Problem with silent deploy ess 3.0.699

Discussion in 'ESET Smart Security' started by elrad, Oct 8, 2008.

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  1. elrad

    elrad Registered Member

    Oct 3, 2008
    Well problem is disable firewall from config editor, or another words problem is create config with disabled firewall. Dunno may be its impossible any1 have tips about it.
    And another problem is how to change mode security at an configuration with this setting by default (Setup > Personal Firewall > Change the protection mode of your computer in the network > Allow sharing)
    Dunno if this possible if not may be this future include in new versions ESS any tips welcome.
  2. Rmuffler

    Rmuffler Former Eset Moderator

    Jun 26, 2008
    Bismarck, ND USA
    Hello elrad,

    Sorry, unfortunately this is currently not possible. We will forward this thread to our developers.

    Thank you,

  3. KarlBeer

    KarlBeer Registered Member

    Jul 8, 2008
    New version?
  4. clc78223

    clc78223 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2008
    no 699,just 669
  5. ASpace

    ASpace Guest

    I think this is possible . You can preconfigure the machines to Allow sharing mode or Strict protection mode (the one you want) by applying appropriate configuarion . With ERA's Configuation editor you goto Personal firewall -> Setup and the rule creation section .

    Then , go to "Zone" tab and click the Default button . Two sections will appear - Trusted zone and Networks marked as untusted .

    The IPs , IP range , subnet you enter in "Trusted zone" will be treated like in "Allow sharing mode" . Those IPs or ranges/subnets you enter in "Networs marked as untrusted" will be treated by ESS as in Strict protection.

    Press Apply/OK , save the configuration and deploy it.
  6. Rmuffler

    Rmuffler Former Eset Moderator

    Jun 26, 2008
    Bismarck, ND USA
    I apologize for the confusion. As stated before there is not an allow sharing or strict protection switch. HiTech_boy's method does work for this though. You can also configure one client then use the RA console to pull the configuration and use for your other workstations.
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