Are Registry Cleaner and Tweaks programs usefull ?

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Ashanta, Dec 4, 2011.

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  1. Ashanta

    Ashanta Registered Member

    Aug 21, 2007

    Do you really think that we need a Registry Cleaner program ?

    According to some developers, a Registry Cleaner could harm your computer.
    They recommend to use registry compacter programs.

    What about tweak programs ? Are they really working ? These aren't the computer's source of troubles, later ? Which one do you use with great results ?

    What's your opinion on that ?

    Thanks in advance !
  2. EboO

    EboO Registered Member

    Mar 12, 2011
    Tweak programs aren't very recommended. Same for the registry cleaners mainly for vista and 7.
    For compacters i don't know, which program do you use ?
  3. Ashanta

    Ashanta Registered Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    NTREGOPT, NT Registry Optimizer

    Note that the program does NOT change the contents of the registry in
    any way, nor does it physically defrag the registry files on the drive
    (as the PageDefrag program from SysInternals does). The optimization
    done by NTREGOPT is simply compacting the registry hives to the
    minimum size possible.

    Look at this :
  4. Cudni

    Cudni Global Moderator

    May 24, 2009
    As any toy. You need to use to lose interest in it after awhile :)
  5. progress

    progress Guest

    There is nothing to clean in the registry - on of those tools crashed my operating system ... :(
  6. allizomeniz

    allizomeniz Registered Member

    Aug 23, 2009
    I use CCleaner for registry cleaning. It's relatively harmless, but still you should use caution and always save a backup of your registry before running it. CCleaner gives you that option when you run it. I usually delete registry keys manually as it's easy to tell what it is you're deleting. I rely on CCleaner for Values and Data. These are a little trickier.

    It's easy to go overboard with registry cleaning, but there will be times when you'll want to delete some entries. CCleaner itself is a prime example. If you've deleted a program and there are some registry entries left behind, CCleaner will report the program as still installed. If you want to get it out of CCleaner's list, you'll have to clean up old registry entries.

    As far as tweaking utilities, I think it depends on what you mean by "tweak" and what operating system you have. :)
  7. MikeBCda

    MikeBCda Registered Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    southern Ont. Canada
    The only "tweaking" I do is with MS' own TweakUI ... and the primary advantage of that is to make changes which are (usually) quite safe but can't be conveniently accessed through the ordinary menus.
  8. roger_m

    roger_m Registered Member

    Jan 25, 2009
    Although registry cleaners often come with impressive claims about how much they can speed up your computer and stop it from crashing, the truth is very different indeed. The truth is the only in very rare situations will cleaning the registry boost a computers speed for or fix errors or crashes. To make matters worse 99% of registry cleaners are really badly written and will often decide that valid and needed registry keys are errors, which will lead to them being deleted and can quite often cause problems.

    Even registry cleaners which are frequently recommended (yes, even here at Wilders too) are more often than not unsafe to use.

    While I can get you the names of a couple of safe registry cleaners, my advice in general is to avoid them.

    As for tweaking software, if you're running Windows 7 there is not a lot of use for such programs
  9. allizomeniz

    allizomeniz Registered Member

    Aug 23, 2009
    I like Tweak UI for XP. I wish there was something comparable for Vista. I used Ultimate Windows Tweaker for awhile with Vista but it seemed a little buggy.

    I've used some registry cleaners that would have you delete a whole slew of stuff that shouldn't be deleted. Sometimes you can restart and recheck and you'll find a lot of them have been recreated and shouldn't have been deleted in the first place. I'm glad I'm finally getting more comfortable with the registry. A person can make their like a lot easier when they learn their way around it and tweak it manually. :)
  10. mag1c

    mag1c Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2011
    A few good programs I use,

    - Auslogics Registry Cleaner // Safest Registry Cleaner I've used
    - CCleaner // Cleans useless Files and other junk
    - TempFileCleaner by Oldtimer // Cleans Temp files
    - RevoUninstaller // Great uninstaller program
  11. ichito

    ichito Registered Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Poland - Cracow
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