A Few Linux Questions

Discussion in 'all things UNIX' started by Brandonn2010, Feb 15, 2012.

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  1. Brandonn2010

    Brandonn2010 Registered Member

    Jan 10, 2011
    First, what exactly is a repository. How does it differ, or what are its advantages over simply getting a Linux program from a site on the Internet?

    Second, does Linux have executable files you double-click and they run, or do you always have to go to the console and run the file? Note the only time I've installed something on Linux was an AMD driver.

    Third, which of the following distros would be best for me given my specifications:

    - Chakra
    - Fedora KDE spin
    - Kubuntu
    - OpenSUSE (if I can change the color of the chameleon. Stupid I know, but I don't like green)

    My specifications are that it:

    - Have KDE, I like the similarities to Windows.
    - Is good for a Linux novice
    - Is relatively stable
    - Has good support for newer hardware (I know no Linux is really good with this)

    I know many of you will probably suggest Mint. I tried it and didn't care for it as much as my brief venture into Fedora, Kubuntu, and OpenSUSE. Chakra I haven't tried at all.

    Fourth, is PCLinuxOS going to get a dedicated 64 bit version anytime soon? I liked it when I tried it but I want a 64 bit version, not just a 32 bit version running on 64 bit hardware. I know it's being worked on but I haven't heard how soon it will be done.

    Thank you
  2. x942

    x942 Guest

    1) Repositories (commonly called repo's) are a way to manage applications. 99.99% of all applications you will need are in the repo's. This has two main advantages: It protects users from malware as everything is checked and open source and it allows for unified updates. The last is a huge advantage as (for example) FireFox is updated by the OS, meaning you don't have update third party apps individually (which can lead to you forgetting).

    2) Linux can work in two ways equally: Either in the GUI (Like Windows/Mac) or in the Terminal. Anything you can do in one you can do in the other. Unlike windows Linux's Command Line is far more powerful. So to answer the question you can double-click them and run them. For installing new applications you can use a GUI Front-End for "apt" or "Yum" like synaptic. Almost all distro's have these built in now.

    3) KUbuntu is going to be the best for you. It's easy to use, you hardly need to touch the Terminal, you can get flash installed easily, and so on.I don't recommend Fedora for a beginner as they have a very strict FLOSS policy, and any thing considered non-free (closed-source) will not be in their official repos. This can be annoying especially if you are just trying it out.

    As far as hardware goes, I have not had any issues in a long time (3 years). The main issues I have had were Broadcom WiFi Cards (which is fixed now since they released their code) and Nvidia Drivers (which is way better now a days).

    4) Best of luck on your adventure ;)

    Hope this helps!
  3. NormanF

    NormanF Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    In the old days, I had to compile Linuxant drivers just to get wireless working. Today, a Linux distro will either offer to connect to a wireless network if one exists or prompt to download and install the necessary drivers over an Ethernet connection.

    Linux has the same kernel but it using different packaging formats, depending on the distro and and its secure to the extent that no anti-virus is necessary. This makes Linux a lot lighter and more flexible than Windows. Windows ties together the operating kernel and the shell. In Linux, different shells will work with the kernel - they all provide a GUI to the command line. But the command line in Linux is intuitively powerful and takes little practice to use. Microsoft ditched DOS but the command line still has fans in Linux.

    There is something for every one!
  4. noblelord

    noblelord Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2009
    I would definitely not recommend Fedora. One of my friends (a linux newbie) decided to give it a try and it really put him off linux for life. I too dislike the way they market it as an OS that anyone can use without much fuss - unless you want to watch DVDs, listen to an MP3 file or watch any online TV! openSUSE is quite good if you're new to Linux!
  5. NormanF

    NormanF Registered Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    If one is interested in an RPM distro, OpenSUSE is a good choice. YAST was a slow and confusing tool even for veterans years ago and slow like a dog to load. Now its easy to configure and you get a wide variety of desktop environments and it has even imported the best technologies from Ubuntu and Linux Mint!
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