Anybody use Iobit360?

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by T_Durden, Jun 10, 2010.

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  1. T_Durden

    T_Durden Registered Member

    Jun 9, 2010
    Chicago area
    I saw it was a free(for the time being) all arund malware/spyware/keylogger etc detector and removal program that cnet gave 4 or 5 stars and users were mixed but it averaged 4 stars as well. I dont trust the reviews there or any site like that.
  2. Noob

    Noob Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    People will start bashing it soon.
    Im pretty sure most will answer NO :)
  3. gery

    gery Registered Member

    Mar 8, 2008
    yap it's a no no here
    personally would go somewhere else to find a better solution:thumbd:
  4. T_Durden

    T_Durden Registered Member

    Jun 9, 2010
    Chicago area
    I will keep looking. I am just asking because i know little about that one other than the whole malwarebytes thing that went on. Thanks for the help
  5. sg09

    sg09 Registered Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Kolkata, India
    You may try that. But after removing MBAM database, it is no longer effective as before IMO.
  6. garybear

    garybear Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    Hi friends! I'm a brand new member on this forum. This is my first post. I hope I can get every ones attention. I have just been banned from IObit forum. I have over 1300 posts and threads and had the title of Expert VIP. I have been a member for nearly two years. I was running IObit 360 in real time. I have XP3 and have 1gb memory. Just a small PC user with no bells and whistles. My PC is 6 years old and I keep it cleaned up and running in top form. I'm by no means a expert PC user, but do know a little. I had been losing free memory and running low on virtual memory for months. I finally figured out why. IObit 360 is a piece of crapware. It has a real bad memory leak bug that will cause you all kinds of grief. When I started raiseing hell on IObit forum and demanding they fix the problem , I was banned. I want to warn the whole world about this crapware (IObit). Please help me get this word out to the people. Do not down load IObit 360. Its crapware!! PS If you don't know what Memory Leak is, just Google it. It's bad stuff and causes lots of problems. I hope I can be some help on this forum in the future.===garybear PS Moderators Please move this post where ever you think it can do the most good. Thank you!!
  7. stratoc

    stratoc Guest

    i tried it before all the fuss and it had a massive memory leak. it was well known then on the forum so i removed the program havnt used since. only installed it because i picked up a free pro license from somewhere.
  8. snoopy2010

    snoopy2010 Registered Member

    May 21, 2010
    I would not use it if i was paid 1000.000 $ detection is bad, it has a memory leak that messed with my computer, two many False positives, and a bugy program in all ...

    I dont trust the reviews...

    I dont trust Iobit,,,,

    crapware about covers it ,,,,, :thumbd: :thumbd: :thumbd:
  9. jmonge

    jmonge Registered Member

    Mar 20, 2008
    thanks garybear for the advise;) :thumb:
  10. garybear

    garybear Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    Hi new friend!! You are very welcome. IObit is not only crapware, but also the biggest thief in the world. They stole Malwarebytes data base and had to give it back. That's only one reason to stay away from them. There are a lot more. I don't know if they stole this , but sure looks familiar doesn't it?? I had to use a proxy to show this because I have been banned from their forum because I exposed them. Take a look at this!!
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2010
  11. jmonge

    jmonge Registered Member

    Mar 20, 2008
    thanks for the info;)
  12. the Tester

    the Tester Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2002
    The Gateway to the Blue Hills,WI.
    Short answer...No way.
    regarding cnet reviews, I take them with a grain of salt.
  13. CiX

    CiX Registered Member

    Feb 22, 2010
  14. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    I read that entire thread. What I found was solbjerg & other forum Admins, Mods, & members who were VERY patient in seeking to help with garybear's problems.

    I trialed IOBS myself for several hours & encountered no memory leak. I'm not saying that some others haven't experienced this problem -- different computers with different set-ups often manifest differing results even when using the same program.

    My main concern with IOBS is this -- is its PROTECTION leaky? I do hope someone with a database of nasties will do some testing & share facts & figures re the results thereof.
  15. garybear

    garybear Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    Hi friend!! With all due respect. The memory leak will occur but may take several hours but it will happen, and has been admitted by IObit. It's very sad that you could not read all my posts because they were removed. I posted IObit GUY's PM that he sent to me. It was removed but I will tell you what he said . He said IObit does not have the resources to fix the problem and they are working on other things. I am many thing my friend ,but I'm not a lyer I do not wish to cause any problems with you. I was a well respected member and had a Expert VIP title. I know what I'm talking about my friend. For your information sir, solbjerg does not have the power to fix any thing. He is just a moderator with no more power than myself. I will not say you are a plant for IObit, but your facts could not be more wrong. IObit is a thief and the whole computer world knows that. I was a loyal member and believed all their lies for nearly two years. It's not IOBS sir, it's IObit 360, which gives me much pause to not believe your post. IObit has no data base my friend because it was stolen from Malwarebytes and IObit removed the data base from IObit360. Please have your facts before calling me a lyer. I was and I still am very respected by many members on that forum. Your friend solberg is the least respected and knows nothing. Please get your facts straight and we can discuss this some more. If you want comparison test with other programs, I suggest you learn how to Google.===garybear Ps You might not find very many for IObit 360. They do not have much respect. Please search and read all threads on this forum. You will see there is not much respect here either. Tell solbjerg Hi for me!!
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2010
  16. sg09

    sg09 Registered Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Kolkata, India
    I have heard about this memory leak elsewhere.
  17. Saraceno

    Saraceno Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2008
    GB, I think what bellgamin meant was, from the posts that are publicly available, the other moderators appear to be 'rational' and 'patient'.

    Once again, behind the scenes, they might be saying, 'get rid of this guy', that person being you.

    Also, I don't think bellgamin was saying any of the moderators were his friend or anything.

    I've tried their game booster program in the past, it was alright, I think they have potential. Have they lost credibility? For sure. Will they get it back? Will take time. I feel for some of the staff who were unaware of the 'drama' which unfolded, and put some time and hard effort into the program.
  18. garybear

    garybear Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    I thank you for your support my friend!! IObit 360 is bad news, and I want only to warn members on this forum. I believed there lies for two years, but now I know the truth. ASC3, and Smart Defrag are both good programs as far as I know, but IObit360 is crapware and is dangerous to your PC. Please don't find out the hard way. I do not believe the member that posted here stating that he used the program and found no problems. It would take more that a few hours to assure me. I was a member for Two years and I have the facts. Its crapware and will cause you nothing but grief.===garybear
  19. sg09

    sg09 Registered Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Kolkata, India
    In fact me too find no problems, when I used this before but I am least concerned about memory leaks as I have 2.5 Gb RAM to back me up.
  20. garybear

    garybear Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    Hi friend!! I was with IObit when it was just getting started. I do not wish to cause any conflicts on this forum. I believed every lie they told me and put my heart and soul into the forum. They do not have the resources to put into IObit 360 and it has been admitted to me in a PM by IObit Guy which was posted on the forum by me and deleted by solbjerg. I only want to help and share what little knowledge I have with friends. I have no reason to lie to anyone. I guess only time will tell the truth. I'm just trying to save others a lot of misery. It almost broke my heart when I was banned when I only wanted to help my friends. I'm a cancer survivor and I can take just about any thing thrown my way. I thank you for you post and understanding.===garybear
  21. garybear

    garybear Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    Hi friend! Unless you watch real close you will probably not see the leaks with that much memory. Or I should say it probably will not cause any noticeable problems. Also every time you restart your PC, memory will be released back to your system, so with that much memory, you will not have a problem. The problem will be for those that have 512MB or 1024MB (1GB). If any less than that ,the problems can be drastic. I have done my home work on this and I know a little about memory. I didn't just make this all up. I wish I was still a member and helping others. Thank you for your post. I know this is not my thread, and I hope I'm not hogging it.===garybear
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2010
  22. sg09

    sg09 Registered Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Kolkata, India
    Ohh, I see. That's why I didn't experience any problem.:)
  23. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    I have been a member of Wilders for nearly 8 years. That fact is clearly shown in the upper right corner of each of my posts. I have posted thousands of times about hundreds of security apps. Why would you think that I suddenly went to work for IOBit? Do you make similar veiled insults toward anyone whose posts do not please you?

    I did not call you a liar. Read my post. I did not use that word, nor infer it. I merely said that the Mods & Admins in the thread you referred to seemed to be doing their best to be helpful. I was especially impressed with solbjerg's patience and helpfulness.

    I can understand that you are upset. However, this is a friendly forum. Veiled insults and threats and rants are not helpful.
  24. garybear

    garybear Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    Hi friend! I'm very sorry if you have been offended by my post and I want to apologize. I'm glad you have returned to this thread. I do not see any threats in my post. As I have stated solbjerg has no power to fix IObit 360. Your post was very unclear to me sir. As I stated before I wanted to discuss this further with you. How long did you run IObit 360 on your PC. I have 1024 MB of Ram on my PC. If I leave it run for three days without a restart or a exit of IObit360, my PC will become very slow and some of my apps will not respond for me. Why do you think I'm making this up, when others on this forum are saying the same thing. I saw all your posts and I'm impressed, but under the circumstances I have become a little leery of posts like yours. IObit360 has many tools. How many did you try?? Did you try scan for holes?? Did you try hijack this?? These are just some of the tools with IObit 360, which you called some thing else. I'm not sure if you were testing the same program that I'm talking about. If you were testing security Apps, and it was IObit360 wouldn't you want to report every thing about the program to your members?? That's what I would do my friend. You can try your best to make me look bad, but I'm ready to answer all your questions and I promise to be respectful to you, and I expect the same from you. Now this do this with respect for each other. I promise to respect and answer any question that you have. Did you run a full scan with IObit ?? Did you test any of the other tools?? If you do not respond , then I will take that as a no. I did not just fall off the turnip truck either my friend, and I also would like a little respect from you. I joined this thread because a member asked about IObit 360 and I have tried my best to tell them about it. I'm looking forward to a full discussion of IObit 360 with you and I assure you I will respect you and not rant or insult you. ===garybear I await your answer my friend. PS I am new to this forum and I would like to move on to other topics, but I will stay here as long as is necessary to answer any questions members have about IObit 360
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2010
  25. garybear

    garybear Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    Hi!! May I ask you why you went to IObit forum to see what they were saying about me?? Why is solbjerg the only moderator you mention by name in your post. You say solbjerg and all the other moderators. How many moderators are on on IObit forum?? solbjerg is the least knowledged of all the moderators. Did you look for any other comments or just solbjerg and the other moderators. Can you at see why I have questions about your post. You only mention solbjerg, and there are many moderators on IObit forum. He is the least !! You say you ran IObit360 or some program close to that without any leaks or problems. Did IObit find any Malware or FP. Did Iobit find any tracking cookies.I challenge you to answer my questions sir and then you will have the respect your asking for. ===garybear PS no response my friend and I win this one and call it no contest
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2010
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