SpywareGuard 2.2 still knocking out Tooltips

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by Nemo, Sep 1, 2003.

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  1. Nemo

    Nemo Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2002
    Hi, Javacool --

    As was previously reported in this forum, SpywareGuard 2.1 was eliminating some folks' systray tooltips while running, mine included.

    I installed SpywareGuard 2.2 today, and the same thing is happening. My systray tooltips disappear when I run SpywareGuard 2.2. When I stop running it, the tooltips come back.

    My OS is Win2k Pro with SP4.

    Please advise.

    Love all your programs. They are great.

    Thanks very much.
  2. Gaz

    Gaz Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2003
    Mine does too.
  3. Amerk_5

    Amerk_5 Registered Member

    May 22, 2003
    Dansville, NY
    I haven't installed SG 2.2 but did you do uninstall 2.1 & do a complete install of 2.2 or did you install the update to 2.1?

    If you installed the update you may have to uninstall & do a complete install of 2.2.
  4. Nemo

    Nemo Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2002
    I tried both.

    First I installed 2.2 full over 2.1, and the tooltips disappeared. Then
    I uninstalled 2.1 and did a full install of 2.2, and the tooltips still disappeared. As soon as I shut down 2.2 in either case, the tooltips come back.
  5. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Hmm - well I guess my attempt at fixing that one was unsuccessful. :doubt:

    Would you mind trying to disable just the Download Protection in the Options area of SpywareGuard, and see if that fixes it?

    Thanks in advance. :)

  6. Nemo

    Nemo Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2002
    Hi, Javacool --

    Okay, good news and bad news.

    First the bad news. I did as you instructed. I disabled only Download Protection in the options, and it did not work. The tooltips were still gone.

    Now the good news (I hope). Then I re-enabled Download Protection and disabled ONLY Browser Hijack Protection, and that did work. The tooltips came right back. They are working right now.

    Next, I disabled Real-time Scanning Engine ONLY, and the tooltips worked.

    Next, I disabled BOTH Download Protection and Real-time Scanning Engine, and the tooltips worked.

    Finally, FWIW, I disabled all three, and the tooltips worked.

    So, it appears that if all three are enabled, no tooltips. And, if you disable only Download Protection, no tooltips. With any other combo, tooltips appear to work.

    Hope this helps. Let me know if you want me to try anything else. I'm only too glad to try anything out.

    Thanks again.
  7. CaptainPicky

    CaptainPicky Registered Member

    Aug 23, 2003
    It is with dismay that I must be the bearer of more unpleasant news; but I too have had the same experience with SpywareGuard ver. 2.2 disabling "tooltips/toolinfo" on a W98/se OS. I was hoping after installing this version over the previous ver. 2.1 that this might be remedied. Alas, it didn't fix it.

    I then un-installed the most recent version and the telltale remains of the prior one as well. This was due to forgetting to re-enable it in Msconfig before updating; because I had failed to do so, I was left with duplicate entries in msconfig. I couldn't live with that.

    Getting up to the present, after un-installing the update, I then re-installed ver. 2.2 completely anew. "Tooltips" still remain non-functioning, but at least I haven't the duplicate entries in Msconfig.

    Final analysis is that I have disabled it from starting up by unchecking it in -you know where- but it is disappointing to only run it upon demand, as I do want "tooltips" to be usuable. Lastly, to make "tooltips" work by disabling the bulk of features within SG limits -please forgive me- the value of the utility with so many of its' prime functions being rendered inoperative.

    Yours truly,
    Captain Picky
  8. LonnyRJones

    LonnyRJones Spyware Expert

    Apr 3, 2003
    Hello All

    Not that tooltips matter at all to me.
    the only way I can get them to work and have spywaregaurd on is to disable Real time scanning, whick I wont do, better to just live without tooltips.they are of little use anyway.
    JavaCool instead of trying to get tooltips to work why not just inform users of the fact they are disable when gaurd is on.

    This is on a win OEM ME system.

    Best regards
    later I was unable to reproduce this until we uncheck all protection within spywaregaurd and exited the program then enable all but realtime scanning, I did try with all protections on > folder options unchecking tooltips then going back and rechecking No go.Hope this helps somehow
  9. Gaz

    Gaz Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2003
    Mine sortof go behind the start menu?

    Is this what you are saying or do they go altogether, I have had tool tips problem for flippin ages and it keeps coming back every hour or so.

    I wish MS would sort it.
  10. ezze

    ezze Registered Member

    Nov 25, 2003
    Tooltips arent popping up for me if I disable download protection. Yet, if I disable anything thing else except download protection ( in any order ), it works. Can I get told by a producer or whatever if they are trying to fix it problem?

  11. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    I am indeed still looking for a solution, but at this point I have not been successful at all.

    Does just disabling the Browser Hijacking Protection component fix it for you?

    Thanks in advance,

  12. ezze

    ezze Registered Member

    Nov 25, 2003
    Disabling the Browser Hijacking Protection component fixes the problem and so does disabling the real-time scanning component. The only thing that will not resolve the problem is disabling the Download Protection component. Any other component(s) I disable (In any order) will solve the problem. This is a pain though. Hopefully you understand what I'm writing here. In your opinion, which scanning component should I disable if I needed too, in order to veiw the tooltips.

    Thanks for replying BTW,

  13. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Which scanning component you could disable to lose the least in terms of protection functionality is completely dependent upon what you are doing with your system.

    If you are browsing the web, but not downloading anything, I would choose the real-time scanning over the Browser Hijacking Protection.

    If you are simply copying files around, or doing other routine tasks, and are not browsing the web or running any new programs you may be able to disable the Browser Hijacking Protection relatively safely.

    But obviously no matter what the circumstances, disabling any of SpywareGuard's protection will lower your security level. Thus I would highly suggest that if all possible you only disable as little as you can for as short a time period as is needed (i.e. if there's a certain time when tool-tips are very useful for you, disable a portion then, but make sure you remember to enable it again later!)

    Best regards,

  14. ezze

    ezze Registered Member

    Nov 25, 2003
    Javacool, thanks for that. Can I request you AIM screenname if you any (too keep in contact about this)? And I hope you guys are still working on this problem because I know I am not the only one with this bug.

    Thanks alot bro,

  15. MikeBCda

    MikeBCda Registered Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    southern Ont. Canada
    I'm not really trying to "bump" this up -- but there was a new inquiry today that got referred here, and I've just now read through the thread.

    Question that's not clear -- has anyone figured out a pattern as to what OS/browser/whatever is common to this problem? I've never had any problem with tooltips with all of SG's protections left on on my XP-Home/IE-6 system, I reliably get the text "SpywareGuard" as a tooltip which I presume is what it's supposed to show.

    Thanks and best,
  16. dangitall

    dangitall Registered Member

    Feb 23, 2004
    New Hamster, USA
    Just for giggles, tooltips are fine on my 98SE system as well. Perhaps this was addressed in the last update(s)?
  17. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Nope - no permanent fix is available yet. :doubt:

    Sounds like you are one of the lucky ones that hasn't encountered this problem. To all others: I am still working on it (I just haven't had any luck yet).

    Best regards,

  18. dangitall

    dangitall Registered Member

    Feb 23, 2004
    New Hamster, USA
    MikeBCda brought up a good point: what is different between our systems, on which the tooltips appear normally, and those where the tooltips don't appear? This may turn out to not be a problem with your prog, but rather with, or in, something else.
  19. PCDJ

    PCDJ Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2004
  20. PCDJ

    PCDJ Registered Member

    Mar 1, 2004
    I was just over a friends house, Win2000 SP4, not sure of ram or CPU, prob an upper PIII.


    [move] HIS TOOLTIPS WORK![/move]

    Anyone want to start a consortium to get Tooltips back?
    Would require a few people to give up info on their PC's
    such as software installed, etc. and a coordinator from
    software development to help nail down the issue.
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