Kaspersky calls for international internet government

Discussion in 'other security issues & news' started by Dermot7, Mar 11, 2010.

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  1. Dermot7

    Dermot7 Registered Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Surrey, England.
  2. chronomatic

    chronomatic Registered Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    Kaspersky is an idiot. He is always blowing off his mouth about world governments and Internet driver's licenses and all this other nonsense. He, of course, doesn't put the blame where the blame needs to be put -- in Redmond, WA. If he does that, his cash cow goes away.
  3. mvario

    mvario Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2008
    Haddonfield, IL
    Yeah, he's been sprouting that line for a while...

    "Everyone should and must have an identification, or internet passport,"​

    "I'd like to change the design of the internet by introducing regulation - internet passports, internet police and international agreement - about following internet standards,"​
  4. Daveski17

    Daveski17 Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    However, he argued that Google's decision to publicise the hacking attempts on its networks originating in China was "strange".

    No Mr Kaspersky, you're the strange one! o_O
  5. NoIos

    NoIos Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2009
    I believe he said nothing wrong. It's just that his opinion does not count much and the situation around the globe is not yet mature enough for such moves. Also I don't know why some countries would now drop their cyber technology advantage just to make others safer. The governments have still to play the cyber game. And when they'll do it be sure that huge industries will be there and behind it. Wars never happened without huge industries supporting the usage of weapons and new technologies. If the war flag is on somebody has to make money.

    So IMO Kaspersky said it right. But nowadays seems more a future thing and Kaspersky a visionary. He's a man that has the experience and has seen a lot ( I think ).

    Also the fact that Google pubblished the whole thing about the attacks from China, made me think too. But I think Kaspersky got this totally wrong. It's obvious that Google uses this method in order to create facts, actions and reactions, to expose China in front of the eyes of the rest of the world. Google knows that cannot convince China to play his game. But google also knows that China cares about its image around the world, specially when China's industry needs foreign investments and the country depends on others for energy, many materials and technology. The attempts to convince the public opinion that China is the evil, is a strategic move and a way to put pressure on China's government. I don't say that China is the angel.

    Unfortunately for both...the public opinion knows what Google is and what China is. Google is a business, which means...earnings and expansion is the main goal...so they're not our angel from heaven, and China...a country with huge problems and difficult balances, but precious for the global economy.

    This does not mean that I agree with all the things Kaspersky says or said. But the main point is that in the future there will be a need for international cooperation against cyber crime or cyber terrorism. Organizations like Nato in the future will have to expand their alliance to the cyber side...if they have not already done that or at least they'll have to use minds from inside the alliance to become more effective.

    Said that...Kaspersky also is a company. It's obvious that there are corporate interests to promote such moves and strategies.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2010
  6. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    This isn't a "stupid" idea. There is a reason after all that these forums are filled to the brim with the latest malware and privacy news. It's because the Internet is the last true Wild West, and there ISN'T enough policing. It can be done, the NSA, MI5/6, CIA, all these organizations are quite capable of setting up such surveillance with the appropriate funding.

    The issue is what are the limits to such surveillance, where does it end, when do you cross over that line from policing to full-blown "all-seeing eye" type of control? In my opinion, it's nearly impossible to avoid crossing that line. Kaspersky can call for whatever he wants, as long as he himself is willing to deal with the consequences.
  7. LockBox

    LockBox Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2004
    Here, There and Everywhere
    I will grant that it's a legitimate position and worthy of debate, but I think that in the end, freedom of thought, speech, etc. trumps any security threats. I have disagreed vehemently with Eugene Kaspersky over issues of privacy and his overall view of the world. He comes from an authoritarian background and sees a need to keep the individual "in check" as opposed to dealing with the real problems. Mr. Kaspersky has a right to voice his opinions, I just happen to believe they're terribly misguided.
  8. SafetyFirst

    SafetyFirst Registered Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    I will never ever buy anything from the man/company with that philosophy.
  9. Daveski17

    Daveski17 Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    Yes, I agree. I couldn't have said this better Lockbox. :thumb:
  10. faterider

    faterider Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2004
    Exactly my thoughts.
  11. Tarnak

    Tarnak Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2007
    "Every breath you take
    Every move you make
    Every bond you break
    Every step you take
    I'll be watching you.

    Every single day
    Every word you say
    Every game you play
    Every night you stay
    I'll be watching you."

    .....by THE POLICE lyrics - "Every Breath You Take" > http://www.rockfind.com/pop/the_police/every_breath_you_take.html
  12. MrBrian

    MrBrian Registered Member

    Feb 24, 2008
  13. arran

    arran Registered Member

    Feb 5, 2008
    A international internet government is the very last thing we would want. all our internet activities would be "Severely" logged monitored and Controlled. along with Heavy censorship.

    Anyway it won't happen because it would require all goverments of world to agree.

    all tho for people who believe in the Bible it will happen when we get a One world Goverment but this is still a few years down the track.
  14. loli22

    loli22 Registered Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    to me it sound more like USA vs RUSSIA, only the americans have the power to shut down internet completely, they invented it, they own it, so this idea of international internet government wont happen any time soon :cool:
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