Rollback RX and HIR Restore

Discussion in 'backup, imaging & disk mgmt' started by Securit, Mar 25, 2012.

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  1. Securit

    Securit Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2012
    Hi Rollback RX Experts,

    I have a license for Rollback RX but have not yet installed it on my Windows 7 computer. One issue that I would like to understand better, before I install it, is if it is possible to restore an image from a Windows 7 computer with Rollback RX installed on it using HIR software such as Shadow Protect or IFW.

    My thought is that I could make cold or hot disk images using either IFW or Shadow Protect as long as I update the Rollback RX to a current snapshot prior to making the disk image. By updating the Rollback RX snapshot, I should be able to make a disk image with a normal hot or cold process using either IFW or Shadow Protect instead of the need to tweak the registry and use IFW with a raw (sector to sector) hot process.

    I would then use that image to restore to a larger or smaller disk using either IFW or Shadow Protect.

    Would this work as I have outlined? Would I be able to avoid the issue of only getting the disk image as of the date of the Rollback RX baseline snapshot by updating the Rollback RX snapshot to right before I make the disk image?

    Thanks for your help!
  2. TheRollbackFrog

    TheRollbackFrog Imaging Specialist

    Mar 1, 2011
    The Pond - USA
    Securit... your assumptions are correct. If you update your RBrx baseline prior to your imaging, you will be fine... only as far as your system image is concerned.

    The only anomaly is that RBrx will be "neutered" upon restoration and will not be functional... this is because the special RBrx sub-Console will not be restored upon completion nor will RBrx's special MBR. Rollback will be installed but it will not be functioning.

    To recover you must unINSTALL RBrx following your restoration and reINSTALL it. The unINSTALL will take much more time than usual (30-45 sec.) because the process takes some time trying to locate the sub-Console (which it won't find), then finally uninstalls itself.

    A better approach would be to unINSTALL RBrx to the CURRENT IMAGE prior to imaging your system. You must be careful to SELECT the CURRENT IMAGE option upon unINSTALLATION... why, 'cause RBrx pre-selects (DEFAULTs to) your BASELINE during that process, which is probably not where you want to be at imaging time. That process is basically the same as updating your machine's baseline but instead it does that AND uninstalls RBrx. Since RBrx won't come back normally, the result following your restoration would be the same... no RBrx and a current system image.

    Also be aware that some have had trouble reACTIVATING RBrx following an unINSTALL. When this happens you have to touch base with HDS support to get your ACTIVATION reset.
  3. Securit

    Securit Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2012
    Hi TheRollbackFrog,

    Thanks for your information and suggestion for making the disk image! I really appreciate it! It's exactly the information I needed! :D
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