What registry cleaner do you use or recommend?

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Mike_2005-WSF, Dec 10, 2005.

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  1. Mike_2005-WSF

    Mike_2005-WSF Registered Member

    Dec 10, 2005
    Hello, I am currently testing a trial version of Regsupreme 1.3 and wanted to know if their is anything better out there you might recommend, for keeping your system optimized after so many reinstalls and formats.

    I also wanted to know if its neccessary to defrag a hard drive even after you reinstall, then run an encryption swipe over it. Would it still optimize the system eventhough the encryption has been added?


    Last weeks XP Proceedure I used:
    Format and Reinstall the OS
    Install key drivers
    Install all Windows Updates
    Run a encryption swipe over all virtual and logical drives - tool name was called "Cyberscrub" - My understanding to this is that it encrypts all files you remove from the system and encrypts all previous installs when you choose to run a swipe over all drives.
    Install all other apps
  2. Oremina

    Oremina Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2004

    This reply concerns only the first part of your post, registry cleaners. You will get as many opinions as there are registry cleaners and that is quite a lot.

    Over the past few years I have tried a lot of them and for my money the best is the one you are trying now, RegSupreme 1.3, even if you have to pay for it.

    I used to use jv16 PowerTools (from which RegSupreme is descended) back in the days when it was free. After this became a pay for application I tried pretty much most of the freebies but always ran into problems along the way. Accordingly, I went back to the jv16 route and, only needing a reg cleaner and not the full works, just bought RegSupreme. To my knowledge it has never let me down, has never removed anything it shouldn't. Well worth the small price it costs. I have never regretted it.

  3. hollywoodpc

    hollywoodpc Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2005
    Reg Heal is safer . Does a thorough job as well . Very nice . I , as well , have tried many . If you want safe and thorough , Reg Heal . Reg Supreme has been known to delete a few entries that can hurt . Probably user fault . Makes no difference . Reg Heal does it for you . No decisions to make . I do them manually usually but , Reg Heal is excellent for me on the fly . Use what you wish but , be careful with Reg Supreme . Again , it can find things you need . I like to test these on 6 month basis . In 3 years time , Reg Heal has never caused a problem nor deleted anything needed . Yet , it is as thorough as can be found .
    Good Luck
  4. the Tester

    the Tester Registered Member

    Jul 28, 2002
    The Gateway to the Blue Hills,WI.
    I use the registry cleaner part of Ace Optimizer Utilities.
    I haven't had any problems with it.
  5. yahoo

    yahoo Registered Member

    Feb 23, 2004
    For free registry cleaners, RegSeeker and CCleaner are recommended by many people.
    For paid registry cleaners, I found TuneUp Utilities 2006 and Registry Medic safe and effective.

    It is recommended that you defrag your hard drive after your windows installation, because some defrag tools can re-allocate files and make file access more efficient. Not sure how your encryption works, so no idea on if defragment would optimize the system after encryption.
  6. Rico

    Rico Registered Member

    Aug 19, 2004
    Hi All,

    RegSeeker & CCleaner - Great Stuff!

    Along the paid products Registry Mechanic is very good & safe, they also make Spyware Doctor.


    ps Hi Hollywood have you been on location, have not seen you around in awhile?
  7. Hard Rocker

    Hard Rocker Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2005
    Quebec, CANADA
    :) Mike,

    Several people here at Wilders have spoken highly of Reg Supreme 1.3 .... I have not tried this program as yet. Using registry cleaners can be risky. For example Reg Seeker caused a problem on my PC. It flagged over 1,600 entries .... CCleaner came up with 5 entries.

    After reading Hollywood PC's comments about Reg Healer .... I installed this program out of curiosity & the first scan came up with over 1,000 entries.

    Since my experience with Reg Seeker I have NOT removed anything except 3 or 4 obsolete software entries for programs that were removed quite some time ago.

    I would like to hear other opinions about Reg Healer.

    HR :cool:
  8. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
    you had better be careful with ccleaner as it has been known to delete system files which can really mess up your system
  9. yahoo

    yahoo Registered Member

    Feb 23, 2004
    Most of the registry cleaners will give you the option to backup the 'bad' registry entries before cleaning. If you are not sure, you should make the backup of those entries. Then if anything goes wrong, you just need to restore from backup.

    RegSeeker did break my Microsoft Word. After I identified the registry entry and put it on the exclusion list, RegSeeker worked great. So far I have experienced no problem with CCleaner though. Anyway, when you use a registry cleaner or a file cleaner, you always should be cautious.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2005
  10. hollywoodpc

    hollywoodpc Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2005
    RICO !!!!!
    Hi and welcome back ! To Hard Rocker . Reg Heal will find many . VERY many on first run . It is safe to remove them all . At least , that has ALWAYS been my experience and that is why I use it and recommend to my guys here . It will ALWAYS ask you to make a copy ( backup ) of what has been deleted . I have never had to go to it though . Very simple . I actually run mine in expert mode . Finds a few more I can live without . RegHeal is very safe ! You can also set it to ask you to make a restore point whenever you like BEFORE running it . Again , I see no need for that though . Everyone here who uses it has had the same results as I have had . 3 years and rolling without a problem . Reg Seeker and Reg Supreme have both deleted entries that should have been kept . Neither of those programs are very safe . Most reg cleaners are not . You must be careful . This is why I recommend RegHeal . It cleans as well as any and is safer than any I have tested . I have tried quite a few just to see .
    Sorry about the rant there . To answer your question , it is safe as you can just click it to make a backup of what is to be erased . Oh . The trial version will only erase 10 at a time . I know that sucks . You can contact them and tell them that in order to fully test it , you would like to be able to try it unconditionally . Or get a money back guarantee . It has been so long , I forgot what I did ! lol . Good luck and PLEASE let me know how it goes ok .
    See you around Rico !
  11. Hard Rocker

    Hard Rocker Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2005
    Quebec, CANADA
    HollywoodPC :)

    Thanks for your additional comments on Reg Healer. Presently the trial version allows the deletion of 15 entries at one time. Your experience with Reg Healer seems to be a very positive one so far.

    I'm surprised about Reg Supreme .... since several members here have given it a good rating.

    The one time I used Reg Seeker and had a problem afterwards .... Reg Seeker did NOT even merge the backup entries back into the registry. I tried 4 or 5 times. Someone else here had the same issue with Reg Seeker but after many attempts claimed that it finally restored his backup entries.

    HR :cool:
  12. Hard Rocker

    Hard Rocker Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2005
    Quebec, CANADA
    :eek: :eek: :eek: OUCH !!! .... Thanks for the " heads up " on that one BigC. :D

  13. Brinn

    Brinn Registered Member

    Aug 5, 2004
    I use RegSeeker but I back up my entire registry before I do.

  14. Hard Rocker

    Hard Rocker Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2005
    Quebec, CANADA
    Brinn :)

    Thanks for the link .... System Restore saved me when I had my issue with Reg Seeker.

    HR :cool:
  15. Brinn

    Brinn Registered Member

    Aug 5, 2004
    ERUNT saved me a few times. I had issues installing an app which resulted in locking up any window I'm in when I right clicked my mouse. Reloaded the last save and I'm good as new.
  16. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    I love RegSupreme and I might buy TuneUp 2006.
  17. hollywoodpc

    hollywoodpc Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2005
    Hi Hard Rocker .
    You should never have that problem with Reg Heal . The backups merge back with no problem . Nice thing is , it keeps a seperate backup each time you run it so , you can choose to merge all at one time OR just pick the one you think you need . As stated before though , I have never needed to do this .

    MrKvonic .
    There is very little difference between TuneUp Utilities 2004 and 2006 . I was very shocked at this . If you have 2004 , I suggest using it . 2006 adds very little of anything .
  18. Green Giant

    Green Giant Registered Member

    Jun 18, 2003
    RegVac from www.superwin.com. I use it in Novice Mode, but there is an Expert Mode for those who know more about the Registry than I do. Both have an Undo facility, but I have never needed this.
  19. hollywoodpc

    hollywoodpc Registered Member

    Feb 14, 2005
    RegVac is a decent one as well . Safe to use . Safer than Reg Supreme and Reg Seek . Not quite as thorough as Reg Heal though . But , still a good choice . I am not trying to push this on anyone . Just an unbiased review from someone who has tried these and tested them thoroughly .
    Good luck in choosing:-*
  20. Cerxes

    Cerxes Registered Member

    Sep 6, 2005
    Northern Europe
    Mike_2005-WSF, I never use encryption on my disks so I cant help u with that. However about which reg. cleaning software to use, it depends of:

    1. How much software u install/delete
    2. the quality of the above softwares

    If u almost never install new software, and it´s of a "known brand", then most reg. cleaners will do without harming your system. But if u install/delete a lot and the software is unknown, and maybe bad written = messy registry, then it is important to use "the right reg. cleaner". Which one to choose? well, my experience of cleaners is that the safest to use in a messy reg. enviroment, is ccleaner (even if its main duty is filecleaning). Next I would choose easycleaner (very safe in a messy registry).

    Regards, C. :cool:
  21. The Hammer

    The Hammer Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    Toronto Canada
    I've read that RegSupreme will not allow a cleaning to take place until a backup has been made, but I can not locate that particular post. So I don't see where the problem is as you would just restore the backup if the cleaner deleted entries that should have been kept. o_O Also if you restore a backup you are asked to submit it to a data base so that any problem with RegSupreme can be rectified. This sounds almost foolproof doesn't it? I am asking as I have yet to use a registry cleaner and this one has been recommended to me by a couple of Wilder's members. See post #8 by Notok here. https://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=109525&highlight=RegSupreme
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2005
  22. Cerxes

    Cerxes Registered Member

    Sep 6, 2005
    Northern Europe
    Regsupreme is one of the best tools, and I personally use its "big brother" - jv16 pt very often, if I´m not deleting the entries manually. As always, make a backup... :cool:

    Regards, C.
  23. InfinityAz

    InfinityAz Registered Member

    Jul 23, 2005
    I personally have used RegSupreme and/or JV16 PowerTools for years on many different systems. I've also recommended it to many people who have successfully used it. I have never had a problem with it (i.e., never deleted anything it shouldn't). They are the first I always recommend and implicitly trust (I still have it make a backup though, just in case).

    Other reg cleaners I've used (and still do) and trust are V-com Fix-It registry cleaner and WinASO Registry optimizer.
  24. sweater

    sweater Registered Member

    Jun 24, 2005
    Philippines, the Political Dynasty Capital of the
    EasyCleaner is very good, but as other members have said... don't use the Duplicate file finder if you're not an expert. I only use the Registry cleaner and Unnecessary file finder. ;)

    The JV16 free version works great for me, (and also RegSupreme and Pro and all macercrafts products) but you must be very careful not to touch those things related to Microsoft Office 2003, Corel Draw, AutoCad and similar applications... better only fix those items related to what you've uninstalled or removed from your system, in other words remove only the left-overs of those you can really recognize and leave other entries if you don't know what they are. Same thing w RegSeeker, Registry Mechanic, and other Registry cleaners.

    Better safe than sorry. :D
  25. wildman

    wildman Registered Member

    Feb 18, 2004
    Home on the range.
    RegSeeker plus it is "Free" ware. For free ware it does an excellent job, or at least it has for me. I think I obtained it off MajorGeeks.com, I don't remember for sure because that is how long I have been using it. I also use CCCleaner, this also does a excellent job for me. I also use SmartBuster, but with this one you need to be careful, and I do not use all of the options. I used products from Toni Arts when I was using Windows98, and found them to be rather good back then, so you might want to give them a try. Bottom line is to find the one(s) that work best for you.

    Last edited: Dec 17, 2005
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