ESET for Exchange: How to reject spam that is retained???

Discussion in 'Other ESET Business Products' started by enod_1701_D, Jan 19, 2012.

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  1. enod_1701_D

    enod_1701_D Registered Member

    Aug 12, 2011
    The spam log constantly shows mail that has a score blow 90%, say 70%, but the "reason" makes me think the thing is broken.

    It retains mail that "Sender is known to be spammy", "URL is on at least 1 DBL list or server is not allowed to send mail". I want ALL OF THESE REJECTED.

    Is there a way to do this? I have it set for "Most Accurate" instead of the default "Recommended". The way I have it configure with custom rules, 99.9% of spam that reaches the user is from "retained" and a reason that should have rejected it without question.

  2. enod_1701_D

    enod_1701_D Registered Member

    Aug 12, 2011
    I would also like to know how to set the anti-spam to not allow any mail if the sender is on ANY of the black lists. I read in the spamcatcher file that certain settings effect this, but do not know what to change.
  3. volvic

    volvic Registered Member

    Aug 17, 2009
    I too. I have not been able to find this setting. Obv spam is getting through. Using v4. Is there a v5?
  4. enod_1701_D

    enod_1701_D Registered Member

    Aug 12, 2011
    I moved the transport AV agent up above the Filtering agent so that AV and ASpam run 1st and the Custom Rules run second. I can understand how scanning every message for AV and spam might bogg a server down, but we have plenty of horse power and it did not make any noticable difference.

    The rules run 2nd now and the top 6-7 default rules never get hit because they are almost always viruses and spam.

    I use the Custom Rules to weed out the spam that gets through.
    Messages that contain no sender - DOH! why does anti-spam allow this simple check to get througho_O so I made a rule of sender = "<>" Delete.

    Things like this really help.
  5. volvic

    volvic Registered Member

    Aug 17, 2009
    How do I add rules? Thanks.
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