Is my state run by woman

Discussion in 'ten-forward' started by Mr.Blaze, Jun 26, 2004.

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  1. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    :eek: I was shocked when i checked up on something in my state.

    Turns out allot of laws in my state favor woman.

    when i heard just a few of these laws i thought BIG BS.

    I mean woman always talking about equality and stuff so why would are system be so one sided so i knew it had to be BS.

    But i felt like i was hit with a bat when i read this stuff.

    In the state of Washington if you live with your girlfriend for a period of time you might as well be marryed cause she can take you for half you stuff i think even a type of alumni.

    I'm not to good with long words or legal stuffs but thats in my opinion what i got out of it.

    Heres another one if a womans child which is not your biological child bonds with you with in a period of time you are considered legal parent this means dating or living with if that kid calls you dad you can end up paying child support till that child is 18.

    cheating on some one is no grounds for divorce now i know what your thinking this goes both ways and in most cases your right but in my state or where my city is by we have military bases mainly bremerton.

    woman or i should say young girls 16 and up mary these military guys.

    they go to war or over seas come home and there girlfriend's or wifes end up living somewhere on base with another military man and he has to pay alimonies and child support while shes with another man.

    i don't get that if your not happy in any relationship you should easily be able to get a divorce that just ain't right .

    another thing i don't get is this why do men have to support no actually i think this works both ways for woman and men so this applies to both why does some one have to pay a significant other child support plus alimonies plus medical etc etc when that significant other she or he is living with another person usually your house lol or was your house it seems to me your supporting your x and your kid or maybe not even your kid plus he or shes significant other all on your dime.

    i think if they living with some one then that excempts you from all that otherwise you paying some one to shag your significant other live at your house play daddy and live off of your money that just ain't right.

    and this last one really angers me

    i know this for a fact and personally knowing some one that does this check this one out.

    lady has a child collects child support
    lady gets divorced get money out of that
    boyfriend moves in
    he has a child from other relationship
    she gets knocked up by guy who is still living with but he don't have job
    she clame she don't know who father is so now there 4 children
    she get money from state plus food stamp and medical and cheaper phone service
    she has job gets money and assistance for every child
    plus she get 700 dollars for babysitting money to have her sister babysit only her sister don't the check just go straight to her there is no babysitter lol

    i my self being poor had have to use dshs for food-stamp so i don't starve and medical so i don't go completely blind but got no money or any of the other crazy stuff this lady gets including wick and other stuffs.

    this is common stuff litterly hundreds or woman do this.

    oh heres another one

    in domestic disputes 90% of the time men are sent to jail regardless

    in domestic dispute if you throw water or anything at woman it is consider i think a felony charge or violent crime something crazy.

    yes this is true i know cause i know the poor guy this happened to.

    in a small apartment a couple fights just arguing

    she starts yeahling and gets violent

    he grab plastic cup of water off ot the kitchen counter top and tosses water out of the cup on to her and says you need to cool dowen.

    then he places cup dowen

    she calms dowen still pisst but now there talking instead of yeahling

    a knock at the door

    its a nosey neighbor who heard the yeahling

    wanting to know if she is ok she says yes lady ask why is she wet

    lady says he threw watter on me

    the police by nosey neighbor is called

    couple on couch kissing and watching tv

    bang bang door

    guy answers door and is confronted by police

    saying they had a call on a assault

    he says no explaines what happened

    his girlfriend also explaines what happened

    he is handcuffed put in car

    he gets charged

    so basically now he has violent crime on his record for pleading guilty for the cup of watter now when he goes for a government job he cant get one cause of his record with the cup of watter.

    tell me that ain't screwed up

    all case a nosey woman and the law here that seems to favor woman

    i also thought it was illegal to discriminate in a business

    for example you cant have a all mens club no woman aloud but in my state i kid you not theres a all womans place i think its an exercises place only woman aloud no men permitted and no I'm not joking.

    I'm sorry equality in my state is crazy after reading all this

    any screwed up stuff in your state?
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2004
  2. Blackspear

    Blackspear Global Moderator

    Dec 2, 2002
    Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
    Same here in Australia as of Jan 1st 2001

    Ask anyone going through a divorce, either the divorcer or the divorcee, it is not and easy thing to go through...

    Been plenty of cases in the newspapers over here...

    Just my $1.00 worth, 2 cents gets you nowhere these days :rolleyes:

    Cheers :D
  3. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    :doubt: Man thats just crazy whats stranger is i cant understand why these laws get passed.

    you know what i think it is as guys we dont pay attintion or to lazy to vote and woman are more attintive to this stuff

    so these laws get passed while were watching football
  4. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

    Jul 21, 2003
    I'm partial to women Mr Blaze, I wouldn't be here without them!!!:D
  5. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    i love woman to but i think its unfair i know now a days people preach being politicaly correct but this just straight up jacking men

    i may not be sharpest tol in the tool shed but even one as me with very littile intelgence can see when the odds are stacked algaints me or a game is fixed

    this system is fixed big time

    i guess im have to get fixed make sure the woman is rich and single live with her for a year move out take half and collect alomonie lol
    and keep doing that every year lol

    after awhile they catch on and change the law but not befor im rich lol

    do that to enough woman i bet new laws will be made lol

    seems like in other states except california the laws are resonable

    so 2 states out of the country isnt bad i guess

    i type to fast and miss letters lol
  6. dog

    dog Guest

    Blazey, ;)

    Sit back an enjoy the ride ... life in the passenger seat is nice too. :D LOL ... when you get married, you know you only get to wear the pants ... when she done making the decisions, right? ROTF LMAO :D

    dog - *puppy*
  7. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
    Women have been downtroden long enough, let them wear the pants for a while and they will find out it is not all it is cracked up to be.
  8. Pigman

    Pigman Registered Member

    May 15, 2004
    In my opinion, women should have all the rights that men have, no exceptions. And yes, I'm a guy. Not all of us are pigs. :p
  9. dangitall

    dangitall Registered Member

    Feb 23, 2004
    New Hamster, USA
    I agree ... as long as the 'no exceptions' part is enforced. And, in case y'all hadn't heard, guys, we're outnumbered! :eek:
  10. Blackspear

    Blackspear Global Moderator

    Dec 2, 2002
    Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
    ROFLMAO, nicely said :D

    :D :D :D
  11. Peaches4U

    Peaches4U Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    At my computer
    Hi Blaze. Wow, I thought you were describing the situtation in Canada. As a woman I agree that the laws are unfair and favor the woman. Why are these laws passed? Well, I believe the politicians are afraid of losing the women's vote. This law is driven by radical feminists who may chant equality but that is not so. There is a women's group called "Real Women" who are true fighters of equality for both sexes. Men's groups would be wise to enlist this group to assist them in having laws changed.

    If men want change to equality, then they have to group and have a very strong activist movement in lobbying politicians and their members of Parliament to have the Divorce Act changed to be more equitable. Failure to do this, sorry boys but you will always be at the dirty end of the receiving stick.

    A little game women here have figured out that works. Divorce husband and collect alimony and child support. Live with boyfriend for 6 months or more, split up and she can also go to Court to collect child support for the children of the divorced husband. All boyfriend had to do was purchase gifts or spend quality time with the kids and he is on the hook. Now she splits up with boyfriend and finds another boyfriend and repeats the process. She now collects from three men for the same children and alimony. The Court will rule in favor of the woman almost every time.

    Another scenario ... girfriend gets pregnant [by someone else], couple split up after baby is born. Boyfriend under the assumption child is his so agrees to pay child support. Girlfriend wins custody of child [a given]. He gets to see the kid one weekend every couple of weeks, if he is lucky. A few years later, the two have a spat and ex-girlfriend blurts out that the child is not his. He has DNA tests done and finds he is not the biological father and goes to Court to suspend child support payments ... not so sez the Judge. "You paid child support and have assumed responsibliity for the child". But, your honor, she lied ... Judge, you paid child support and must continue to pay child support - case closed!.

    Just as not all men are nice, neither are some women. There are as many men taking advantage of women as there are women taking men for a ride. So I say, shop around like for a comfortable shoe and know who you are getting involved with.
  12. NanDog

    NanDog Registered Member

    Jan 22, 2004
    Tacoma, WA, USA
    Wow! Although I think that Blazey's post is far from being politically correct, he has lots of good points. The judicial and social services side really favors women and that's the truth! I've known far too many good men who've really "taken it in the shorts" due to a divorce. My best friend was married to a gal for around 10 years. He and she divorced. She kept her escrow office and he became a truck driver after working in the escrow office. She remarried a big-time general contractor and between the two of them were prolly pulling down about 200K a year. My friend was making aroung 25K. And yet he still had to pay child support for the 3 kids. Not too equitable! I agree that women in this country for a long time had very few rights. But it seems that the pendulum has really swung too far the other way! I hope that we can achieve a rational balance at some point. BTW, I too live in Washington State and although I don't always agree with Mr. Blaze, I think he's onto something here! Just my 2¢!
  13. Peaches4U

    Peaches4U Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2002
    At my computer
    You probably wonder that as a woman, why am I supporting a male view. I was oblivious to this until about 5 years ago I was invited to a Town Hall discussion regarding child custody & access & courts & divorce. Two members of the Parliamentary senate appeared to listen and speak - they were doing a cross country fact finding tour. I was inviited by a guest [nephew of a neighbor of mine] who fought for 8 yrs. to see his son on the basis of a false accusation of being a pedophile which later proved to be totally untrue. Oh yes, he was exonerated as innocent but he & his son lost 8 precious years. He now has custody of his son but at a cost of $100,000 money which would have been better spent on the child rather than the courts & lawyers. It was an eye opener for me and when I left that evening I wept not so much for the men there but for the children who have been alienated from their fathers needlessly. One of the Senators in attendance, a female, tried to make changes for fairness but was warned politically by her party and her bill was turned down - the feminist movement decried the Bill and government backed off.

    As a mother, my main interest is the best interests of the children. If the father or mother is not abusive in any way nor a criminal, but only nurturing and wanting to be a part of the child's life, then they should be able to do so. Nor should the extended family be denied the extra love and nurturing a child may receive from them. How can denying a child this right be okay in the eyes of society and the courts??

    Yes Blaze is politically incorrect, but so am I. If we all hide behind political correctness, then where is justice?
  14. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
    As far as I can tell there is no justice in politics at all. :(
  15. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    Well i never been politicaly correct i just see stuff as it is just common sence

    every one has a felling of right in wrong

    if every one wold take a step back look at a perspective that dosent benifit you in your current situation and just would think on a blank slate and play by morals and ethics

    i bet this wold be a better place

    being politically correct to me is always being a sheep and going with the majority rather then whats in your heart.

    i think ny one who would say all the above is fair honestly is cause that system benifitsthem and has a vendictive nature like im make him pay or make her pay

    the system has been run to long on bitterness and the ethic why should you have it so good if i dont
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