Paragon Partition Manager 11 Free - RAW Partition after Resize

Discussion in 'Paragon Partition Manager Product Line' started by bradja, May 22, 2012.

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  1. bradja

    bradja Registered Member

    May 22, 2012
    Hi All,

    I am using Paragon Partition Manager 11 Free.

    Detailed Version information

    Paragon Partition Manager™, version (25.03.11 ) Free

    Component versions:

    hdm.dll, version 10.0, release 17, build 13146
    biont.dll, version 10.0, release 17, build 13146
    biont.sys, version 10.0, release 17, build 13146
    Paragon Base Services Library, version 1.1, build 11746 (25.03.11 )

    My issue is that I used this program to resize a partition that was an Operating System partition (of another PC, not my current OS drive).

    After it "successfully" resized the partition (made it larger using some extra space from partition #2) I have found that the partition I resized is now RAW!!!

    Anyone have any advice on what I can do to try and fix this?
  2. bradja

    bradja Registered Member

    May 22, 2012
    In the meantime I am running Active@ File Recovery to try to recover the original partition..

    Unfortunately I do not have a backup of the drive before I used paragon.. lesson learned.
  3. jonyjoe101

    jonyjoe101 Registered Member

    May 23, 2012
    united states
    It should be a simple fix. I encounter this before with a 400gb hard drive and was able to recover everything.
    You need to run a chkdsk c: /f (c = the drive letter of the partition that is raw, if its d etc use the applicable drive letter).

    Though raw sounds like a big problem, your data is still there. If a few "bits" of data are corrupt, the entire drive is labeled raw. The chkdsk will fix it. If chkdsk doesnt fix it, you need something more powerful, you need testdisk (freeware) , testdisk is available on the "gparted livecd" but it can also run from within windows or off of a pendrive. Testdisk is what I use to recover my 400gb harddrive when it became raw after I shutdown the computer when partitioning was being performed. Its more complicated to use but I was able to use it on my first try. Sometimes it does take a while to repair the drive, it took about 3 hours on my 400gb drive.

    Some people will give up on a raw (corrupt) drive but I was able to fix them 2 or 3 times with no loss of data, as long as the drive spins you can recover your data.
  4. bradja

    bradja Registered Member

    May 22, 2012
    Thank you so much for your helpful post!
    I am now running CHKDSK to see if it fixes it.
    Mind you with some of the programs I was using they were able to see the entire folder/file structure as you suggested so I am certain all my data is still recoverable.

    Fingers Crossed and I'll post an update shortly..
  5. bradja

    bradja Registered Member

    May 22, 2012
    Well it did take some time to complete because I had done /r instead but the great news is that the partition is now working perfectly fine!!

    Anyone else who has this type of issue, it would be a good idea to run CHKDSK!
  6. DickDiver

    DickDiver Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2007
    I think you were damn lucky that chkdsk did not mess around with your disk as it usually does in these cases.
  7. UltraPaleskin

    UltraPaleskin Registered Member

    Jun 9, 2012
    I got the same problem, after resizing win7 system partition with paragon, now it become raw partition, since my system is a quad boot OS, I booted into xp partition, try to launch chkdsk on the win7 system partition which became raw, and I got the msg "chkdsk is not available for raw filesystem"

    What should I do ?

  8. DickDiver

    DickDiver Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2007

    I am all than an expert on this field. The others here are:)

    But I can tell you that you should learn how to use TESTDISK.
    It will be your best friend in cases like this and recovered raw partitions and hdd for me every time!
    You can learn how to use it on the manufacturers page and best of all it is free!
    Yes, you can even download a Linux live distribution you like and run it from there if you download and install it in the live dist. so far you connect to the net.

    More easy, you search for RescuePuppy or PuppyRescue. Puppy is a superb linux distrib. that is only 100-200mb big! You can start it from hdd, USB; CD....
    This Rescuepup is a version that has Testdisk on it :)

    Or you see if a demo of MiniTool Partition Recovery 5.0 can help you. It helped me once but it was not my software and I am unsure if it is payware. Does the same as Testdisk but looks more windows like. But in this case it should not matter....

    good luck
  9. Robin A.

    Robin A. Registered Member

    Feb 25, 2006
    To clarify: the name is Minitool Partition Wizard, the latest version is 7.5 (launched a few days ago), and there is a free version, that can be run from Windows or from a Linux boot medium.
  10. jonyjoe101

    jonyjoe101 Registered Member

    May 23, 2012
    united states
    If you can make a bartpe bootcd, use that to run your chkdsk. Also the win7 recovery bootdisk can also run A chkdsk. I would try a bartpe bootcd before trying testdisk since it is running windows repair tools. Chkdsk will usually fix this problem.
    Bartpe is easy to make as long as you have a windows xp installation cd, takes 10 minutes to make.
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