Electronic Police State report 2010

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by SteveTX, Mar 8, 2010.

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  1. SteveTX

    SteveTX Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Download here: Report | Data
  2. CloneRanger

    CloneRanger Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2006
    Thanks for posting.

    In case everyones asleep at the wheel, and i'm sure at least over 90% of people are, the west is fast being turned into communist states. In fact it's even worse than that.

    Ever heard of remarks such as Global Governance that have frequently been made by so called politicians, especially in the last year, and at Copenhagen. Don't forget the ongoing Climate Gate scandal and all the fake new taxes for Co2 etc etc that THEY are trying to force on us all.

    China etc will look like heaven soon, compared to us, unless we act and react from now on.

    Get real people, it's REALLY happening. Get busy doing some serious researching, and prepare for the worst. Here's just a few sites to start you off, for those that don't already know.



  3. SafetyFirst

    SafetyFirst Registered Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Steve, CloneRanger and the others, please vote on this poll.
  4. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    We're just tin-foil hat wearing, Fox News worshiping, gun-toting naive imbeciles who "aren't with the program" to that 90+ percent. That's not going to change until the real sh** hits the fan, and then it will be too late to rewind the clock. I don't agree at all that government is evil, we've seen what happens when governments fall, it isn't pretty. I also don't agree that every media organization out there is "spinning" anything and everything they can, nor that every politician has a hidden motive.

    However, the ones that DO have a hidden agenda and the media organizations that DO spin whatever they can, are unfortunately the ones who are in and have access to the highest offices and have the money to "twist arms". We can't force people to believe us, we can't force them to prepare. They'll have to find out for themselves either before or after it's too late.
  5. caspian

    caspian Registered Member

    Jun 17, 2007
    Thanks for that, Steve. What concerns me is if they decide to outlaw VPNs.
  6. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    I've always said that was coming, and I still believe it is. Anything that has the ability to hinder surveillance and/or control has a bulls-eye on its back. All a government has to do is claim national security and they get a green light to do just about everything they want. Here in my country of the United States, the pace from freedom to total control is as frightening as total control itself.

    Here, we don't have middle of the night coups, "in your face" political moves/law enactments (The Obama Administration being somewhat of an exception). No, what we get is creeping slow erosion, like a beach. When a controversial move is made, it gets attention, and the government backs off. Months later, the same move is made again, only this time a few changes are made to "ease" it on to the people.

    Eventually, after a few "eases", the entire issue that was so controversial is in full effect. But no one complains because, in their naivety, they thought they won over the government, and that those many smaller, more subtle previous measures that did get passed were somehow different from the one they hated so badly.

    That is how you take control and keep it, slowly, over time, one small measure here, one small measure there. Those of you in the States watch the health care issue over time as an example if you wish to see this process. The "sweeping changes" that are being fought out between the White House, Senate, and House are not going to come about. You can obviously see this with each passing "deadline".

    What's going on behind the scenes, out of the media eye, is small, "less threatening" changes being prepared to be presented to the media and public. These changes will be easier to swallow, and they will get passed. This will happen multiple times over a period of months, possibly years, until, at the end, the full bill is in effect, controversial measures and all.
  7. trjam

    trjam Registered Member

    Aug 18, 2006
    North Carolina USA
    Area 51, Area 51 !!
  8. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    You know, during my last abduction, I asked about that place. They say the place is quite overrated, that they WISH what supposedly went on there actually did (these guys and gals get bored very easy. Evidently galaxy travel isn't the "bees knees" after all.). There is merely a single dead alien buried on the property. However, she did not crash her ship, but merely died of a broken heart from being rejected for this seasons' American Idol (her peers told her not to wear that skirt, she didn't listen.).
  9. JBob555

    JBob555 Registered Member

    Oct 11, 2007
    Didn't you know that the Leftists know what's best for everyone. Unless you agree with them, they think you are just part of the stupid masses! :D
  10. Searching_ _ _

    Searching_ _ _ Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2008
    I wonder if you overlay the Bilderberg Group conquest map with the Cryptohippie map if there are any similarities?
  11. Chuck57

    Chuck57 Registered Member

    Sep 2, 2002
    New Mexico, USA
    Well, I don't wear a tin foil hat, but do watch Fox and own enough guns to outfit a couple of squads and, in spite of what's going on in DC right now, believe most Americans who live outside cities aren't much different than me. Sadly, many of them were conned by a slick talker last election, and we're all suffering the repercussions today.

    I'm also very concerned that it might already be too late. I'm not sure anybody can fix the mess this past year has created. Hopefully the rest of the world isn't in as bad a shape but I'm seeing signs all over of problems, financial and otherwise.
  12. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    Neither you nor I are different from the majority of Americans. We both see that this presidency has, at best, spent money wildly without anything productive to show for it. And, at worst, pushed us further along the highway towards socialism. We were going to stay in debt for generations long before Obama came along. Increasing national debt has been an issue since before I was even alive (I came along just in time for Reagan).

    The election, and I may take heat for this, but if the situation is thought out, it won't be hard to come to the same conclusion, was about race as much as slick talking and weariness of the Bush era. This had never ever happened before, and, people naive enough to think skin color would affect the "Old Guard" in Washington did all they could to bring him in. Another factor was that McCain directly reminded the public of Bush, so he was screwed from the word go.

    To be back on topic though, it doesn't matter how he got here, just that he's here, and America will never be the same again even if he stays for a single term. He's a GREAT talker, though he and his close associates are slipping with every new televised briefing and interview. In all honesty, he's getting his own self into trouble by constantly publicly giving deadlines for this and that and failing to meet them every time. He promised so much, and has delivered so little. This will eventually be his downfall.

    Great, right? Wrong. His obsession with throwing stimulus packages at every problem, his way of dealing with national security and terrorism by enacting measures that affect Americans rather than our full blown enemies and our "rabble rousers", his administrations policy of "We're going to do this and that", even when almost the entire country and some lawmakers are against it (see the health care issue), and, finally, his incredibly weird and harmful obsession with "green jobs" (do you know how many jobs are killed by just a few so-called green jobs?), is castrating this country. We will suffer long after he is gone.

    The way we're going, we won't have to worry about internet privacy or being watched in department stores and such. Without jobs, no one can afford to partake in activities in which they are spied upon.

    Edit: I just realized I never got back on topic, sorry, lol. Anyway, you can expect us to look more and more like the U.K the longer this guy is in office. No offense to those across the pond, but you ladies and gents would have Orwell running away screaming if he were alive to see what has happened to you.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2010
  13. Keyboard_Commando

    Keyboard_Commando Registered Member

    Mar 6, 2009
    On Monday the radio station I listen to during the day started playing adverts for the UK governments Anti-Terror Hotline. The Anti-Terror Hotline now sponsors the traffic bulletin (lol) which they play about every 20 mins. The adverts contain a checklist things to watch out for; people in your neighbourhood that only do transactions in cash, people that have multiple pay-as-you-go cell phones, users of internet cafes, people that have the curtains drawn 24/7, etc. At the end of the adverts you are encouraged to report anything suspicious NO MATTER how trivial you think it is.

  14. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007

    Good grief, I'd almost be a terrorist under that checklist. It's encouraging a return to the Middle Ages, when all it took to find yourself in the Tower and/or on the execution scaffold was a mere rumor.
  15. chronomatic

    chronomatic Registered Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    The worst thing is that Obama can sit there and look America in the eye and say "I am not an ideologue." (Then the room erupts in laughter). Obama replies, "No, I really am not." :argh:

    Obama is a left-wing extremist that takes his ideology straight from Das Kapital. He forgets that other than him and a few of his radical professors at Columbia, communism is only popular amongst teenagers who don't have a clue as to its history and with aging hippies who did too much LSD in the 60's.
  16. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    Oh he's not forgetting anything, he quite well knows Communism and Socialism aren't wanted. He simply doesn't care. Along with Pelosi, the SEIU and the Apollo Alliance, this Administration is arrogantly pointing their fingers at us like small children, talking down to us, telling us what is good for us. They couldn't care less how loud our voices are, they know they have the White House but for a short time. During this short time, they will do whatever it takes to push their agenda through.

    Unfortunately, we can kick them all to the curb in 2012, but the damage will be done and there will not be a way to undo it financially. The country is now and forever screwed financially. As I said earlier in a different post though, he did not start the process, he sped it up. We were warned in his speeches before the elections of what he was about and who he would bring with him and listen to. But we failed ourselves when we elected him.

    We still have a chance. We can't do anything about the financial ruin, but we can stop this country from becoming another U.K or worse. But we HAVE to resort to the same tactics the administration is using on us. We CANNOT give an inch, we CANNOT "worry about it tomorrow", we CANNOT get our information from one side and not the other (Neither CNN nor FoxNews will give you the full picture, YOU have to do the work).

    There is no time for left-wing vs right wing arguments or Democrat vs Republican bickering. There is no point in blaming past presidencies. Bush didn't do much more to get us in this mess than Woodrow Wilson did. They all have contributed in some way. If anyone cares anymore, go back and read everything our founding fathers wrote. The government doesn't own us, we own the government. They KNEW this was going to happen, so they wrote out the Constitution to prevent it.

    They might have expected government at some point might ignore the Constitution. They never expected We the People would. Stop watching TV, making excuses about being tired after work, taking the kids to baseball practice, and do something while you still can. Short of another Revolutionary War, once the government puts the leash on us, there's no going back to the "good old days". We in America have the best privacy in the world compared to what's coming.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2010
  17. SafetyFirst

    SafetyFirst Registered Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Guys, no offense, to me, hearing you say that he is a leftist is just... well,... :rolleyes:

    He is just a sugarfree Bush, different in style but same in essence, a charming mannequin with the same old Orwellian agenda.

    Do yourself a favor, get some educational reading.

    God bless you.
  18. dw426

    dw426 Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2007
    Obama is a Progressive, pure and simple. Bush was Google in the White House, he didn't go full out with any ideology nor have a need to have everyone thinking the same way and believing government to be the only answer to the issues facing the nation. The roots for control were there in Bush, there's no doubt. But I truly believe Sept 11 is what completely set him on the path to an Orwellian society.

    Obama on the other hand, has a solid belief in government control. You need only go back to his speeches, who he said he would listen to on each specific issue. Obama is what would happen if Muslim extremists threw out their weapons and got teaching jobs and political positions. Like them, he subscribes to an idea. He is not interested in Democrat vs Republican, he simply has to deal with them as he works toward his idea of what the nation should be.

    For all his dangerous ways of thinking, what is worse is that he is inexperienced and naive. Your precious privacy fight is not coming from him, but from the special interests groups that completely wrap him around their collective little fingers with talk of hypothetical dangers and jargon that he doesn't have the first clue about. In a way, he's being played like a fiddle.
  19. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    We appear to have moved into a pure political discussion here, which as most of you know, is just not our thing at Wilders Security. Who is right wing or left wing, who is communist or socialist, who watches Fox News versus The Daily Show... :shifty:

    Anyway, the link and references remain for those who want to look into this further. For discussions about the politics, I'm sure there are plenty of forums out there that welcome such topics.
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