Does Mozilla's Firefox web browser repeatedly connect to Google's servers?

Discussion in 'privacy problems' started by zedi, Sep 5, 2016.

  1. RockLobster

    RockLobster Registered Member

    Nov 8, 2007
    I don't trust for browser as far as I could throw it either.
    I mean seriously if you were tasked with providing a secure browser for Tor would you take Mozilla's bloatware (current minimum requirement: 200mb disk space) and apply a few patches to it, or would you develop a new browser from scratch that retrieves the webpage, parses it and displays the content. That's all it needs to do.
    I also found it suspicious when the entire tor browser board resigned last year, including the founder members. One year after a new executive director was appointed.
    The reason was given to be, the sexual misconduct of one person.
    I find that quite preposterous. Would you quit your position because one of your colleagues had been groping the secretary or whatever it was he did?
    Even if you did would every other member of the board do the same?
    I sincerely doubt that would ever happen and I think it far more likely there was another reason.
  2. Stefan Froberg

    Stefan Froberg Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2014
    That's what I tried to do with my CyberDragon browser project.
    Totally new, privacy enchanced browser that I writed from scratch with C++ and Qt5.

    But now it's collecting dust and didn't really get into "finished", 2.0 version ever....
    Just too much work for one person :(

    Oh, I vaguely remember something about sex scandal and tor project but I
    did not know that whole board was changed :eek::eek::eek:

    EDIT: Maybe there will come CyberDragon 2.0 someday. Maybe ...
    At least if the current maintainer (who is a ****) of the QtWebKit engine changes....
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2017
  3. mirimir

    mirimir Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2011
    So true.
  4. RockLobster

    RockLobster Registered Member

    Nov 8, 2007
    WebKit is the Apple web browser engine though right?
    How much control do you have over the browser interaction with the website when you build it on webkit? I mean as far as, how much control do you have over the actual TCP client object? Can you control what information about the client computer is sent to the web server and can you control what secondary connections are allowed to be made to other servers?
  5. Stefan Froberg

    Stefan Froberg Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2014
    That is true, webkit is Apple product and QtWebKit is a Qt port of it.

    Luckily, Qt folks have provided a way to override the TCP/UDP/etc... requests that the underlining engine sends with createRequest() method. Every requests that QtWebkit sends goes throught that method.

    With that I can decide who is allowed to connect and to where. That is also the place where CyberDragon handles it's mixed content blocking, tracker blocking and lots of other privacy stuff

    /* Original author: Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 Stefan Fröberg */
    /* This work has been released under GNU GPL version 2 or any later version.
     * Please see or the provided gpl-2.0.txt file. */
    #include "ftpreply.h"
    #include "sandboxreply.h"
    #include "mynetworkaccessmanager.h"
    #include "mainwindow.h"
    #include "ui_mainwindow.h"
    #include "general.h"
    #include "ui_general.h"
    #include "browser.h"
    #include "ui_browser.h"
    #include "trackerblocker.h"
    #include "ui_trackerblocker.h"
    #include "encryption.h"
    #include "ui_encryption.h"
    #include "proxy.h"
    #include "ui_proxy.h"
    #include "cookie.h"
    #include "ui_cookie.h"
    #include "cache.h"
    #include "ui_cache.h"
    #include "notification.h"
    #include "ui_notification.h"
    #include "log.h"
    #include "ui_log.h"
    #include <QDebug>
    #include <QWebView>
    #include <QRegularExpression>
    #include <QRegularExpressionMatch>
    #include "colors.h"
        qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " called ...";
        Q_ASSERT(this->mainWindow->cookieTab != NULL);
        QString   cookie2 = "PREF=ID=";
        QString ID = QCryptographicHash::hash(QString::number(QTime::currentTime().msec()).toLatin1(),QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex();
        cookie2 = cookie2 + ID + ":FF=4:LD=" + this->mainWindow->cookieTab->ui->SpoofGooglePREFCookie_comboBox->currentText() + ":NR=50:TM=" + QString::number(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000) + ":LM=" + QString::number(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch()/1000) + ":GBV=1:SG=1:S=";
        QString   S = cookie2.toLatin1().toBase64();
        cookie2 = cookie2 + S;
        return  cookie2;
    MyNetworkAccessManager::MyNetworkAccessManager(QObject * parent):
        qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " called ...";
        qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " called ...";
        qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " called ...";
        return  this->browser;
        qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " called ...";
        return  this->mainWindow;
    MyNetworkAccessManager::setBrowser(Browser* b)
        qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " called ...";
        this->browser = b;
    MyNetworkAccessManager::setMainWindow(MainWindow* m)
        qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " called ...";
        this->mainWindow = m;
        qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " called ...";
        this->totalTrackers = 0;
        /* Also empty total trackers per Page */
    /* Most time critical function in whole CyberDragon. Try to keep as optimized as possible */
    MyNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(Operation op, const QNetworkRequest & req, QIODevice * outgoingData)
        qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " called ...";
        qDebug() << req.url();
        QNetworkRequest r(req);
        QString         scheme = r.url().scheme();
        /* Sanity checks. Compiler will optimize these away in release code.
         * These should never be NULL */
        Q_ASSERT(this->mainWindow != NULL);
        Q_ASSERT(this->browser != NULL);
        Q_ASSERT(this->mainWindow->logTab != NULL);
        Q_ASSERT(this->mainWindow->trackerblockerTab != NULL);
        Q_ASSERT(this->mainWindow->cacheTab != NULL);
        Q_ASSERT(this->mainWindow->proxyTab != NULL);
        Q_ASSERT(this->mainWindow->encryptionTab != NULL);
        Q_ASSERT(this->mainWindow->notificationTab != NULL);
        Q_ASSERT(this->mainWindow->cookieTab != NULL);
        Q_ASSERT(this->mainWindow->generalTab != NULL);
     * Disable Google Search Autocomplete
     * **************************************************************/
        QString gooleSearchAutocomplete(r.url().host() + r.url().path());
        if(this->mainWindow->generalTab->ui->DisableGoogleSearchAutocomplete_checkBox->isChecked() && gooleSearchAutocomplete.startsWith(QLatin1Literal(""))) {
            return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest( op, r, outgoingData );
        /* FTP handling */
        if(scheme == QLatin1String("ftp")) {
            if (op == QNetworkAccessManager::GetOperation)
                return new FtpReply(r.url());
                return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(op, r, outgoingData);
        if(this->mainWindow->logTab->ui->enableLog_checkBox->isChecked()) {
            QStringList data;
            data << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString() << "Started loading " << "" << r.url().toDisplayString();
            emit dataReady(data,QColor(0,0,0));
     * Tracker Blocker
     * *********************************************************/
        /* We only handle tracker blocking for HTTP and HTTPS protos. Skip for all the rest */
        if(scheme != QLatin1String("http") && scheme != QLatin1String("https"))    {
            return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest( op, r, outgoingData );
        if(this->mainWindow->trackerblockerTab->ui->BlockTrackers_checkBox->isChecked()) {
            /* Before we go any further, first check if the tracker has already been blocked before.
             * This is because some web pages have an annoying habit of keep trying to push the same
             * tracker(s) over and over .... */
            if(this->blockedURLsPerPage.contains(r.url().toDisplayString())) {
                return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest( op, r, outgoingData );
            /* Ok, not previously blocked. Let's continue ... */
            register size_t  n = this->mainWindow->trackerblockerTab->ui->TrackerBlockerRules_treeWidget->topLevelItemCount();
            static QRegularExpressionMatch match;
            static  QRegularExpression  regExp;
            /* Loop the rule list, set regular expression pattern and test for match */
            for(register unsigned int i = 0;i < n;++i) {
                QTreeWidgetItem*    item = this->mainWindow->trackerblockerTab->ui->TrackerBlockerRules_treeWidget->topLevelItem(i);
                if(item->checkState(0) == Qt::Checked) {
                if(!regExp.isValid()) {
                    qDebug() << "ERROR!!! INVALID REGEXP " << regExp.pattern();
                /* Some minor micro optimization. Have not benchmarked this.
                 * Idea is that if the first character of the regexp rule is '.' then it's a general rule and only URL path part is used.
                 * If it starts with '^' then it's a domain/subdomain rule and only URL host part is used.
                 * And for all the rest it's the full URL minus scheme (tracker blocker does not care about scheme at all).
                 * Even tought the speed gain might be miniscule this should still decrease the chance of false matches
                 * when doing regexp */
                if(regExp.pattern().at(0) == '.')                /* Generic match against path part of URL only */
                        match = regExp.match(r.url().path());
                    else if(regExp.pattern().at(0) == '^')           /* Domain/subdomain match against host part of URL only */
                        match = regExp.match(r.url().host());
                    else                                    /* Specific match against whole host + path of URL */
                        match = regExp.match(r.url().host() + r.url().path());
                    if(match.hasMatch()) {
                            emit numberOfTrackers(this->totalTrackers);
                            QStringList text;
                            text << r.url().toString() << regExp.pattern();
                            emit trackerBlocked(text);
                            if(this->mainWindow->logTab->ui->enableLog_checkBox->isChecked()) {
                                QStringList data;
                                data << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString() << "Blocked by Tracker Blocker" << "" << r.url().toDisplayString();
                                emit dataReady(data,ChilliPepper);
                            return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest( op, r, outgoingData );
     * MCB (Mixed Content Blocker)
     * *********************************************************/
    /* TODO: Add WebSocket Mixed Content blocking */
        /* Test: */
        if(this->mainWindow->encryptionTab->ui->MCB_checkBox->isChecked() && this->MixedContentBlockerActive) {
            QUrl    url(this->URL);
            if(url.scheme() == QLatin1String("https"))
            if(scheme == QLatin1String("http") || scheme == QLatin1String("ws")) {
                /* First check if there is MCB exception in list */
                QRegularExpressionMatch match2;
                QRegularExpressionMatch match3; // for special cases, like which often
                                                // proxies https ---> http
                QRegularExpression   reg2;
                register size_t  n2 = this->mainWindow->encryptionTab->ui->DisableMCB_treeWidget->topLevelItemCount();
                for(register unsigned int i = 0;i < n2;++i) {
                    if(this->mainWindow->encryptionTab->ui->DisableMCB_treeWidget->topLevelItem(i)->checkState(0) == Qt::Checked) {
                        match2 = reg2.match(r.url().host() + r.url().path());
                        if(match2.hasMatch()) {
                            return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest( op, r, outgoingData );
                        match3 = reg2.match( + url.path());
                        if(match3.hasMatch()) {
                            return QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest( op, r, outgoingData );
                /* Ok, no MCB exception were found. Notify user and block connection */
                    emit halfEncryptedURLFound(r.url().toString());                             
                    if(this->mainWindow->notificationTab->ui->notifications_checkBox->isChecked() && this->mainWindow->notificationTab->ui->notifyMixedContent_checkBox->isChecked()) {
                        Notify* notify = new Notify(QLatin1String("Mixed HTTPS Content Found!"),"The following URL uses unencrypted http:// schema: " + r.url().toString());
                    if(this->mainWindow->logTab->ui->enableLog_checkBox->isChecked()) {
                        QStringList data;
                        data << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString() << "Blocked by MCB" << "" << r.url().toDisplayString();
                        emit dataReady(data,ChilliPepper);
                    return  QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(op,r,outgoingData);             
        /* Google PREF cookie spoofing */
        if(this->mainWindow->cookieTab->ui->SpoofGooglePREFCookie_checkBox->isChecked()) {
            QRegularExpression  googleFilter(QLatin1String("^(.+\\.)*google\\.{2,3}"));
            QRegularExpressionMatch googleMatch = googleFilter.match(r.url().host());
            if (googleMatch.hasMatch()) {
                if(this->mainWindow->cookieTab->ui->ManuallySpoofGooglePREFCookie_radioButton->isChecked()) {
                if(this->mainWindow->cookieTab->ui->RandomSpoofGooglePREFCookie_radioButton->isChecked()) {
                    QString tmp = this->createGooglePREFCookie();
                    /* Set HTTP Referer to empty */
                    /* Test: */
                    /* OBS! Undocumented from Qt docs. Setting value to NULL will remove header */
                    switch(this->mainWindow->generalTab->httpReferer->checkedId()) {
                        case    HTTPReferer::CustomHTTPReferer:
                        case    HTTPReferer::SameAsCurrentUrl:
                        case    HTTPReferer::Remove:
                        case    HTTPReferer::DoNotTouch:
                            // Do nothing
                    if(this->mainWindow->generalTab->ui->PreventETags_checkBox->isChecked()) {
                    /* We always send Do-Not-Track header. Even tought advertisers probably would care less about it ... */
                    /* HTTP Pipelining */
                    if(this->mainWindow->generalTab->ui->HttpPipeline_checkBox->isChecked()) {
                        if(this->mainWindow->proxyTab->ui->Proxy_lineEdit->text().isEmpty() && op != QNetworkAccessManager::PostOperation) {
        if(this->mainWindow->cacheTab->ui->noCache_radioButton->isChecked()) {
            r.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::AlwaysNetwork);
        if(this->mainWindow->cacheTab->ui->enableCache_radioButton->isChecked()) {
            r.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::PreferCache);
        if(this->mainWindow->cacheTab->ui->allwaysCache_radioButton->isChecked()) {
            r.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest::AlwaysCache);
    /* Iframe sandboxing test. VERY EXPERIMENTAL!!!
     * Basic idea here is that if the very first page that browser loads from some site contains
     * iframes (either visible or invisible), then this will try to prevent any hostile content
     * like scripts, plugins etc. from running. And it does it dynamically, just after rendering
     * the very first page that contains <iframe> tags but before it starts loading content into
     * those iframes.
     * Will most likely break pages and their layout or give totally blank pages.
     * However, if you want to test it, first go to
     * Then uncomment the code below, rebuild and visit that page again.
     * If nothing shows up this time then it is working. You can further confirm this by right clicking
     * and choosing "Inspect" and you will see that <iframe> tag has now "sandbox" attribute added to it.
     * To improve this see the ugly messy guts of SandboxReply class from sandboxreply.cpp
     * and especially the slot_Finished() function.
     * Suggestion: When (and if) you get this working, add new tab (like "Iframe protection" or "Iframe sandboxing")
     * add checkbox for enable/disable it and also checkboxes for more finer grainer blocking,
     * like blocking only scripts from iframes, blocking only plugins from iframes, etc......
     * For more info about Iframe sandboxing and why everybody should use it (sadly, most web developers don't use
     * it, that's why this dynamic sandboxing feature), please see:
        if(this->pageLoadingStarted) {
            QNetworkReply* r1 = QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(op, r, outgoingData);
            qint64 contentLength = r1->header(QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader).toLongLong();
            SandboxReply*  r2 = new SandboxReply(this,r1);
            qDebug() << "===================================";
            qDebug() << r1->bytesAvailable() << "/" << r1->size();
            qDebug() << r2->bytesAvailable() << "/" << r2->size();
            qDebug() << "===================================";
            this->pageLoadingStarted = false;
            return r2;
        return  QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(op,r,outgoingData);
    MyNetworkAccessManager::activateMixedContentBlocking(bool state)
        qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " called ...";
        qDebug() << "MCB is now " << state;
        this->MixedContentBlockerActive = state;
    MyNetworkAccessManager::URLbarChanged(const QString& url)
        qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " called ...";
        this->URL = url;
        qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " called ...";
        this->pageLoadingStarted = true;
    Qt also has another rendering engine QtWebEngine which is based on Google Blink and I have absolutely no control of the request it sends. Hell, I can't even set application level proxy settings with it. It's like a total black box.
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