High proc. usage with usb mouse?

Discussion in 'hardware' started by jon123, Jul 25, 2008.

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  1. jon123

    jon123 Registered Member

    Mar 7, 2005
    I recently noticed this odd behaviour related to my mouse:

    Processor usage jumps from 0-2% to 23/33% upon movement of usb mouse and stays there, subsequent movement results in percentage dropping to 0, then with mouse still, usage returns to 23/33%. I have installed no software for the mouse.

    Is this normal? This is on a 1700+, via chipset, 98se.
  2. innerpeace

    innerpeace Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2007
    Mountaineer Country
    Is the mouse compatible with your computer (98SE)? Also, does it have the USB to PS/2 adapter that you could use? What is the make/model of the mouse?
  3. jon123

    jon123 Registered Member

    Mar 7, 2005
    It's a Logitech MX500, their site's dl for software lists 98, so it must be compatible..
    I just tried usb-ps2 adapter and the same thing is happening, strange, I'm going to try some other mice and see.
  4. jon123

    jon123 Registered Member

    Mar 7, 2005
    AOpen ps/2, same thing, don't know what to think other than this can't be normal, at any rate the computer serves it's purpose
    thanks for helping!

    I should add I was a little concerned that this could be malware attempting attack on my usb sticks (I recently had KAV 7 catch "legalnoticetext" event on non net connected 2kpro, when the only thing I'd done was transfer files via usb stick, nothing installed for some time) but haven't been able to find any infections. Also scanned this drive with KAV 7 computer.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2008
  5. Hairy Coo

    Hairy Coo Registered Member

    Oct 19, 2007
    Northern Beaches

    My mouse is the Logitech Revolution which comes with bloated software,about 54mb of it.

    I found there were problems when this was installed.

    Have since uninstalled and most mouse functions still work OK as the MS drivers take over.

    Unless you have a definite gaming reason to run the Logitech software,suggest you uninstall it and see if there is an improvement.
  6. innerpeace

    innerpeace Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2007
    Mountaineer Country
    Also, if your using an optical mouse, you will need a proper surface to use it on. Nothing too smooth, reflective or clear :p.
  7. jon123

    jon123 Registered Member

    Mar 7, 2005
    Sorry for the delay in replying, and thanks for the suggestions.

    Actually I never install software for mice or keyboards, currently I have four things in my sys tray (one being task scheduler which I can't disable or Panda has a hissy fit :rolleyes: )

    Seems the problem is associated with one of the software I use, should be no problem, although I could use some more processor power. Who would've thought 1.4 ghz wouldn't be enough for web browsing with all the flash-bang disabled, lol.
  8. innerpeace

    innerpeace Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2007
    Mountaineer Country
    Does Windows 98 have an event viewer? I didn't mention this earlier because I'm having mouse problems on an XP computer. The computer will stall for 5-10 seconds and in the event viewer, it mentions that the ring buffer is overflowing and can be configured via mouse properties. Don't know what's causing it, but it could be a game that my relative is playing. In my brief searching, I also didn't see a definite solution.

    What software was causing the issue on your machine?
  9. Firecat

    Firecat Registered Member

    Jan 2, 2005
    The land of no identity :D
    If your motherboard chipset has USB 2.0 drivers then you should download and install them - Windows 98SE does not come with native USB 2.0 support and the Logitech MX500 probably benefits from the added bandwidth of USB 2.0 due to the resolution and sensitivity of the "MX Optical Engine".

    Even if your motherboard chipset does not have USB 2.0 drivers; you would still do well to download and install the latest USB drivers for your operating system - it will help with device compatibility. Try this and see whether there is any improvement.

    Which is the exact VIA chipset/motherboard you are having? I could locate the USB drivers for you.....:)
  10. jon123

    jon123 Registered Member

    Mar 7, 2005

    don't know from ring buffer overflows myself, the software, now after testing out some more I can't say for sure, the usage persists to varying degrees but everthing works


    2.0 drivers were installed a long long time ago, iirc, I'll check
  11. Hairy Coo

    Hairy Coo Registered Member

    Oct 19, 2007
    Northern Beaches
    Could be an IRQ conflict which will show up as a Hardware Interrupt in Process Explorer download HERE.

    Check whether the Hardware Interrupt column load corresponds with the high CPU usage ,if you can ,when using the mouse.

    If it does, then likely you have an IRQ issue somewhere -controllers sharing the same IRQ possibly

    For a start-if you have more than one IRQ listed for USB (e.g. if you have both USB 1.x and USB 2 controllers), try plugging the mouse into the controller that uses the other IRQ.

    The IRQs can be seen in Control Panel-System-Hardware-Device Manager-View.
  12. jon123

    jon123 Registered Member

    Mar 7, 2005
    Once again my apologies for the long delay in responding, things are a litle hectic for me.

    Aparently Process Explorer support for 98 was dropped as of April (and sad to see MS has swallowed up another)

    "Mark has officially dropped support for Windows 9x/ME for Sysinternals tools something important that wasn't mentioned on his Blog.
    Anything tools updated after April 2008 will not run on legacy Windows despite what their respective download pages claim."


    I've been trying to locate an older version I have backed up somewhere.... perhaps someone knows of where I could dl from?

    EDIT: ver 11.11 claimed to be latest version functional under 98se


    The USB drivers I have installed are dated 04/23/1999 & 08/20/1999
    Perhaps via has newer ones for this chipset?
    Do you need the North Bridge revision?

    A7V333 Rev 1.02
    South Bridge: VT8233A
    VIA Tech 3038 PCI to USB Universal Host Controller (2x)

    Remembering of course this problem is occurring also with PS/2 mice, and with usb mouse on PS/2 adapter.

    Any help you folks could provide would be greatly appreciated, only other option I'm considering is another clone to previous state and start uninstalling all the bells and whistles I can, which raises another question, any free reg cleaners the likes of jvtools around?
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2008
  13. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
  14. jon123

    jon123 Registered Member

    Mar 7, 2005
    Thanks, got it!
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