Kerberos

    - A selection dialog for public key certificates is implemented.

    - If available, GnuTLS is used on macOS in preference to the
    CommonCrypto framework.

    *** Text and fonts

    - Character tables are based on version 11.0.0 of the Unicode Standard.

    - The new subpixel font rendering of FreeType >= 2.8.1 is supported.

    - When a font face is missing, FontConfig is queried to provide
    possible substitutions.

    - The font selected in the console emulator properly scales with the
    display DPI.

    - Memory font resources are supported in DirectWrite.

    - The builtin Wingdings font contains clock images.

    *** Audio

    - The Windows Media Player interfaces are implemented and support
    media playback.

    - An MP3 decoder is provided as DirectX Media Object.

    *** macOS

    - The preloader is implemented on macOS, for better address space
    layout compatibility.

    - The Command key can be mapped to Ctrl, by setting the
    "LeftCommandIsCtrl" or "RightCommandIsCtrl" values under
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Mac Driver.

    - The App Nap energy-saving feature is disabled by default in GUI
    processes. It can be re-enabled by setting the "EnableAppNap" value
    under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Mac Driver.

    *** Android

    - Setting the mouse cursor is supported using the APIs available in
    Android >= 7.

    - The new version of the Android graphics buffer allocator API is
    supported, to enable graphics support on Android >= 8.

    - Android x86-64 platforms are supported also in 64-bit mode, however
    WoW64 mode is not supported yet in the WineHQ packages.

    *** ARM platforms

    - Stubless COM proxies are implemented on ARM.

    - The Windows calling convention for variadic functions is supported
    on ARM64.

    - Exception handling and debugging is better supported on ARM64

    - The MinGW toolchain is supported for cross-compilation to ARM64.

    *** Built-in applications

    - The Ping program provides actual pinging functionality using

    - The SchTasks task scheduler program can create and delete tasks.

    - The RegEdit registry editor has an improved hex editor for binary

    - FOR loops are properly handled in the Command Interpreter.

    - The XCopy program supports the /k (keep attributes) option.

    *** Internationalization

    - The Japanese 106 keyboard is properly supported.

    - Translation of timezone names is supported.

    - There is a partial translation to the Sinhala language.

    - More locales are supported in the Resource Compiler (wrc) and
    Message Compiler (wmc).

    *** Development tools

    - winedbg supports debugging WoW64 processes.

    - In gdb proxy mode, winedbg supports a --port option to specify the
    port used to connect to gdb.

    - winegcc uses better heuristics for finding the appropriate lib
    directory for 32/64-bit cross-compiles.

    - winegcc supports building native subsystem libraries.

    - winegcc also looks for includes in the top-level include directory
    of the installation prefix.

    - winebuild supports a -mfpu option for specifying the FPU
    architecture on ARM platforms.

    - winedump supports dumping SLTG-format typelibs.

    *** IDL compiler

    - Application Configuration Files (ACF) are supported.

    - Asynchronous interfaces are supported.

    - Type and method serialization using encode/decode attributes is

    - The defaultvalue() attribute is supported for pointer types.

    - Generated files are always specific to the target platform. The
    target can be specified the same way as with the other tools,
    using the cpu-manufacturer-os platform specification.

    - Nesting of pointers and arrays works correctly.

    - Correct size and alignment are generated for encapsulated unions.

    - The __int32 type is supported.

    - The -robust command line option is recognized (but ignored) for
    compatibility with the Microsoft IDL compiler.

    - Multiple typelibs can be generated into a single resource file.

    *** .NET

    - 32-bit CIL-only .NET binaries are supported on 64-bit.

    - The Mono engine is updated to version 4.7.5 with some upstream Mono

    *** RPC/COM

    - The typelib marshaller is reimplemented. It generates format strings
    and then uses the standard NDR marshalling routines; this way it
    also works on 64-bit and ARM platforms.

    *** Installers

    - MSI custom actions run in a separate process, enabling proper
    support for mixed 32/64-bit installers.

    - Deferred installation actions are supported in MSI.

    *** Build infrastructure

    - The test framework supports building helper dlls inside a test, to
    allow testing features that require loading an external library.

    - The test framework supports testing Windows kernel drivers.

    - It is possible to build and run a WoW64 tree from inside the Wine
    source directory. Previously an out-of-tree build was required.

    - A .editorconfig file is provided with the recommended indentation

    *** Miscellaneous

    - The Task Scheduler service and APIs are implemented.

    - The Windows Management Instrumentation service is implemented.

    - The OPC Services (Open Packaging Conventions, used for Microsoft
    Office XML files) library is implemented.

    - The HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA magic registry key is partially

    *** New external dependencies

    - The Vulkan library is used to implement the Vulkan graphics driver.

    - The Vkd3d library is used to implement Direct3D 12 on top of Vulkan.

    - The SDL library is used to support game controllers.

    - The GSSAPI library is used to implement Kerberos authentication.
  2. guest

    guest Guest

    Wine v4.0.1 Released (May 15, 2019)
    Bugs fixed in 4.0.1 (total 44):

    8226 DlgDirListComboBox does not fail properly on bad path spec argument
    23863 The Bard's Tale (2005): unplayable due to almost completely black screen
    26653 Multiple VB6 applications need oleaut32 VarRound to support VT_DECIMAL
    28140 Theatre of War 3: Korea demo 1.2.0 crashes on startup (hook engine can't cope with GOT/PIC register load code at API entry, needs DECLSPEC_HOTPATCH for kernel32.SizeofResource and kernel32.FindClose)
    31954 Second Sight hangs with a black screen after the intro videos
    33456 D3DXMatrixTransformation: Broken calculation when scalingrotation and scaling is used
    35516 Microworlds EX hangs when clicking toolbar button
    37705 Heroes of Might and Magic VI Shades of Darkness Textures Fail to Display in Most Campaign Maps
    38138 Avencast: Rise of the Mage: invisible doors
    38558 cmd.exe bundled with Windows XP messed up when using FOR /F
    39663 GOG Galaxy client 1.x hangs or reports 'Something went wrong during DeelevateStrategy' error in Win7 mode (GOG Galaxy service needs wtsapi32.WTSQueryUserToken implementation)
    39890 Orcish Inn fails to start with exception System.NotImplementedException
    40441 Chicken tournament crashes when loading texture
    44300 Windows Media Player 7.1 fails to play media due to unimplemented function wmvcore.dll.WMCheckURLExtension
    44469 Multiple apps using Windows 10 v1507+ UCRT crash due to multiple missing api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll._o__xxx stubs/forwards (Win10 DISM pkgmgr.exe, MS DirectX Shader Compiler)
    45326 Multiple 64-bit kernel drivers crash on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.__C_specific_handler (NoxPlayer 6.x, MTA:SA 1.5.x)
    45473 Rogue Squadron 3D crashes on startup
    45631 League of Legends client crashes when joining a lobby with other players
    45632 Garena client v2.0.x crashes on startup ('ntdll.NtQueryVirtualMemory' needs to validate 'MemoryInformationLength' before writing to buffer)
    46127 aria2 1.34 fails to connect, reports 'WinTLS: Channel setup failed. Schannel provider did not fulfill requested flags. Excepted: 33180 Actual: 33052'
    46298 Middle-earth: Shadow of War (steam appid 356190) crashes on launch
    46300 Yousician: unimplemented function mfplat.dll.MFGetSystemTime
    46303 Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos (Czech language) can't be installed from CD
    46318 vbscript doesn't parse if identifier is also keyword token
    46319 32-bit IL-only executable launched as 32-bit subprocess on Wine and 64-bit subprocess on Windows
    46387 ReactOS/Windows XP TASKMGR: Column headers don't scroll when scrolling horizontally (multiple listview or header control)
    46442 FormatCurrency(9) returns .9.00 (period in front)
    46465 Visual Studio 2015 crashes on unimplemented function msvcp140.dll._Equivalent
    46481 strftime has a buffer overflow
    46482 Gas Guzzlers Combat Carnage crashes when changing screen resolution
    46485 PBM_STEPIT crashes with division by zero when MinVal == MaxVal == 0
    46493 Functions ilogb* are not implemented
    46494 64bit WinMerge crash after clicking "About WinMerge"
    46499 Multiple games crash in GetRawInputData when exiting(House Party, Murderous Pursuits, ICEY)
    46520 Kindred Spirits on the Roof crashes
    46536 Empire Earth (GOG version) main menu rendering is broken
    46569 ToDoList 7.1 : fails to launch after WINE upgrade to 4.0 version
    46581 HeidiSQL generates OLE error when executing custom queries against MSSQL server.
    46583 LINE latest version doesn't work
    46678 Width of latin characters is wrong with some fonts.
    46691 comctl32/tests/propsheet.c shows uninitalized memory use
    46708 Photoline crashed right after start, no problem with wine 3.0.4
    46729 Wine directx not detecting Intel HD Graphics 620 (Rev 02) chipset
    46907 msi crashes in RemoveFiles action for a broken msi
  3. guest

    guest Guest

    Wine v4.0.2 Released (August 23, 2019)
    Bugs fixed in 4.0.2 (total 66):

    15934 Can't see Worms 2 intro films as they play (mciavi32 missing support to MCI_MCIAVI_PLAY_FULLSCREEN)
    18099 No keyboard response in Super Mario 3 remake
    19098 Regedit randomly crashes when deleting registry keys
    21403 Shiva Editor/Evochron: Mercenary refuse to run with built-in dinput/dinput8.dll
    23455 FileAlyzer, Affinity-installer- can't load PE images (needs imagehlp.ImageLoad and imagehlp.ImageUnload implementation)
    26445 URLDownloadToFileW does not support FTP URLs
    28847 LabChart Reader 7.x crashes due to missing wmvcore 'IWMProfileManager2', CLSID '{7a924e51-73c1-494d-8019-23d37ed9b89a}'
    33845 Warframe (Steam) updater fails to replace 'Launcher.exe', reports sharing violation
    33904 Face Noir demo crashes on start without native d3dx9_36 ('D3DXLoadSkinMeshFromXof' must return 'ID3DXSkinInfo' interface even with no skinning info present)
    36764 Rogue Squadron 3D 1.3: Unable to setup controller in-game
    37784 wine-mono does not appear in "wine uninstaller" list on a 64-bit prefix
    37871 downloader (.NET 3.5 app) wants wininet.GetUrlCacheConfigInfoA/W implementation
    38087 Settlers III: mouse not working on start screen and menu (after fixing raw input bug 33479)
    43356 Mass Effect (1) Steam freezes since Steam Update from 8th of July 2017
    43411 Older directx games (The Sims, Revenant) - Screen not redrawing properly (needs Set/GetClipStatus implementation)
    44423 Office 2007/2010 32bit - links not working
    45429 Inno Setup v5.x based game-installers using 'wintb' plugin fail with: 'Runtime error 229 at <address>' (Win7+ ITaskbarList3 ThumbBar/Thumbnail semi-stubs needed)
    45543 Multiple games and applications crash in dwrite due to invalid index access to cluster array (Rekordbox 5.3.0, SpellForce 3)
    45703 Microsoft Office 365 applications crash on startup (Microsoft AppV ISV virtual filesystem technology requires several native and core API to be hot-patchable)
    45878 Aruba digital signature crashes on missing hid.dll.HidD_FlushQueue
    46019 Multiple NSIS 2.x based installers fail due to invalid module handle passed to 'kernel32.FreeLibrary', causing code dll unmapped as data dll (Adobe Digital Editions 4.5.x, ConceptDraw Office 4)
    46115 Cursor in unity games moving down and to the right one pixel on any mouse interaction
    46187 Windows PowerShell Core 6.2 Preview 2 for ARM32 crashes due to unhandled trap_no 0 (write watch access causes SIGSEGV)
    46189 Windows PowerShell Core 6.2 Preview 2 for ARM32 crashes due to ntdll 'set_cpu_context' not restoring Thumb mode during return from exception handling
    46316 Hauppauge Capture version 36187 crashes during install
    46371 FFXI + Ashita random crash ingame
    46579 F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin screen is completely light grey while playing intro movie
    46626 UPlay fails to start : "Error at hooking API LoadStringA" (UPlay's hooking engine can't handle ENDBR32 instruction inserted at non-hotpatch API entries due to distro build environments '-fcf-protection')
    46706 Eventide H9 Control crashes on unimplemented function bthprops.cpl.BluetoothFindDeviceClose
    46711 Since 3.3 other HID devices than Joysticks not supported anymore
    46712 Atelier Firis config tool crashes with "Unhandled page fault on execute access"
    46713 School days HQ occasional divide by zero
    46721 Two quotes together (in outer quotes) not parsed correctly in argv
    46754 Multiple application installers fail in VBscripts due to IWshEnvironment::Item property returning BSTR with embedded null terminator (PostgreSQL 9.3)
    46761 BigNox VM VirtualBox Support Driver 'YSDrv.sys' (part of NoxPlayer 6.x) crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool
    46772 Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Express 6.0 installer fails with VBScript parser error: parser_lex '_' not followed by newline
    46800 LINE (Powered by Naver): LINE v5.12.XXX series crashes after few seconds
    46807 The Sims hangs when opening menus
    46811 Inquisitor: black screen after start in fullscreen mode
    46812 PS4 Remote Play installer 2.8.x fails, claims 'You need the Media Feature Pack' (MsiGetDatabaseState is called from a custom action)
    46845 Freelancer: character glitches in cutscenes after loading a saved game
    46848 PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 Web installer crashes on unimplemented function api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll.wctrans
    46863 If prefix contains "windows" drive information not available in 64-bit prefix
    46881 Power World Simulator installer needs unimplemented function msi.dll.MsiSourceListForceResolutionW
    46894 SIMATIC WinCC V15.1 Runtime installer (.NET 4.0) fails in CoreLib::GetPhysicalMemoryAmountWmi() (missing 'DeviceLocator' property of 'Win32_PhysicalMemory' WMI class)
    46895 SIMATIC WinCC V15.1 Runtime installer (.NET 4.0) fails due to missing 'OperatingSystemSKU' property of 'Win32_OperatingSystem' WMI class
    46899 SIMATIC WinCC V15.1 Runtime installer: user can't accept license terms (richedit20 ITextRange::ScrollIntoView lacks handling of 'tomEnd')
    46902 SIMATIC WinCC V15.1 Runtime installer: S7Inst64.exe sub-installer crashes on unimplemented function msvcr110.dll._wcsnset_s
    46903 SIMATIC WinCC V15.1 Runtime installer: AdHocSigner.exe tool crashes on unimplemented functions mssign32.dll.SignerSignEx and SignerFreeSignerContext
    46906 SIMATIC WinCC V15.1 Runtime installer: SeCon tool 'SeCon_Win32.exe' crashes due to hnetcfg 'INetFwRules::get__NewEnum' not initializing out parameter
    46908 Support msvcp mtx_init 'mtx_try' flag (0x2) to create a mutex object that supports test and return
    46909 Missing (black) textures in Black & White
    46923 X-Tension, X-Beyond The Frontier: Dynamic light breaks after opening up a menu
    46928 Atelier Firis config tool doesn't show up when launched through Steam
    46939 propvarutil.h: missing extern "C"
    46953 Watch_Dogs crashes after intro
    46971 Multiple Steam games crash with Wine 4.6 (Steam Game Overlay Renderer hook engine requires several API to be hot-patchable) (Sniper Elite V2, Sniper Elite 3, Brawlhalla)
    46989 Grand Prix Legends: Wheel (Wheel, Gas, Brake) axes inputs aren't recognized
    46996 Improvements to the 7.1 and 5.1 to stereo conversion
    47009 msi x64 installation file created by Visual Studio cannot be uninstalled
    47022 Multiple performance monitor applications fail to display system physical/committed virtual memory usage (Sysinternals Process Explorer v16.x, builtin Taskmgr)
    47031 widl generates invalid typelib when importing types from multiple typelibs
    47051 Microsoft Excel 2016 (Office 365) crashes on startup (Microsoft AppV ISV virtual filesystem technology requires kernel32.CreateActCtxW to be hot-patchable)
    47065 Vocaloid 5 (.NET 4.x app) crashes on startup (needs 'Win32_OperatingSystem' WMI class 'SystemDrive' property)
    47183 Grand Prix Legends: Only the first two axes are recognized
    47262 compile error: ‘for’ loop initial declarations are only allowed in C99 mode
  4. guest

    guest Guest

    Wine v4.0.3 Released (November 25, 2019)
    Bugs fixed in 4.0.3 (total 54):

    8848 SWAT4 Areas that should be in shadow and people are rendered solid black
    12332 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 DDK SP1 installer crashes ('setupapi.SetupCloseFileQueue' should do proper handle validation before accessing members)
    14695 Lifeforce demo misses codecs (msvideo1 needs to support 24 bpp output)
    25180 Clonk Endeavour's intro video is not rendered correctly (iccvid does not support non-multiple of 4 video width)
    27185 Futuremark PC Mark 7 (.NET 4.0 app) fails to run with Wine-Mono (mscoree:get_runtime Unrecognized version L"v4.0.20926")
    28196 Test Drive Unlimited: Water is always rendered on top of everything.
    31350 Multiple .NET 3.x WPF applications crash in Vista/Win7 mode due to dwmapi.DwmGetTransportAttributes stub returning E_NOTIMPL (T-Online Mediencenter Assistent, Valil.Chess, Zwift 1.0)
    38182 King of Dragon Pass: can't change audio volume level
    38421 Windows Media Player 9 & 10: mp3 sound plays too fast
    38423 Python 3.5.x exe installer fails with Access denied error
    39129 Cygwin's dash.exe crashes during installation
    39614 Wine initialises a Critical Section for Mutexes by NULL instead of (void*)-1
    41657 CoolQ 5.x reports network error on startup due to msscript:ScriptControl_Eval stub
    42078 Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara needs d3dx11_43.dll.D3DX11CreateShaderResourceViewFromMemory
    42374 Hardwood Solitaire can not connect to his server
    43286 WSARecvMsg wrongly forbids NULL control buffers (Qt 5.7.0 based: Cannot read UDP packets: "errno 90, (Message too long)")
    45218 Fallout 4 Script Extender fails to allocate trampoline buffers
    45449 Add diagnostic 'mscoree.dll.CorGetSvc' stub (NGEN client) to hint at broken Microsoft .NET Frameworks installation (Wine-Mono not uninstalled and/or 'mscoree.dll' placeholders not removed prior install)
    45757 Visual Studio 2017 Installer - "The installer manifest failed signature validation"
    45947 Native Access crashes on unimplemented function virtdisk.dll.OpenVirtualDisk
    46450 Volume Control doesn't work in Firefox videos (and browsers based on it) with PulseAudio driver
    46453 The Testament of Sherlock Holmes crashes while loading level with builtin d3dx9_43
    46473 Settlers IV History Edition crashes on startup
    46558 win64 dotnet Space Engineers fractal noise generation broken
    46655 Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5: Tabs show completely black
    46905 Multiple eventlog monitor applications go haywire (endless console spam, live-loop CPU) due to advapi32.ReadEventLogA/W returning lasterror ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
    47013 winebus.sys: hidraw_set_feature_report buffer too small for some devices in SteelSeries Engine
    47023 Warframe in-game screenshot fails if screenshot directory already exists
    47069 Final Fantasy XIV Launcher renders black (needs better get_Busy implementation)
    47082 NI System Web Server crashes on unimplemented function authz.dll.AuthzFreeResourceManager
    47129 Rendering glitch in Caste Siege/Ballerburg (invalid vertex count in IDirect3DDevice3::DrawIndexedPrimitiveVB)
    47137 Multiple applications from Line 6 (Yamaha Guitar Group) crash on startup (HX Edit v2.71, POD Farm 2.5)(Wine builtin 'gdiplus.dll' missing version resource)
    47143 Trackbar thumb is too small in Metatrader 4 expert advisor
    47178 Grand Prix Legends: Service papycpu2 doesn't load
    47190 Custom protocol handler CF doesn't support aggregation
    47214 Oracle Java runtime 8.211 online installer crashes in WoW64
    47234 Wine fails to properly parse and import some of the standard root certificates
    47236 Adobe InDesign CC 2017: crashes at startup: unimplemented function msvcp140.dll._Strxfrm
    47249 CM_Set_Class_Registry_Property should use PCVOID for buffer parameter
    47285 widl generates incorrect format strings when using -Oicf flag
    47327 Japanese texts are overlapped in notepad when using bitmap font.
    47352 Levelhead: Can't connect to game's network
    47367 Some WPF 4.x apps from Windows 10 SDK (10.0.17763.x) spam console with fixme:d3d:wined3d_driver_info_init Unhandled OS version 6.3, reporting Win 8. (WinVer set to 'Windows 8.1')
    47399 Mozart 11-13 crashes on startup
    47418 Quickbooks 2018 installer crashes on Validating Install
    47424 DataTransferLength in SCSI_PASS_THROUGH and SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT *must* have return value
    47432 bcrypt always chooses ECB mode when using AES, even if a program indicates otherwise.
    47437 Final Fantasy XIV 5.0 crashes on startup when using xaudio2_8.dll
    47514 AviUtl: Can't add a file to the ExEdit dialog after the first drop.
    47546 Touhou 14-17 experience Spell Name and Music Room text issues starting in Wine 4.1
    47564 Database mistmatch on brazillian timezone (America/Sao_Paulo)
    47578 Omni-NFS 4.13's XLPD Server crashes on unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.MmIsThisAnNtAsSystem
    47586 The Sims 1 visually freezes after alt-tabbing when in fullscreen mode
    47706 ntdll: Compiler warnings regression on x86_64 [stable]
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