AVG 8 - Paid ... What Number?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by Zeena, Oct 23, 2008.

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  1. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hi :)

    Anyone using AVG 8 Paid?

    Can someone please tell me...

    1/ Have you had a really big update ( Requiring a Restart ) in the last 24 hours?

    2/ If you had a big update... Did it cause you any strange problems?

    3/ After this big update... Can you confirm what version number your on please?
    e.g. Are you still on AVG 8 Paid... Version Number - Ending ... 196 ?

    Why Do I Ask?

    Coz... I've had the most awful day with my Desktop Computer :'(

    * I'd been using my Laptop all morning. No Problems There!
    Laptop - Has NIS 09 and NO - AOL Software

    * At approx 3pm I went and turned on the Desktop Computer .. Ready for my little lad coming home from school.
    Desktop - Has AVG 8 Paid and AOL Software

    * When the Desktop came on... No AOL - No Internet!
    The AOL triangle in the Taskbar was Grey & Red
    Of Course... AVG 8 Told Me - " Can Not Connect To The Server " ... And - Couldn't Update!

    I ran back to check the Laptop... Still Connected to the Internet.
    I checked the Router... No Sign of any Problems!
    To try and get the Desktop to connect to the Internet .. And to try and get AVG 8 to update...
    I unplugged the Router .. Then plugged it back in again.
    The Desktop Connected to the Internet ... And AOL was Blue Again

    * I opened AVG 8 ... And Clicked - Update
    AVG 8 went through what seemed like a normal update :)

    * Then AVG 8 Told Me - " A New Update Is Available "
    I Clicked - Update
    AVG 8 Updated ... Then acted like it was updating again o_O
    Then AVG 8 Told me - " Update Failed! " :argh:
    I Noticed the last 3 numbers of the version number had changed from - 196 To 191 - Backwards :eek:

    * I Clicked Update Again! ... AVG 8 - Finally Finished The Update! :D
    AVG 8 asked me to - Restart!
    This was something it has never asked me to do before.
    Also... I was now back to version number ending - 196 o_O

    * Desktop Back On... I tried to sign into AOL
    AOL - Froze!
    Then... " AOL - Not Responding "
    I used Task Manager to get out... Then Tried Again!
    AOL Froze Again :doubt:
    Only This Time... Task Manager Wouldn't Work :argh:
    In The End... I Had To Force The Computer To Shutdown :'(

    * Booted Back Up... Same Again!

    And Again .. And Again .. And Again :mad:

    It would take me forever to tell you the whole story :rolleyes:
    And as I'm not sure how or if... The AVG 8 thing is connected to the AOL thing :doubt:
    I'll Leave It At That :oops:

    Lets just say...
    My Desktop Computer has had a very bad day :(

    Has anyone else been through anything like this today?
    With either - AVG 8 - Paid... AOL Software ... Both! :'(

    And can someone please tell me...
    If you did have this big update to AVG 8 Paid.
    What Version Number Did It Leave You With?

    Thanks in Advance! ;)
  2. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
  3. xxJackxx

    xxJackxx Registered Member

    Oct 23, 2008
    I was updated to 196 on 3 servers today. AVG 8 Network version paid. Fine on 2 machines. But on the 3rd one same problems as the OP. No internet. I could ping any address, but IE would not connect to any site. AVG would not connect to the update server. The thing that really sucked was I installed Windows updates at the same time, took a few minutes to determine AVG was the culprit. Uninstalling it fixed it for me . It won't be going back on.
  4. Firecat

    Firecat Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2005
    The land of no identity :D
    Version 196 is the correct version......
  5. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hi :)

    Thanks Everyone! ;)

    So I'm on the right version then :D

    I just don't understand how this AVG 8 Update ... Managed to kill my AOL Software :(
    I don't have the AVG 8 - Firewall
    Just the Anti-Virus & Anti-Spyware

    I haven't tried going back into AOL since this afternoon.
    I'm Too Scared! :oops:
    Every time I try to sign in to AOL ... I get stuck! :argh:
    When I try to use Task Manager ...
    Half the time it works.
    But the other half..
    Task Manager either Fails to shut AOL down .. OR .. Just does nothing at all o_O

    Then I have no choice but to Force the Computer to Shutdown :'(

    Re : Internet
    The strange thing is...
    Once I had Rebooted the Router ... And my Desktop could connect to the Internet again.
    ( AVG 8 Updated - Just About! :rolleyes: )
    I've been able to surf the web through IE7 just fine :D
    I just can't sign in to AOL :(

    Off To Bed Now! :(
    It's been a very long day
    See You In The Morning ;)

    Thanks Again! :thumb:
  6. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
    xxJackxx, first, welcome to Wilders! You raise a point that's worth commenting on:
    It has been my experience that whenever Microsoft updates their software, some fixes tend to upset my PC quite a bit, so a long time ago, I eliminated ALL automatic program updates (I do them manually by keeping track of Wilders Update Alerts - thank you!). I also got in the habit of ONLY updating Windows software manually on Patch Tuesday and then immediately rebooting, even if not asked to do so, letting the system simmer the rest of the day, without further intrusions.

    Maybe it's just me being quirky, but those 2 steps have totally eliminated any previous update conflicts and my PC lives happily ever after. IMO, several software programs updating themselves automatically, at the same time, raises the potential for conflicts ten fold. I also used to blame software yet I now understand the intricacies of dealing with Windows code - anything can happen. Before junking that AVG or any other software, I would give it one more chance to live.
  7. xxJackxx

    xxJackxx Registered Member

    Oct 23, 2008
    Thanks for the welcome. I agree with the automatic updates, I turn them off as well. The machine that gave me the trouble today is always the last one I update as if there are any update issues I know before I get to this one. It serves paying customers and needs as much uptime as possible. As for giving AVG a second chance, this one was it. Twice version 8 has failed me on a server that can't afford the downtime. Never had issues with version 7. I am sure they will fix it, but I don't want to get fired waiting on it.
  8. Firecat

    Firecat Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2005
    The land of no identity :D
    Sigh, I too am unable to connect to the internet so long as the AVG TDI network filter driver is enabled for the network connections on my computer. The moment I disable it, everything is zippy and dandy again. I wonder what has happened......:(
  9. snapdragin

    snapdragin Registered Member

    Feb 16, 2002
    Southern Ont., Canada
    One off-topic post removed. This thread is about AVG 8 - Paid, not about other AV's. Please stay on topic. Thanks.
  10. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
    Well, it looks like 3 strikes, you're out AVG. I have to agree with you, xxJackxx, especially where paying customers are concerned and when your job could be on the line, for trying to stick with a faulty application that's not doing its job. Hope you find a good replacement and thanks for your reply. Take care.
  11. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
    Firecat, if you look at the program improvements of Paid version 8.0.196, it states "TDI driver changes to increase stability and performance of Firewall, WebShield, and LinkScanner." Their stability is causing your instability and you should contact AVG Tech Support, if you haven't done so already.
  12. Firecat

    Firecat Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2005
    The land of no identity :D
    Yes, I have sent off an email to technical support. Let us see what happens :)
  13. GoblinPP

    GoblinPP Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2008
    Brno, Czech Republic
  14. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hi :)

    Sorry it's taken me so long to come back :oops:
    I've spent all morning...
    1/ Windows Updates
    2/ Uninstalling the AOL Software off the Desktop Computer.
    3/ Updating to the new version of MBAM on the Desktop Computer.

    To.. GoblinPP
    I do still have an Internet connection :)
    It was just when I first switched on the Desktop Computer Yesterday...
    My Internet connection was completely :thumbd:
    I managed to get my internet back... And Update AVG 8 - Just About!
    But then when I tried to sign in to AOL ... Big Problems! :argh:

    To Everyone...

    1/ Re : Windows updates
    I don't think it was the Windows updates that caused the problem with the AVG 8 Update.
    Because I live in the UK ... And we get our Windows Updates a day later.
    So... I only got my Windows Updates - Today :)

    2/ Re : AOL Software
    After trying to sign into AOL again today...
    I realised I had an even bigger problem than I first realised :(
    * I tried to Sign in to AOL
    * Again... I got stuck at stage 1 of signing in.
    * Thank God... Task Manager .. Managed to get me out this time.
    Trouble was...
    Once out of the AOL situation.
    When I tried clicking IE7 .. It Wouldn't Open o_O
    When I tried opening Control Panel ...It Wouldn't Open!
    * My Desktop Computer Had Froze :argh:
    * Once Again... I Had To Force My Computer To Shutdown :'(
    * I Had No Choice... I've Uninstalled The AOL Software From My Desktop computer.

    3/ Re : MBAM ..... Please Read!

    After Installing the Windows Updates.
    And Uninstalling the AOL software
    I Decided To Update... MBAM
    I knew there was a New Version Update :)
    And I wanted to make sure I'd installed it ... And made a System Restore Point ... Before my little lad got home from school.
    * I Opened - MBAM
    * Clicked through Vista's UAC ... ( Do all you guys have to do this when opening MBAM? )
    * Clicked to update ... And MBAM started updating.
    But Then...
    * PC Tools Firewall Plus asked me Allow or Block - Twice!
    * As I had needed to click Allow - Twice ... The last time MBAM had a version update.
    I Just Clicked... Allow - Allow :rolleyes:
    As I clicked Allow for the second time... I just happened to notice some like - Unidentified Program :oops:
    The Next Minute...
    ( As well as the MBAM Update Window ) I had another window open o_O
    It Said Something Like...
    " To make Windows Defender More Effective And Help Others... Do you wish to send information on - C / Programs / MBAM "
    I have never seen anything from Windows Defender like this before :argh:
    So I Clicked - Cancel :doubt:
    What Do You Guys Think About This?
    Do You Think... Real - OR - Fake ?

    I Don't Know What To Think! :'(

    Thanks! ;)
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2008
  15. Firecat

    Firecat Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2005
    The land of no identity :D
    Oh, thank you very much. I will try it and see what happens!

    I really should look at the FAQs more often I guess......:)

    BTW, do you work for AVG?
  16. gery

    gery Registered Member

    Mar 8, 2008
    AVG is going downstairs don't you think so? it is loading a truck full of false or positives or negatives and it takes more than a week to fix small issues.
    hope someone of them reads thro here
  17. jlo

    jlo Registered Member

    Nov 29, 2004
    Out of interest are support issues answered quickly with paid AVG?


  18. gery

    gery Registered Member

    Mar 8, 2008
    it depends on the issue you are asking but they might delay two or three days and rarely takes longer.
    from experience
  19. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hi jlo :)

    I'm Afraid... It's a bit hard to know how to answer your question :doubt:


    I asked AVG 8 Support a question .. A few months ago.
    Answer took about 3 days to arrive.
    I asked AVG 8 Support another question .. Approx 2 weeks ago.
    I'm still waiting for a reply :mad:

    Another thing that's upsetting me about AVG 8 on my Desktop Computer...
    My AVG 8 - Scans ... Are getting shorter and shorter o_O
  20. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
    Have you looked inside the Quarantined items section of Windows Defender to see if something from MBAM is there?
    Look at History > Scan results, are the tested objects numbers for Scan Whole Computer, the same or less for each scan? Also, look at the Start & End times for each scan, are there major differences (by adding total time) if the tested objects numbers are the same?
  21. Firecat

    Firecat Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2005
    The land of no identity :D
    Before the release of AVG 8.0, it was VERY quick. I sometimes received multiple emails within a span of 6 hours.

    When AVG 8.0 launched, possibly due to the technical issues associated with the program and rapid global expansion of the company, the response time increased for me. Sometimes support tickets would take a week to get answered.

    Now, initial replies to tickets are usually answered within 3 days and subsequent replies are received within 6-10 hours of responding to the previous support reply.....So yes, AVG has slowed down a little, but they are still offering good support - at least the company did not drop on the quality front.
  22. Firecat

    Firecat Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2005
    The land of no identity :D
    Oh, I'm sorry, but this fix did not work for me. Now I will need to rely on the technical support's response. :(
  23. RenoComputerRepair

    RenoComputerRepair Registered Member

    Oct 25, 2008
    Re: AVG 8 196 Problem with internet blocked after update - Paid ... What Number?

    Our Company has dealt with this mess over the last two days.o_O :thumbd: :thumbd:

    Seems that about one in ten boxes that have AVG 8.0 block internet access after the update (version 196) applied on 10/23/08. We just remove the AVG 8.0, and re-install, then everything works fine. The problem is we have only four techs, and about 800 installs across Nevada using AVG 8.0. We have most of our customers remove it over the phone, then we perform a GoTo Assist meeting & re-install AVG 8.0.

    We are going to contact AVG next week after the dust clears. Spent 60 hours of OUR time on Thursday/Friday fixing this PITA that cannot be billed.
    We cannot find any rhyme or reason as to why some machines with AVG 8 are pooping themselves, why others are fine. Maybe it has to do with the Microsoft emergency critical update that was applied on 8/23/08o_O

    MS08-067 - addresses a vulnerability in Microsoft Windows (KB 958644)

  24. Stainton

    Stainton Registered Member

    Apr 19, 2008
    I use AOL, Windows XP, AVG Anti-Virus 8.0 (paid for) and had already installed the Microsoft update KB958644. The new version 8.0.196 from AVG installed ok and requested a restart and did not affect access to AOL. But it did take ages to update to the awaiting new Virus DB /1743. Working ok here now.
  25. Zeena

    Zeena Registered Member

    Apr 25, 2008
    Hi JRViejo :)

    Re : Windows Defender

    I've had a look at Windows Defender - History
    MBAM - Shows Up!
    There appears to be one entry for each time I've opened MBAM ... And Clicked Through - UAC
    There's Nothing At All... In Windows Defender - Quarantine
    And I can't find anything to explain the strange .. Windows Defender - Pop Up! :doubt:

    Re : AVG 8

    Over The Last approx 3 Months...

    Full Computer Scan ( With... Scan Infectable Files Only - Ticked ) - Has gradually got shorter by approx - 5 minutes
    Approx Time Of Scan : 27 minutes

    Full Computer Scan ( With... Scan Infectable Files Only - UnTicked ) - Has gradually got shorter by approx - 20 minutes
    Approx Time Of Scan : 40 minutes

    I'm not on the Desktop at the moment.. To give you the exact figures
    But - Yes! ... It does appear to be scanning less items than it used to :(

    When I first got AVG 8 ...

    The Scans used to get a minute or two longer each week.
    I Suppose... As It had new things to scan :doubt:

    Now they just keep getting shorter :doubt:
    I know I uninstalled AOL yesterday.
    But before that.. I haven't uninstalled anything for a very long time.

    Thanks! ;)
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2008
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