Need Opinions From Seasoned Security People

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by Brother Esau, Oct 23, 2008.

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  1. Brother Esau

    Brother Esau Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2005
    My question is this.......what is your perception of Integrity & Credibility of the Comodo Company that took over Bo Clean and Produces the Comodo Firewall? Personally I questioned the Motive of the whole BO-CLEAN Comodo situation when I found out that Kevin Sold Out in some sense for lack of better wording to COMODO with his stellar BO-CLEAN Project.

    COMODO has been on the scene with their Firewall and BO-CLEAN for some time now and I would like to ask at this point what this communities Feelings are on COMODO and are they a Honorable Company?

    And while I am asking such a direct question from the seasoned Veterans of this forum which is a better and more trust worthy company Tall EMU or COMODO and which make the superior Firewall ?

    I have tried both Recently and I am impresed a great deal with both but the whole comodo / Bo-Clean situation cast a doubt of under lying intentions on Comodo's part ....( Perhaps Paranoia)
  2. guest

    guest Guest

    Try Outpost Firewall, is a serious company, and the firewall is impressive and has one of the best hips on it
  3. Kerodo

    Kerodo Registered Member

    Oct 5, 2004
    Well...................... I would say, if you have to ask, and have doubts, then perhaps it's best to move on to something else....

    I have used Comodo Firewall in the past, and had no issues with it. But if I don't trust my software, even the slightest doubt, I don't use it. There are just too many other choices available nowadays.

    Perhaps not helpful, but just my 2 cents....
  4. 3xist

    3xist Guest


    Well, COMODO have just released the first free Security Suite here and will include BOClean in future.

    I think both COMODO & Tall EMU produce quality software, Obviously I go with COMODO, Both companies are respected and are trusworthy, I guess the upperhand is that COMODO doesn't have strip-down versions like Tall EMU (Less features, etc), it's completely freeware. Just go with your gut feeling and see what suits YOUR needs, If you have any questions on Comodo's products you can post at the forums. :)
  5. tipstir

    tipstir Registered Member

    Jun 9, 2008
    SFL, USA
    Why is Comodo slow and how is it tested?

    On dual core or single core, sure seem slow.. OA is also free. I like it but it doesn't work every system here I have. PC Tools Firewall Plus is also free. I use that one also on Server OS and Client OS boxes.
  6. gery

    gery Registered Member

    Mar 8, 2008
    Slow? iNot really.There are really very few complaining about Comodo being slow.But it is somewhat stubborn to get rid of it. Anyway each has his \ her own experience with it.
  7. sded

    sded Registered Member

    Jun 4, 2004
    San Diego CA
    I won't comment on integrity and credibility, since I no longer use any Comodo products, but suggest you can contact a couple of good sources via PM through the Comodo forum. One is Kevin himself; the other is a user Rednose who takes responsibility for most of the BO Clean issue resolution there. I never used BO Clean, did use the v3 Comodo firewall and HIPS on one machine for about a year, but currently use OA full on 2 Vista machines and OA free on an XP machine.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2008
  8. Escalader

    Escalader Registered Member

    Dec 12, 2005
    Land of the Mooses

    I know nothing about the credibility of the Comodo firm and people.

    I do know that TalEmu is run by an excellent and honest person.

    These 2 firms compete and have different business models.

    Users need to know their security needs and policy before committing and if I were you and I'm not I would forget the business transactions of the past and trial both product(s) on your own system. Ask questions in the vendor forums, review the issues exposed for each in their forums.

    Then select 1 and be happy!
  9. Brother Esau

    Brother Esau Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2005
    In light of what you have just said I have been doing that very thing since asking the question that I had posted. I have come to find that (Melih) COMODO's CEO posses some very fine Characteristics and Positive attributes as a Person and I admire his Vision. I guess sometimes in this day in age we all find ourselves being Cynical before we give others a chance or get to know them. I suppose I am just a imperfect Human Being as are we all.
  10. Clench Tightly

    Clench Tightly Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2008

    [at] Brother Esau,

    All I can recommend is that you ask around, and not just on these forums, the Comodo forums or the OA forums - go outside the vendors forums and don't rely just on one independant opinion. Above all else - knowledge before opinion.

    I've dealt with the principals of both the companies you've mentioned and they're both (IMHO) more than OK, personally and professionally. Both companies both produce very, very good software.

    As to which you should use/trust - ultimately this will come down to you, your environment, your expectations, what you need to accomplish, how much you are willing to compromise and which you feel most comfortable with.


    Comodo no mo'? Sorry to see you go, m8. :'(

    Ewen :)
    Moderator - Comodo Forums
  11. chrome_sturmen

    chrome_sturmen Registered Member

    Apr 29, 2006
    brother esau, taking into account your options, i would go with online armor - i think comodo will aggravate you - i recently upgraded to the newest version of oa and all went smooth:thumb:
  12. Brother Esau

    Brother Esau Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2005
    The Comodo Firewall is very nice but..........There is a Pending Issue with Perfect Disk 8 and Prefect Disk 2008 after Comodo is installed the Perfect Disk 8 Crawwwwwls and Seriously CRawls!

    Analyzing , Defragmenting ....It's absolutely Ridiculous! View this thread here that I started>>>>>

    I will not use it for that reason outside of that I really like it.
  13. 3xist

    3xist Guest

    Hi Brother,

    I answered you at the COMODO Forums, A new version of CIS is due on Tuesday, 28th October. Hopefully your issue will be fixed! :)
  14. Kyle1420

    Kyle1420 Registered Member

    May 27, 2008
    Just my 2c, But you probably already know it since you pmed Melih\Kevin. Kevin joined the Comodo team providing that he was still able to offer BOclean as a standalone app. Comodo Likes the technology and the experience that kevin has, So has got him to join them :)

    Comodo is the 2nd largest Certification Authority for ensuring Identity Trust & Assurance on the web

    Also here are som really interesting videos about Melih and Comodo,
  15. Escalader

    Escalader Registered Member

    Dec 12, 2005
    Land of the Mooses
    This is your observation that is fine.

    But just to throw something in here that is my view and mine alone. People don't "run" or "execute" on our computers programs do. These agents have no ethics or characteristics they are robots programmed by imperfect people in an imperfect world.

    So you need to do a technical assessment of technical choices. This is why I recommend developing a list of features YOU want in the software NOT in the owners of businesses. It is possible to have a "bad" person create a "good" program to make $! They must meet the standards of the market.

    Trial these products on your PC first before committing to determine how they run on YOUR set up. Any incompatibilities will show up soon enough.

    Then please don't think you are married to the choice. In the future products change some improve others go static and can't keep up.

    AV's are an excellent example, yesterdays 4th place product is todays # 1!

    Change your thinking, you aren't hiring these people, you are buying/renting their products.:cool:
  16. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

    Jul 21, 2003
    Several off topic posts removed.
  17. Seer

    Seer Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2007
    I would agree with Escalader where he said that u use a product, not people. But the problem here is not with people (Melih, Kevin, Mike, whoever) but with a product. I do not have anything bad to say about their hips part, I do actually like Comodo's (D+) very much. My concerns are with their firewalls/packet filters/inbound filtering/call it what you like. For example -
    where exactly do I get to filter invalid flagged (XMAS, NULL, and many others) TCP packets?
  18. Meriadoc

    Meriadoc Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2006
    Seems like a strange question for a company in the business of selling SSL certificates, trust and other internet security products:D So, plainly, what is it about Comodo?
  19. doktornotor

    doktornotor Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2008
    How about Firewall - Advanced - Attack detection settings - Miscellaneous - Do protocol analysis?
  20. Seer

    Seer Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2007
    This is not the answer to my question. I have asked where do I get to filter TCP flags... instead of relying on some dubious and undocumented mechanism to do this.

  21. Brother Esau

    Brother Esau Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2005
    Buy a CISCO Firewall because for the price You Do get everything you could possibly ask for or want. I just got rid of my Cisco ASA5510 could not take the additional Heat and Noise any longer after 2 years of owning it. The Cisco ASA5505 is Identical except for the com interface for CMD Line and not as many VPN Clients but other then that its identical pretty much.
  22. Seer

    Seer Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2007
    I was just having a brief look at the appliance you mentioned. If you expect Comodo or OA to replace this, well... do not.
    Did you have a taste of InJoy firewall perhaps? It is not a freeware (which should really not matter if you're serious about your security) and it does not have application control. Also, I found it a bit buggy in certain aspects, but I would recommend to keep an eye on it...

    Nothing. IMO, it is a decent home firewall. What bugs me personally is the aggresive marketing approach - one would think that the people are selling toothpaste...

  23. Brother Esau

    Brother Esau Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2005

    I do not expect any software firewall to Replace a Enterprise Level Hardware Firewall. I will be buying the Cisco ASA5505 when I have the extra money but in mean time I will use a Software Firewall.
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