AMON blocking system

Discussion in 'NOD32 version 2 Forum' started by AndyBonn, Sep 29, 2008.

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  1. AndyBonn

    AndyBonn Registered Member

    Oct 28, 2006

    I bought into Eset's NOD after reading and comparing. It is usually a good choice. At the moment I am fuming mad.

    Recently - not sure whether it's after SP3 - NOD starts scanning using AMON after the PC (XP home SP3) starts up. It has been running over 8 hours, taking up 100% of ressources, so the PC is unusable. It has now scanned over 16500 files and running on.

    The NOD32 Scanner Logs have 8 entries since 31. August, most saying "Cleaning" as Status. There is only one single item from 12 September, which says Completed.

    The scheduled scans run more quickly than this boot scan.

    Does anyone know what NOD is up to?
    Does anyone know the significance of the log entry "Cleaning"?
    Does anyone know how I can get control over my PC again?

    Thanks for your help.

  2. AndyBonn

    AndyBonn Registered Member

    Oct 28, 2006
    Looks like nobody knows what is going on with my NOD..

    Any partial answers?

    Like how can I abort this without stopping AMON completely? I tried the unticking of "File system monitor (AMON) enabled", but when I click it again, it simply resumes whatever it is doing.

    Any suggestion what the log entries are telling me? Why aborted and cleaning?

    Come on there must ne someone who knows NOD better than me....


  3. ASpace

    ASpace Guest

    Are you aware of the existence of newer version - ESET NOD32 Antivirus v3.0 ? If so , what is the reason of still using v2 ?

    It is called reinstallation :) Simple and relatively fast procedure to fix quite a lot of problems

    1. Download fresh new version of ESET NOD32 Antivirus 3.0 from . Make sure that you choose the correct version.

    2. Uninstall your current version from Control Panel
    3. Reboot the computer when prompted
    4. Delete manually this folder:

    - C:\Program data\Eset

    5. Run Windows Disk clean-up to ensure all temporary files are gone
    Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disk Clean-up , check all offered things and press OK

    6. Repair Winsock
    Windows XP SP2 , XP SP3 and Windows Vista all

    Goto Start –> Run
    type cmd and click OK.
    Type netsh winsock reset
    Press ENTER . Restart immediately !

    N.B. ! There is a space between the commands , example netshSPACEwinsockSPACEreset

    7. Reinstall your ESET software using the file you downloaded in step1 . Use typical install. :thumb:
  4. AndyBonn

    AndyBonn Registered Member

    Oct 28, 2006
    Thank you for the pointer.

    I was not aware that my version is obsolete.

    I went to the page and - after searching for the username and password for ages - managed to download the msi.

    I'll post back what happened.

    Thank you for your time and the really great explanation.

  5. ASpace

    ASpace Guest

  6. AndyBonn

    AndyBonn Registered Member

    Oct 28, 2006
    Wow, what a difference....

    Installed, updated, scanning.

    Amazing what eye-candy can do :)

    I'll give it a read - as I NEVER use standard installation and settings.
    - I prefer keeping things away from C:
    - I prefer the names in the start menu I know and recognise, not the company names
    - I prefer my own grouping
    - I like understanding what is installed/loaded and where

    Which is why this AMON was driving me crazy as I didn't know what it was doing and why.

    Thank you for the wonderful help. I really appreciate it.

  7. ASpace

    ASpace Guest

    OK , but I do want to underline that if you do not use the default settings and touch something you don't completely understand , you can have problems with ESET AV and computer performance

    Have a nice day :)
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