Xubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn - Quite brilliant

Discussion in 'all things UNIX' started by Mrkvonic, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    The way I'm distro testing, I'm a reviewer, you know what I mean, and I shake my little Gnu on the desktop. So, here's a long, enthusiastic review of Xubuntu 14.10 Utopic Unicorn 64-bit, tested in a quad-boot setup on a laptop with Intel graphics and SSD, including Wireless, Bluetooth, Samba sharing, installation, partitioning and a beautiful slide show, package management and fast updates, applications, multimedia playback - Flash and MP3, customization, resources usage, responsiveness, stability, suspend & resume, a single problem with Samba printing, Xfce versus MATE debate, other considerations, and more. Me likey. What about you?


  2. fblais

    fblais Registered Member

    Jul 31, 2008
    Québec, Canada
    Liked it, but french locale translation was incomplete IIRC. (a known issue, they warn you about it methinks)
  3. ddot

    ddot Registered Member

    Apr 7, 2009
    I've been trying out Xubuntu 14.04 for a little while. One niggle is a short delay on the whisker menu the first time you launch it after boot. In 14.04, the delay is accompanied by a spinner. I just tried 14.10 and while the spinner seems to be gone, the delay is still there. Does anyone else experience this and more interestingly has anyone figured out a way to resolve this?

    Example of the menu delay showing the spinner from 14.04:

  4. oneeyed25

    oneeyed25 Registered Member

    Nov 26, 2013
    @ddot I'm using Linux Mint XFCE which is based on ubuntu 14.04, and I experience the same issue.

    When lauching the whisker menu for the 1st time I get this 1-2 seconds delay with the spinning animation. Methinks it's normal behavior when the apps menu hasn't been cached in memory yet, and it doesn't bother me much since I rarely reboot.
  5. ddot

    ddot Registered Member

    Apr 7, 2009
    Good to know it's not just me. I still have one foot in the Windows world at the moment and I'm currently running a dual boot setup, so I'm restarting a little more than usual.

    So far my best thought is to open and then close the menu during the boot sequence. Then it should cache itself and be ready for the first time I actually go to use it.

    I've stumbled across the "xfce4-popup-whiskermenu" command that will open the menu. Next step would be to close it. I can do it manually using the escape key on the keyboard, but it would be nice to automate it. I read a post somewhere suggesting using the xdotool tool to simulate an escape key press, but I was unable to get it to work. After that, I guess the next step would be turning the commands into a script and having them run at the correct time in the boot sequence. That's a little beyond my skills at the moment. All suggestions are appreciated.

  6. mack_guy911

    mack_guy911 Registered Member

    Mar 21, 2007
    its been really long time its great to see Xubuntu 14.10 and xfce is finally getting where gnome lost finally at least we have one more sensible option it

    how xfce is in centos or scientific linux i wonder o_O
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