Acronis TI-11 (8101) Awe-some!

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by JustPlainFred, Oct 2, 2008.

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  1. JustPlainFred

    JustPlainFred Registered Member

    Aug 3, 2008
    As i am a new user of TI and this forum (aprox 3 months) , and am aware that there is no "shortage" of complaints from "TI" users. That being said, i would like to share my TI story. First my pc/system is pretty much a plain jane HP pavilon a6167c desk top, with two internal hard drives (hitachi sata) and two cd/dvd -RW optical drives (HP). The "OS" is Vista home premium SP-1.(nuff said) Due to my own "fooling" with "Nero-7 trial" that came with my second CD/DVD RW optical drive i could not remove "bits and pieces" of it no matter how much deleting /unlocking etc. that i did (really ticked me off). in a moment of exasperation i decided to do a "full system restore" I selected the "image" that i wanted, clicked through, and let Acronis do its thing. A short time later.... done back up and running, no "Nero" (just had to do some program updating)
    Then i selected some "files" from another backup in the "ASZ" ran that, and it worked perfectly also. The bottom Line. With so many different "PC's and software " combos" i'm truly amazed that "TI" works at all. All i can say is with the aforementioned system is Acronis TI-11 8101 WORKS! YEE-HA! Regards Plain Fred.
  2. RAD

    RAD Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2007
    This may be the first reported ATI-11 success ever. Congratulations !
  3. JustPlainFred

    JustPlainFred Registered Member

    Aug 3, 2008
    Rad Hello,
    Do i detect just a touch of sarcasm here ? Look , most and probably all "posters" on this forum are here for one and only one reason, to "find out "
    the answer to some problem their having with Acronis, and Their "OS". So ...
    if you don't have any one posting their successes this becomes a one sided "nag forum" I can't address any ones particular problems, but don't you think it is a good idea to tell of some good experiences? (so any one with a similar "OS") could benefit? Or be of some help to programmers who are trying to "fix " some of the problems? Anyway, Regards Plain Fred
  4. MudCrab

    MudCrab Imaging Specialist

    Nov 3, 2006

    I, for one, appreciate reading reports of success. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience.
  5. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    Me too! Since the vast majority of people visit this forum only because of a problem, you would get the impression that TI doesn't work at all.

    Admittedly, I don't use the bells and whistles features in the least but for me and my friend who use it, the basic imaging and restore is rock solid and that's all I really want.
  6. AKAJohnDoe

    AKAJohnDoe Registered Member

    Sep 26, 2007
    Call Guiness!
  7. Faust

    Faust Registered Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    I have TI 10 and 11 but have gone back to 10. The reason I have done so and the reason so many have done the same is as follows - one expects products to move forward with each subsequent version and although both 10 and 11 have worked for me TI 11 is not a step forward as far as I am concerned. It just might be if Acronis would take the trouble to iron out the bugs in the GUI. :mad:
  8. Tony Gamble

    Tony Gamble Registered Member

    Aug 8, 2008
    Well let me add another message of praise.

    I bought two new tower PC's about two months ago. I later decided to ask the supplier to fit drive caddies in both.

    Before taking them to his workshop I did Acronis 11 backups to seperate USB external drives.

    Both caddies proved to be faulty. On re-installing the original hard drives to their pre-caddy place in the PC's one worked and the other had been thrashed by the caddy.

    We put a fresh unused drive in that second machine. I came home and, fingers crossed, started my Acronis recover. It took a long time, probably eleven hours, but the result was 100% success.

    Well done Acronis !!!

    London UK
  9. MrMorse

    MrMorse Registered Member

    Jun 12, 2008
    I agree with you. My Ti11 works properly in his basic functions.
    My intention for a piece of software (like Ti) is that I can use it for my requirements.
    => Rescue me in an emergency situation.

    I use only 'Backup' and 'Restore' under Ti-Boot-Disk.
    My requirement is that it starts properly with all my PCs with different hardware.
    Not my requirement but a benefit is that I could integrate Ti and DD into my BartPE-software.

    The people who have problems with Ti and post here their pain are 'only a few' Ti-users compared with all users who bought and use Ti.
    (Ok, not all Ti-complainants have found this forum).

    I'm too a new member here in this forum and determine in this short time that a lot of the Ti-complainants have resulted of ignoring the Ti-manual.
  10. shieber

    shieber Registered Member

    Oct 27, 2004
    Positively so.

    PCs are so complicated, and standards so poor, that it's not only a wonder that any particular program works but we've come to expect generally that programs won't entirely -- it's a matter of how much aggravation is acceptable as our standards slowly lower. ;-) Apple stuff is a bit bettter in this regard because Apple is so rigid about it's own standards (essentially a closed architechture) and requirements but there's a lot of poochscrewing at Apple too, examples abound despite the well-crafted mythology. So against that background, ATI11 ain't all bad compared to some other stuff.

    Another posivitive comment about ATI: If you think ATI11 is good, you should try ATI10, it was like camping without all the mosquitos. ATI11 is a nice camping trip if you stay inside the tent.
  11. farmboy

    farmboy Registered Member

    May 7, 2008
    I’m with Seekforever, I don’t care for all the extra goodies. I don’t even install it on the hard drive I only run it from the cd. I make full disk images of my hard drive every time I make a change to the system or install new software. I store 5 or 6 images on a external drive. I just started to restore the latest image to a spare internal drive and then if any thing were to happen like a virus or complete hard drive failure, I can swap the internals and be up a running in minutes. This procedure give me tremendous piece of mind. For the way I use it, ATI 11 work great. But I have to say, I hope Acronis appreciates all the help that comes from the good people on this forum. Without the experts here to help out the people that do have problems, or simple questions. I think Acronis would suffer.
  12. Shankle

    Shankle Registered Member

    May 2, 2006
    I totally agree with the cudos.
    I also only use TI with a full backup and Restore.
    Doing so with an external drive is so fast that other
    more complicated methods are not necessary IMHO.
    I also back up to dvds occassionally to take to the bank vault. This procedure works very well.
    Thanks Acronis
  13. RAD

    RAD Registered Member

    Apr 2, 2007
    Well, ...done, Acronis.
  14. Sisupoika

    Sisupoika Registered Member

    Jul 18, 2007
    LOL :D
  15. Faust

    Faust Registered Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    If you have a BartPE or VistaPE disk the eleven hours would have been reduced to around 30 minutes, believe me I know I've been there. My recoveries were taking 17 hours but thanks to the very knowledgeable people on this forum in helping me make a VistaPE disk that is now down to 38 minutes.
  16. layman

    layman Registered Member

    May 20, 2006
    The criticism directed toward Acronis here is perfectly justified. Any software vendor that tries to provide more functionality in their product than they have the ability to produce in working form is a company where wishful thinking has been substituted for actual management. Nevermind that feature bloat is product management in its most mindless form.

    If you buy a car that "works properly in its basic functions," taking you from point A to point B, but the radio is DOA, the windshield wipers don't work, and the windows won't roll up or down, have you purchased what the vendor represented he was selling? Nah. But it will get the job done if you never need to drive in the rain or use a drive-up ATM ... or care about the expense the useless radio added to the cost of the car.

    It takes a mix of competent management and process sophistication, as well as talented technical people, to deliver sound software product. Acronis has (or has had) the latter, but it's not clear they've ever had the other two. The best developers in the world can't compensate for weak management and poor process.
  17. seekforever

    seekforever Registered Member

    Oct 31, 2005
    Good chance the Linux drivers aren't the best for his sytem but you really have to know how big the archive was and did the time include a pre-restore validation.
  18. Long View

    Long View Registered Member

    Apr 30, 2004
    Cromwell Country

    The funny thing is that although I have 11 and all versions going back to 6 I stopped using Acronis when I bought Shadow Protect.
    Recently though I have been trialling various whole drive encryption programs and the only imaging program that I have been able to use with encrypted drives has been Acronis. For some reason I can not get Shadow Protect to work with an encrypted C: but Acronis 11 is no problem - works every time.
  19. rwt325

    rwt325 Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2005
    Strasburg VA
    So is build 8101 worth installing or not?.
  20. Faust

    Faust Registered Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    I would say if you can get hold of a copy of ATI 10 or if you have 10 then stick with that and leave 11 well alone. Acronis should have stopped at 10 having made an almost perfect product. However, no company can just stand still so they decided to add a load of bloat which has been poorly executed.
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